Woody and Mia’s boy genius has some NGO noses out of joint

I don’t know what it is with celebrities and refugees, but here is another version of the ‘stars’ doing high profile humanitarian work.  Ronan Farrow, reportedly a genius who went to college at age 11 has been appointed a special liason between NGO’s working in Pakistan and the State Department.

Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, has appointed Woody Allenand Mia Farrow’s son Ronan Farrow as the liasion for nonon [non?]-governmental organizations working in Pakistan. Read more on Ronan Farrow below.

Representatives from several organizations including Save the Children, Church World Service, the International Rescue Committee, and Care met with Holbrooke recently to discuss what they are trying to do with humanitarian assistance in Pakistan.

A young man accompanied Holbrooke and was introduced as Ronan Farrow, who will be his special liaison to NGOs working in Pakistan.

This decision wasn’t taken well by some people who argue Ronan doesn’t have enough experience at the young age of 21.

“You have seasoned, experienced NGO officials dealing with some very sensitive foreign policy and humanitarian aid issues, whose main contact in Holbrooke’s office is a [21] year old whose experience has been traveling to southern Sudan with his mom,” the humanitarian official said.

Read on.  There is more at Stupid Celebrities Gossip.

Kevin Myers: term ‘asylum-seekers’ rings all the liberal bells

Irish columnist, Kevin Myers, has a good column in the Belfast Telegraph yesterday pointing out the idiotic ‘diversity uber alles’ suicidal actions of western countries happily transforming illegal aliens into ‘asylum seekers’ and welcoming them.  Meanwhile, many countries in the world are off limits to white people.

Whereas it would have been possible for Caucasians to have visited almost anywhere in the globe in relative safety 25 years ago, there are at least a dozen countries where kidnap and or death would be the immediate reward for the white outsider. |This barren crescent reaches round much of the globe and includes large parts, or all, |of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Algeria, Gaza and Morocco.

And Western Europe, in all its sublime intelligence, has made a point of accepting huge numbers of immigrants from these countries. Wherever they were not accepted as ‘immigrants’, they promptly turned themselves into ‘asylum-seekers’, a legal camouflage that was promptly accepted by a generally witless media.

‘Illegal immigrant’ gets no tearful headlines, but ‘asylum-seeker’ rings all the liberal bells so that suddenly ‘asylum-seekers’ they then became.

Saudi and Somali ‘asylum-seekers’ have been a primary source of terrorist activity in Britain. In Holland, Moroccans ditto.

He asks, when is the last time you saw some Muslim country invite diverse peoples to come live among them?

This is all part of a collapse of cultural and ethnic self-confidence in Europe. No Asian, African or Arab city feels the necessity to complete its cosmopolitan image by importing hundreds of thousands of foreigners.

Tokyo, Peking, Bombay, Madras, Cairo and Lagos are ethnically pretty much the same as they were half a century ago.

But in Europe, it is now obligatory for any self-respecting modern city to have a large proportion of its population from other continents. This is called ‘diversity’.

And an ideologically multicultural state like Britain has set itself ‘diversity targets’, which reward visible displays of ethnic difference and punish their opposite.

Read it all.

Along these same lines, see Brenda Walker’s VDARE article on how chicken Europe has become in the face of Muslim immigration, here.

By the way, we just told you two days ago that asylum-seekers are on the rise, here.  Most are from Muslim countries seeking entry into western countries.

UNHCR criticizes UK, Denmark and Sweden for returning Iraqi asylum seekers to Iraq

Not unexpected, from the BBC:

The United Nations refugee agency has criticised European countries for sending asylum seekers back to central Iraq, an area it considers unsafe.

It said people fleeing the region needed international protection because of security concerns and what it called “serious human rights abuses”.

The call from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees came after Britain tried to deport 44 men to Baghdad.

Denmark and Sweden were also cited as having forced Iraqi refugees to return.

Meanwhile Great Britain is in its longest recession on record, here.  Hint to America and the Obama Administration too!  Welfare states can only take care of the world’s immigrants and refugees for so long before the money runs out.

Away today

We are away today and one of us will give you a full accounting (or at least a partial one) when we return.   Suffice it to say it should be a good day and we are very much looking forward to it.

Just a reminder for new readers, we review our comments before posting them so especially while we are away  it can be hours before we get a chance to do that.   We post most of them.   However, since I’m on the subject, we don’t post the ones from people around the world telling us their refugee stories and asking for help getting into the US.  We have no connection to the government or the NGO’s in the resettlement business.

National Association of Evangelicals: less than truthful!

Update October 24th:  Here is Roy Beck on the revelation that only 25% of the NAEs members signed on to their Senate testimony.

Don’t you just love it when a bunch of ‘holier-then-thous’ pontificate about moral issues and then turn out to be a sack of liars. (Whatever happened to not bearing false witness?)  It sure looks like that is what is going on with the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE).  I told you about them  about 10 days ago when they testified in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens and led Congress and the sycophant media to believe they represented over 30 million people.

According to Mark Tooley writing at American Spectator, they don’t.  What they didn’t say at the time of their testimony is that only 11 of the 40 member groups of the NAE endorsed the policy:

The NAE website shows only 11 of NAE’s over 40 member denominations endorsing the immigration stance. And only 11 individuals are signers, though reportedly 75 NAE board members voted for it.

This honest (not!) Christian pastor testifed to Congress that there was no dissent in coming up with the policy position:

NAE’s president, Minnesota megachurch pastor Leith Anderson, unveiled NAE’s new advocacy earlier this month to the U.S. Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship.

This next paragraph gave me great relief because the Salvation Army is one of the few charities my family still supports and I was so disappointed to see them taking the open borders/pro-amnesty postion as part of the NAE.  I am glad it wasn’t true.

Still, Anderson proclaimed that NAE’s board had voted with “no dissent” for the pro-CIR stance. Unmentioned was that evidently some NAE board members had abstained, including the Salvation Army. “Please know that Salvation Army leadership chose to abstain from signing the final resolution on immigration reform,” reported an Army spokesman. “While the [NAE] news releases did not report this specifically, the fact remains that any resolution produced by the National Association of Evangelicals does not automatically become the official policy of a member organization (ie: The Salvation Army) unless they choose to make it so. In this case, The Salvation Army chose not to adopt the resolution nor will it become our stance on immigration reform. In actuality, The Salvation Army has never established any official position on this topic and has chosen to remain politically neutral on the matter.”

Dear Salvation Army, get out of this group of radical leftists where the ends justify any means (even lying!).