More on the leftist-Islamist alliance

Following up on Ann’s post yesterday with some additional material: David Horowitz’s Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left , written a couple of years ago, explains the leftist-Islamist alliance in detail. Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate: The Left’s Romance With Tyranny and Terror is more recent. Glazov is the editor of FrontPage Magazine.

Both of these authors have a deep knowledge of the left. Horowitz grew up in a Communist family and was a major figure on the American left. His book, Radical Son, explains his change of heart. As an ex-leftist, Horowitz is especially good at describing the mentality of the left, and its history in America. Jamie Glazov is the son of a Soviet dissident. His family moved to Canada when he was 9, but he is steeped in a knowledge and understanding of totalitarianism and its mentality.

CAIR wants legal protection for students questioned by FBI

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Minnesota is demanding protection for students being questioned in the Somali missing youth (former refugees) investigation on-going in Minneapolis and other US cities, here.

An Islamic-relations group says high schools, colleges and universities need to do more to protect the rights of Somali students.

The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR-MN, says it’s received an increasing number of reports from students who say they have been interrogated by the FBI on Minnesota campuses.

The group says the interviews focus on allegations that Somali men have left Minnesota to go to Somalia and fight in that nation’s civil war.

Although CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land terrorist funding case, it continues to flex its muscle and scare law enforcement, and additionally in this case schools, into doing its bidding.

CAIR-MN Civil Rights Director Taneeza Islam said, “Students’ legal rights need to be upheld and they aren’t currently being afforded the only true legal protection they have when talking to the law enforcement-an attorney.”

In a letter sent to area high schools, colleges and universities, CAIR-MN called on administrators to “develop initiatives that protect students’ rights and provide them with a safe environment.”

Here is the irony, back in February CAIR attended a press conference on the missing youths and chastised law enforcement for not doing more to solve the case.   You can’t win for losing!     Don’t investigate and you are criticized, do investigate and they try to tie your hands!

Unfortunately the link for the press conference is not available, but this is what I excerpted at the time:

Kashif Saroya, outreach director for the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations, called on law enforcement to investigate and resolve the appearances (disappearances) as soon as possible.

For new readers, the US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread immigration fraud was revealed through DNA testing.

Update April 11th:   Ms. Islam had more to say to the Voice of America, here.

But as the FBI continues to search for answers, Taneeza Islam says it needs to change its methods.

“The challenge is how do you build a relationship with a community when you’ve already started interrogating in ways the community is already fearful of,” she added.

Here is my question for Ms. Islam, what is the proper method for interrogation?   As I said above, you can’t win with these people.  This is all a big PR strategy on their part to undermine law enforcement.

Child abuse alleged at Nashville Mosque

Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs posted information (including an audio tape) and urges action by the federal government and the state of Tennessee to investigate charges of alleged child abuse and possible pedophilia at a mostly Somali mosque in Nashville, TN yesterday, here.

There is a first-hand undercover investigation being done in Al-Farooq mosque in Nashville, TN. What has been exposed is unthinkable.

Read Atlas Shrugs and listen to the audio tape.  Regarding the reference to the child’s “husband,”  for readers unfamiliar with precepts of Shariah law, advocates of Islamic law say marriage between older men and little girls is legal because Mohammad himself married  7-year-old, Aisha.   As a matter of fact, this issue reared its head in recent weeks in Afghanistan which has dealt women’s rights a terrible blow with passage of this controversial law.

We have previously written about problems in the Nashville Somali community.  Remember that the Somali Community Center was implicated in a federal grant scam, and subsequently changed its name  here.   Sources close to this case tell us that the FBI completely dropped the ball, and we wonder why.

For new readers, the US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread immigration fraud was revealed through DNA testing.

Obama to take on amnesty issue this year!

That is what the New York Times reported yesterday, here.  

While acknowledging that the recession makes the political battle more difficult, President Obama plans to begin addressing the country’s immigration system this year, including looking for a path for illegal immigrants to become legal, a senior administration official said on Wednesday

Mr. Obama will frame the new effort — likely to rouse passions on all sides of the highly divisive issue — as “policy reform that controls immigration and makes it an orderly system,” said the official, Cecilia Muñoz, deputy assistant to the president and director of intergovernmental affairs in the White House.

It really makes no sense to take up this issue this year when so many Americans are out of work. 

Opponents of legalization legislation were incredulous at the idea that Mr. Obama would take on immigration when economic pain for Americans is so widespread.

“It just doesn’t seem rational that any political leader would say, let’s give millions of foreign workers permanent access to U.S. jobs when we have millions of Americans looking for jobs,” said Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, a group that favors reduced immigration. Mr. Beck predicted that Mr. Obama would face “an explosion” if he proceeded this year.

“It’s going to be, ‘You’re letting them keep that job, when I could have that job,’ ” he said.

“Incredulous” indeed!   The only thing that makes any sense is that the Obama Administration knows that this is the only year for his administration to get anything done.  His popularity is already sinking and if the recession deepens, with each successive year it would be even more difficult to explain why we are adding immigrants to compete for scarce jobs.

Looks like Joe Biden didn’t get the message.

The Leftist/Islamist alliance explained

It first came to my full attention in March 2007 when I attended a counter demonstration, Gathering of Eagles, to the anti-war demonstration by International ANSWER in Washington, DC.  Judy and I were proudly on the side of the Eagles!  ANSWER is an international Communist organization but they were being sponsored by the likes of the Muslim America Society, a Muslim Brotherhood inspired organization.

I remember thinking, what the heck, what do these Communist/leftists have in common with fundamentalist Muslims.    Ever since, I have wondered what on earth this alliance is all about and have predicted on these pages that if the Communists/Socialists, whatever you want to call them, ever succeeded in destabilizing our democracy their Muslim cohorts would turn on them.    Here is the concept of this alliance explained by Sultan Knish (Hat tip: Avid Editor’s Insights) with  an analogy to a “tiger in a box.’

Here is how Sultan Knish begins:

The current Leftist-Islamist coalition wrecking much of the first world with its combination of inside-outside warfare in America, Europe, Israel, Australia and across the world seems paradoxical in nature, but has both its origins and precedents.

The irrationality of the Leftist-Islamist alignment is the seeming ideological contrasts between the two. Islamists after all would behead or forbid most of the left’s agenda. There is little room in the heart of the average Imam or Mullah for Feminism, Homosexuality, Atheism, or the whole multicultural progressive rainbow. By contrast there is seemingly little room in the progressive agency for Theocracy, Gender Segregation or the rest of the Islamist Smorgasboard.

But what allows this Gruesome Twosome to overcome their differences is that both see a common enemy in Western Civilization. The presence of a common enemy allows the “The Enemy of my Enemy” doctrine to kick in, which is what has made many of the unlikely and self-destructive ideological relationships in history kick off. Accordingly the left has embraced Islamists as “protected minorities”, more “brown people” being persecuted by the “Patriarchal Military Industrial Complex” that bedevils their nightmares. And the Islamists have learned to talk like progressives, turning out Koranic edicts about beheading your wife that sound like liberal platforms.   [I have previously also noted that I think the Islamists are smarter than the leftists.]

Read on.  And, then in conclusion:

To the left, Muslims have become the ultimate oppressed minority, admired for their willingness to kill their Western “capitalist oppressors”. The political and military chaos spread by Muslim terrorism has allowed the left to gain its victories, most notably in Spain, Israel and now America. This has always been a fundamental doctrine for the left, ever since Lenin’s days, to transform military warfare into class warfare… or more currently into racial warfare.

And while the left employs Muslims and Muslim Terrorism as political leverage to gain power in America and Israel, and imports large numbers of Muslim immigrants into Europe [and America!] to secure political victories at the polls… Islamists see the left as once again a convenient way to pave their path to power. It is doubtful that the Islamic Republic of Iran would have existed had the left not joined forces with Ayatollah Khomeni. A similar situation too is now unfolding in Egypt. And in Europe. And given time in America as well.

An ideology like Communism, Nazism or Islamism is a tiger trapped in a box. Freeing it may be in your short term interest, but it is in your long term interest to hammer the lid shut, because once the tiger is out of the box, he’s just as likely to make a meal of you.

Well said!