New York Jewish resettlement agency folds

No refugees = no money.   It’s as simple as that.   As we have said on previous occasions, volags are contracted by the federal government and paid by the head to resettle refugees.   For some reason, which is not fully explained in this Jewish Week article, the New York Association for New Americans (NYANA) has run out of money.    Granted the article says there aren’t as many Jewish refugees these days, but resettlement agencies like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society are still in business.   They don’t just resettle Jews,  but also Muslims and people of other religions. 

After nearly 60 years of helping Jewish refugees find better lives in New York, an agency that at its peak aided some 50,000 clients in one year is expected to shut its doors this summer as a result of a dwindling case load and difficulty in competing for social service contracts.

The New York Association for New Americans was founded in 1949 as part of the Jewish community’s efforts to absorb tens of thousands who fled persecution and chaos, mostly from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The refugees were brought to America by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

“We are trying to wind it down,” said Joseph Lazar, the agency’s interim CEO. “If you don’t have the refugees coming in, you don’t have the money coming in and you don’t have a way to really function.”

The article does say that NYANA didn’t broaden its programs enough to be competitive with bigger volags in attracting your tax dollars, oops, government grants.    Also, it might be that the federal government is making sure refugees are spread throughout America in small and medium-sized cities and away from the traditional gateway cities like New York.

Though founded with the stated mission of helping Jewish refugees — it turns no one away, but has historically seen only a small stream of non-Jewish aid-seekers — NYANA in recent years has tried to branch out to provide services such as a mental health clinic, domestic abuse counseling and micro-loans for small businesses that appeal to a wider clientele in hopes of increasing revenues from government grants. A trend in government contracting today is toward large-capacity agencies that can take over the work of several smaller groups, generating efficiency and financial savings.

There is more to this story than meets the eye.

Note:   There needs to be another name for these groups!  Volag stands for volunteer agency but they are far from it.   Did you notice how many employees NYANA had?

Brenda Walker at VDARE sends a few zingers on Refugee Resettlement

Thanks to Paul for sending me to VDARE to read Brenda Walker’s article on the Bush Administration’s celebration of World Refugee Day last month.   Here is a sample of Walker’s no-holds-barred writing: 

The UN’s brief movie about the day suggests that we are surrounded by refugees and should do more to make them feel at home. Some of us would be more inclined to be generous if the displaced were to remain in their home countries, where their upkeep is also less costly. But then professional do-gooders of the Refugee Industry would have to relocate away from their comfy homes to scruffier Third World accommodation.

One of the very helpful things VDARE does is put into its articles loads of links so you can continue to edcucate yourself on the subject.   Note there are many links to the works of Thomas Allen who has an extensive archive on Refugee Resettlement at VDARE and is one of only a handful of people across the country  considered  an expert on the subject (other than those who make a living at it!).

VDARE itself has been a leader in publishing information on refugee resettlement for many years.   

I met Brenda (from CA) at an immigration meeting last year and she is an expert on environmental issues and how the environment is impacted by out-of-control immigration.   She is also passionate and knowledgeable about women’s issues, specifically female genital mutilation, as those issues relate to immigrants.

See Walker’s extensive archive at VDARE here.   If you are one of the readers of RRW who has expressed concern about the impact of immigration on the environment and asked why the big environmental groups are shunning the issue, you can find the answers in Brenda’s archived articles. 

Big refugee pow-wow ended today in Geneva

Today refugee resettlement advocates from around the world ended their annual 3-day meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.   (I wonder if they discussed Switzerland’s problems with refugees?)

GENEVA, July 2 (UNHCR) – Representatives from 34 countries gathered this week in Geneva to coordinate international efforts to help the hundreds of thousands of refugees who continue to be at risk in the countries where they have sought asylum.

The three-day Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement, which wrapped up on Wednesday, brought together government representatives, members of non-governmental organizations and experts from the UN refugee agency. This is the largest and most important event of its kind in the world.

Here are the numbers from last year.  Notice the evil US is leading the pack in saving the world (again!).

Last year, UNHCR submitted 99,000 cases for resettlement, 83 percent more than in 2006. Some 75,300 refugees were admitted by 14 resettlement countries in 2007. The main resettlement countries were the United States (48,300 cases, including family reunions), Canada (11,200), Australia (9,600), Sweden (1,800) and Norway (1,100).

The main countries of origin of resettled refugees last year were Myanmar (20,200), Burundi (6,300), Somalia (5,900), Iraq (3,800) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2,500).

The meeting concluded with a vow to do more, and bring more refugees to western countries—what else!


More on the tensions (racism?) within the Black Muslim community

This is a follow-up to my post last week about tensions in the American Black Muslim community apparently exacerbated by the increasing Somali presence in many American cities.   I came across this  blog simply called Tariq Nelson.   Here is how Mr. Nelson describes himself and what his blog is about:

Born in Sardis, Mississippi, but currently live in the DC area. I have traveled to many Muslim communities (as well as overseas) and covered a lot of bases in my life. I have lived in small town USA and the big inner city. I have friends that are rich and those that are dirt poor.

I post various thoughts about the problems faced by different groups within the American Muslim community as a whole and the Ummah in general in hopes of creating some dialogue to solve the problems.

I discuss a lot of taboo subjects and typically look at things from an angle that others will not. Please check all emotional baggage at the door.

Languages: English, Arabic

Religion: Islam

Nationality: American 

I am glad Mr. Nelson is so willing to take on taboo subjects because he gives us a window on what is happening in the Ummah.    You must go and read this post entitled, “The Tension between Black Americans and Somalis.”   Be sure to read the comments and you will be amazed that all this squabbling and angst is happening among practicioners of the religion of peace.

Obama’s faith-based initiative not aimed at religious right

Your tax dollars:

When President Bush first came out with his faith-based initiative I didn’t give it much thought, but naively had a generally positive view of it—what an idiot I was.   I hadn’t at that point seen the many hands of the left-wing churches, like the Virginia Council of Churches, in the taxpayers’ pockets.   Groups like VCC could not exist without taxpayers’ money—without your money.   They get money from all sorts of federal and state grants to administer a wide variety of social welfare programs, including refugee resettlement.   And, to top it off they are not accountable.  Last I checked VCC didn’t even have to file a Form 990 with the IRS to show where the money went.  Why?  Because they are a “church” and exempt from filing a tax return.

Here is how one news report on Obama’s intiative begins:

ZANESVILLE, Ohio – Taking a page from President Bush, Democrat Barack Obama said Tuesday he wants to expand White House efforts to steer social service dollars to religious groups, risking protests in his own party with his latest aggressive reach for voters who usually vote Republican.

Obama contended he is merely stating long-held positions — surprising to some, he said, after a primary campaign in which he was “tagged as being on the left.”

On Tuesday, touring Presbyterian Church-based social services facility, the Democratic senator said he would get religious charities more involved in government anti-poverty efforts if elected.

Obama is a smart dude!   He knows this faith-based taxpayer rip-off will help his leftwing causes.  I challenge readers to send me the name of one conservative, “right wing” Republican, faith-based organization getting federal grants!  If such an animal existed it wouldn’t be ‘conservative’ and ‘right-wing’ as I define those words.   He may reach a bunch of people in the middle, who don’t follow these issues closely but are religious people and are as naive as I was, and who think this is a nice thing to do.

For Obama this is just an expansion of his Chicago Community Organizing where taxpayer money helped “organize” leftist (some faith-based too) causes.  See my post in March entitled, “Obama and the taxpayer money trail.”

I wonder how taxpayers will feel when their hard-earned money flows to every religious group under the sun to do all sorts of “charitable” work.  And, I can’t believe I am saying this—I support the views of the Separation of Church and State people on this one.   What happened to good old-fashioned real (private )charity?

Here is a more detailed article about Obama’s plan.