Update July 18th: Senate did vote to lift the ban on immigrants with HIV, see report here at Blue Ridge Forum.
Update July 14th: Read the latest information on this issue at America’s Survival, Inc. here. Today is the best day to call Senators with your opinon.
Urgent notice: The word is that Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) will move to strike a provision in S. 2731 when it reaches the floor as early as tomorrow, Monday, July 14th. As I reported yesterday, this provision would allow immigrants with HIV/AIDS to enter the US and receive government (read taxpayer) supported medical treatment.
Critics believe it will serve as a huge magnet to further illegal immigration, and fuel more demands for legal immigration. Also, foreigners getting into the US and seeking asylum could also presumably then ask for medical care. I suppose it’s also possible for any HIV positive foreigner entering the US on a tourist visa to ask for treatment for AIDS. Refugees can already enter the US with HIV/AIDS.
Senator Sessions was the leader in last summer’s defeat of the McCain/Kennedy Amnesty bill. It will take 60 votes in the Senate to remove the HIV (come to America one and all for free medical care) provision.