Anti-jihad conference in conjunction with CPAC

Update February 21st:  Judy attended and wrote a review of the conference here.

Update February 19th:  I’ve heard first hand from attendees that the event was excellent.  However, Lawrence Auster makes some good points here about the squishiness of most to address the Muslim immigration question.

Update February 17th:  CAIR tries to kill this event!  Read all about it!

CPAC is the Conservative Political Action Committee that will be holding its annual gathering of Conservatives in Washington this week.  Check out their schedule of speakers and other events here.

Just as last year when Judy and I attended the event with Geert Wilders ( here and here are posts on that controversial event), it seems that anything to do with Islamic supremacism is always a side event for the inside-the-beltway Conservatives who make the decisions about CPAC’s agenda.

It’s not too late, if  you are in the DC area, to get to this important seminar on Islamic Jihad put on by a new group led by two of our favorite bloggers, Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs) and Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch), called the Freedom Defense Initiative.  Here is what they say in their recent press announcement:

The conference is designed to educate Americans about the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration at the highest levels of the U.S. government, as well as its war on free speech: its attempt to silence and discredit those who speak up against the jihad and Sharia encroachment in the West. Emphasis will be on the international character of the jihad against the West and on how the Islamic war on free speech (and the media’s self-imposed blackout on this issue, as in the Fort Hood massacre) is part and parcel of the same jihad against the West that terrorists are pursuing by violent means.

Go to the press release and check out the great list of speakers that you would not find in one place if it weren’t for the hard work of Spencer and Geller.  Note you must register in advance for this February 19th event!

Update:  Judy just sent me this link to an American Thinker article by Geller and Spencer with further clarification, including this:

This conference will be held at the Mariott Wardman Park Hotel, the site of CPAC, on February 19, from 10AM to noon. It is at the site of CPAC, but it is an independent event supplying the crucial information that the mainstream media (as well as the conservative establishment) ignores. We chose CPAC because it is the largest gathering of conservatives across America, and so it is the most appropriate place to end the near-universal silence about the true nature and magnitude of the jihad threat against our nation.

Federal Regulations for public welfare for refugees and refugee programs

I was looking for something else just now and was reminded that we previously posted the Code of Federal Regulations link for the Public Welfare section of the Immigration and Nationality Act as it relates to refugees.   You can find those regulations here.

Just a reminder:  information of this sort is posted in our category entitled appropriately ‘where to find information.’

If you are wondering if we have posted on a certain topic, use our excellent search function for key words (try different key words if you don’t find it the first time) to see if somewhere in our nearly 3000 posts we have written about the topic that concerns you.

Ft. Wayne, IN: A federal funding spigot is opened for refugees

Your tax dollars:

There is nothing we haven’t already reported in this story from the Journal-Gazette in Ft. Wayne, IN about how the Obama Administration has doubled the federal funding to the government contractors who resettle refugees in your town or city.   However, I’m bringing the story to your attention, just to inform readers that this kind of puff-piece story will be appearing in your local paper too if you live in one of those refugee overloaded cities.*

Mu Nu rushed outside Friday morning to help social-service workers haul a couch up the steps of his decidedly American foursquare home.

Furniture is on a long checklist of needs for newly arrived refugees such as Mu Nu and his family, needs local social-service agencies have struggled for years to meet with limited federal dollars.

Now, prompted in part by a visit to Fort Wayne by a U.S. State Department official, the one-time grant for newly arrived refugees will double.

The money is funneled through local agencies to help refugees with basic needs for their first few months in the U.S., and the individual amount will increase from $900 to $1,800.

Eric Schwartz, assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration, visited Fort Wayne, Chicago and Minneapolis-St. Paul in September.

“What I saw was both heartening and dismaying,” Schwartz wrote in a message on his Web site.

Read it all.

* By the way, Ft. Wayne is apparently so overloaded and tensions are running so high among the citizens (and between the myriad ethnic groups brought to the city by contractors) that it has been chosen by the Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence as one of four cities they have set their sites on as targets for their ‘be nice to immigrants’ message.

Update February 17th:  Additional commentary on this story from Ft. Wayne can be found at Friends of Refugees, here.

American free speech gets a boost

While Geert Wilders is dragged through court in the Netherlands for simply speaking the truth about the impact on the West of out-of-control Muslim immigration, an American judge has given free speech as it relates to Muslims in the US a shot in the arm according to World Net Daily:

A federal judge has dismissed an attempt by the Council on American-Islamic Relations to re-file a lawsuit against Air Force special agent P. David Gaubatz and his son Chris, the father-and-son team that investigated and exposed the group’s terrorist ties.

Defense lawyers are hailing the decision as a victory over CAIR’s alleged plan to “chill” free speech critical of the organization through an avalanche of court cases and legal costs.

“We briefed, counter-briefed, we spent thousands of dollars on the case,” said Daniel Horowitz, one of the three lawyers for the defense. “Only then did they file this new lawsuit, which would have effectively forced us to start all over.”

“But the new lawsuit didn’t have anything substantively new,” Horowitz told WND. “And yet, that’s their whole goal. They know they can’t win the case, but they can chill the First Amendment by making it so expensive to speak against them that no one can challenge Saudi-funded CAIR. In the end, they can just keep getting more and more money from overseas and burn out opposition with lawsuits.”

We first told you about the controversial book—Muslim Mafia— that is the centerpiece in this case, here.

I’ve been away!

Update February 15th:  And, on top of that, we lost our power today!  Behind the eightball for sure now!

Thanks to all who have sent story ideas and e-mails over the last couple of days.  I’ve been away!  So, give me another day or so to catch up.  I definitely want to read and answer everyone’s messages!   Ann