Ireland: Burqa-wearing immigrants have health problems

We have written previously that Ireland is taking refugees from Islamic countries and now comes news that Ireland’s gloomy climate is bad for burqa-wearing Muslim women. (Hat tip: The Religion of Peace)

From the Times:

MUSLIM women who wear the burqa in Ireland are at increased risk of pelvic fractures during childbirth because of vitamin D deficiency due to a lack of sunlight, a consultant warns.

Babies born to women with vitamin D deficiency are also more prone to seizures in their first week of life, according to Dr Miriam Casey, of the Osteoporosis Unit in St James’s hospital in Dublin.

A burqa is an enveloping outer garment worn by some Muslim women. In hot countries, enough sunlight gets through to give them sufficient vitamin D, but this may not happen in countries where there is limited sunshine, such as Ireland and Britain.



Casey said: “As we see a rise in the number of Muslims in Ireland, it’s going to become a massive problem. It’s worse in England whose Muslim community is older. There are already problems in the Rotunda [a maternity hospital in Dublin] and the paediatric hospitals.”


Having had some personal experience with the “troubles” that plagued Ireland for centuries between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, I’m wondering  how the Irish are handling the Muslim influx.

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