Honor killing and polygamy in Canadian Muslim community

This story of the tragic death of three teenaged girls and one of the murder suspect’s wives is being so thoroughly covered elsewhere, here at Jihad Watch and at Atlas Shrugs (here), I hadn’t posted on it.  But, it occurs to me that some of our readers may be coming to RRW for other reasons and might not normally see the many excellent blogs that are part of the growing anti-jihad movement.

Mark Steyn has a bit more information here at National Review Online.

See our ‘women’s issues’ category for all of our posts on polygamy, female genital mutilation, and honor killings.

Somali murder suspect still loose in Seattle; “community” not talking

More on the Somali refugee news front!  Eight months have passed and investigators still can’t get anyone to come forward in Seattle’s Somali community although law enforcement believes that lots of the former refugees know the murderer.  By the way, the article doesn’t say where he is from, but judging by his name,  it looks like the murder victim was another immigrant.

Somali community leaders blame the silence on the terrible experiences Somalis had in their homeland.  That, in my opinion, is B.S.  As we learned in Minneapolis, many of the Somali gang members have been raised since babies in the US.

From Seattle Weekly:

Paljor Thong was standing in an alley outside Afriq, a Skyway nightclub, when shots rang out. The 22-year-old was not normally one for carousing; according to members of his typically large Sudanese family, he preferred to spend evenings at their cramped but tidy South Seattle apartment. But on one cool Friday night last November, he opted instead to celebrate the arrival of the weekend with a trip to Afriq, a restaurant-cum-dancehall located just south of the Seattle city limits.

By last call, he’d be dead.

Almost eight months later, Thong’s murder remains unsolved. County investigators are convinced that the shooter was one of a group of 20-something Somali men who were at Afriq that evening. As the night headed into early morning, members of that group, sons of the tens of thousands of Somali immigrants who in recent years have flocked to south King County, got into a shoving match at the bar. After the club closed for the evening, the confrontation continued outside in the dimly-lit parking lot.

By the time the first 911 call was made at 2:10 a.m., what had begun as an argument over the use of the men’s bathroom* had erupted into a 20-person brawl in the middle of Renton Avenue South. According to detectives with the Sheriff’s Department’s Major Crimes Unit, a male suspect retreated to a red BMW to retrieve a handgun. He then turned back toward the club and fired five shots into the scrum. When deputies arrived minutes later, Thong was already dead, shot in the back as the assailant pursued him through an alley leading to a parking lot behind the club.

Read on, there is more.

So where does some poor impoverished refugee get a red BMW?

I’ve told you about Somali gang violence in Seattle previously.  Here is an archive of all of our posts on the subject.

* I don’t know what the bathroom issue was in this case, but awhile back, reader Truth Serum sent us more information than you might want to know (here) about Muslim toileting techniques.

For new readers:

The US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread immigration fraud was revealed through DNA testing.

SPLC urging CNN to fire Lou Dobbs over Obama Birth Certificate issue

To readers arriving here and wondering where the refugee posts are, I promise I will shortly post some refugee stories from my ever-growing queue.  It’s just that there are so many intriguing other things going on, I can’t resist mentioning them.   And, since we have mentioned the Southern Poverty Law Center (here and here) before and we have mentioned the Obama birth certificate issue here, I figured this story was not too far off topic, especially since it demonstrates Alinsky’s rule # 13* as well (Please read the Rule 13 post before proceeding!).

Screaming racism (ho hum!), the radical Leftwing SPLC has mounted a campaign to urge CNN to fire Dobbs (outspoken critic of illegal immigration) who apparently has reported on the Obama Birth Certificate controversy—you know the one that appears to be growing the longer Obama refuses to release his real original birth certificate supposedly under lock and key in Hawaii. Check out what this Delaware Congressman heard at a townhall meeting recently.

Here is what Richard Cohen, President of the SPLC is asking his followers:

July 24, 2009

Dear Friend,

Lou Dobbs is at it again.

We’ve told you about how the CNN host has used his platform to spread hateful propaganda that demonizes Latinos.

Now, Dobbs is supporting the bizarre claims of so-called “birthers” who insist that President Obama isn’t really a citizen of the United States and that his presidency, therefore, is not legitimate.

The truth about Obama’s birth in Hawaii is not in dispute. It has been verified by many reputable journalists, including CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who called the claims “a joke,” and even a reporter on Dobbs’ own show. Yet Dobbs continues to fan the flames.

It’s important to note that this conspiracy theory was concocted by an anti-Semite and circulated by racist extremists who cannot accept the fact that a black man has been elected president. Among those who helped disseminate the lie was the neo-Nazi who killed a security guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in June.

Respectable news organizations should not be peddling propaganda that supports the agenda of radical extremists who are only interested in stirring up hate and fomenting violence. But Dobbs continues to do just that. And it’s irresponsible for CNN to let him continue trading in falsehoods.

Enough is enough. Today, I’ve written to the president of CNN urging that Dobbs be removed from the air.

I encourage you to contact CNN yourself. If enough of us speak up, the network will listen.

Thank you for standing strong against hate.


J. Richard Cohen
President, Southern Poverty Law Center

*All of our research on Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” is posted in our ‘Community destabilization’ category.   Note that in both my links to the SPLC, it was rule #13 that SPLC is using to isolate individuals who oppose them.   And, in Dobbs case, although I never saw any of his news on the birth certificate issue they are simply seeking to silence any media commentators they don’t like.

P.S. You might want to follow Mr. Cohen’s lead (link above) and write to the president of CNN yourself, or use the other link Cohen has supplied, or do both!