Comments worth noting: Somalis don’t work because they’re chewing khat

A commenter from Scandinavia called Universalgeni sent us some interesting responses to my post yesterday on barriers to Somalis getting jobs, with some good links. I’m posting them all here so more people will see them.  I apologize for the random sizes and typefaces; sometimes it’s impossible to work with the WordPress platform. You can go to the original comments linked above for more readability and links that work.

The main reason why Somalis don’t work is because they can’t. At least that’s the reason for it in Denmark and Norway. And why can’t they work? Because they are drug addicts. More than ½ of them. That’s what official government analysis and reports show. In both countries. Repeatedly. Year after year. The problems name is “khat”.


This article is translated into English from Norwegian. A word is confusing – the word Greenland. It is the name of a certain part of Oslo.


The next article is also translated, this time from Danish to English. The last part of it confirms that the problem is the same in Denmark. The Somali who is interview actually underestimates the problem. Official reports says it’s worse:


I can get you more documentation if needed. 



Sweden is also badly hit by this immigrant burden that needs to be supportet by tax payers money because they are too drugged to work. It’s the same all over Europe. 


Minnesota – USA. Same story all over again: 


This here is what the Danish government has to say about it. Quoting the Ministry of Health:

Department of Health has worked with female genital mutilation Association, and in this case was held out of the public. Health suggests that the same thing done in the case of khat prevention – the general public do not know about any cultural problems in various groups as it can fortify certain prejudices. The concerned must be involved and informed.

End quote.

Certain prejudices!! But this is not prejudices. The drug addiction among probably the majority of all grown up Somalis is a fact. A fact!

And this is the reason why most people don’t know about it: most countries cover it up on government level. They just call innocent people racists and say that it is our fault that Somalis don’t have jobs. But ordinary people and ordinary employers have nothing to do with it.

The quote came from here – it’s a summary from a Nordic conference held at top government level. It’s interesting:





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