More on the tensions (racism?) within the Black Muslim community

This is a follow-up to my post last week about tensions in the American Black Muslim community apparently exacerbated by the increasing Somali presence in many American cities.   I came across this  blog simply called Tariq Nelson.   Here is how Mr. Nelson describes himself and what his blog is about:

Born in Sardis, Mississippi, but currently live in the DC area. I have traveled to many Muslim communities (as well as overseas) and covered a lot of bases in my life. I have lived in small town USA and the big inner city. I have friends that are rich and those that are dirt poor.

I post various thoughts about the problems faced by different groups within the American Muslim community as a whole and the Ummah in general in hopes of creating some dialogue to solve the problems.

I discuss a lot of taboo subjects and typically look at things from an angle that others will not. Please check all emotional baggage at the door.

Languages: English, Arabic

Religion: Islam

Nationality: American 

I am glad Mr. Nelson is so willing to take on taboo subjects because he gives us a window on what is happening in the Ummah.    You must go and read this post entitled, “The Tension between Black Americans and Somalis.”   Be sure to read the comments and you will be amazed that all this squabbling and angst is happening among practicioners of the religion of peace.

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