Refugee numbers so far this year

We are 4 months into the 2010 fiscal year.  The Obama Administration is aiming to resettle 80,000 refugees by September 30th.   Check out the numbers here.  So far we have brought into an economy in recession 22,502.   Top sending countries are as follows:

Burma:  3,859

Bhutan (really Nepal):  3,849

Iraq:  3,639

Somalia:  1,111

For those concerned about Muslim immigration.  Most of the Iraqis are Muslims, all of the Somalis are Muslims and a smattering of the Burmese are Muslims.  The Worldwide Refugee Processing Center keeps track of the religions of all refugees entering the US, but they won’t release that information to the public.  Indeed the general public cannot access this site.

Learn all you need to know to get legal immigration status for Haitians

That’s right, for a flat price of $99 you can participate in a phone seminar to learn all the inside skinny on how to get Haitians Temporary Protected Status.  The seminar announced today at Immigration Daily appears to be geared to lawyers in the immigration industry who are working all the angles on Haitians.

Here is one question on the agenda that I would like to know the answer to:

Are Haitian nationals fleeing Haiti being granted refugee status in the U.S?

Concord,NH editorial: states and communities left holding the bag when large numbers of refugees arrive

Your tax dollars:

Here is an editorial I missed a week ago when we were in the midst of back to back global warming snow storm(s) in Maryland and then I was away for a day or so.

The Concord Monitor editorial begins with a discussion about how the big bucks the Obama Administration is now sending to the federal contractors resettling refugees in the US is not enough money to cover the true cost of the refugees.   And the staff editorial throws in this politically correct line:

The 75,000 refugees from all over the world who are resettled in the United States make America a richer, stronger and more diverse nation.

BUT, then it goes on to say—you Feds better figure out how to help states and communities cope with the costs of this!   [Don’t skip the comments!]

Concord and Laconia became home to 285 refugees in 2008 and 284 last year and about 60 percent of them settled in Concord. That was about 150 more than expected. The bulk of the refugees have been Bhutanese, who have spent as much as 16 years in camps in Nepal as a result of ethnic cleansing in Bhutan, a small nation that borders India, China and Tibet. Refugees are settled in, and choose to migrate to, cities that already have a sizeable population of people from their home country. So Concord can expect to become home to hundreds more Bhutanese over the next few years. They will add to the smaller population of refugees from African nations, Eastern Europe and Iraq who have made Concord their home since Lutheran Services began its resettlement effort in 1998. Their presence is making Concord a much more diverse and interesting city.

Residents should welcome the newcomers, but the refugee influx isn’t without costs. The impact on the city welfare budget has been small, as has the expense of food stamps and other federal programs. More challenging is the cost of educating refugee children, including some who have never been in a classroom.

Thanks to the state’s tax structure, the added burden of public education is not shared by all the state’s communities, only by taxpayers in the handful of cities that have been designated as resettlement sites. That’s an inequity that could be remedied on the state level, but then too, it might rain money on Tuesday.

To address the problem, the budgets of two federal agencies, the Office of Refugee Resettlement and the Department of Education, should include money to cushion the financial impact when cities are forced to cope with hundreds of refugee children whose educational needs are enormous. New Hampshire’s congressional delegation should meet with local officials to discuss the problem and take steps to address it.

The Concord Monitor has done some good reporting in the past on the problems with the refugee program in Concord.  See our archive of those posts, here.  Be sure to check out this post where Lutheran Social Services asks Monitor readers to lobby for more money for them.

CIS: More immigrants means more Democratic voters

No surprise here.  The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released a report today that examines voting trends in counties with varying levels of immigrant populations and concludes the following:

This Backgrounder examines the political implications of large-scale immigration. Between 1980 and 2008, 25.2 million people were granted permanent residency (green cards) by the United States. A comparison of voting patterns in presidential elections across counties over the last three decades shows that large-scale immigration has caused a steady drop in presidential Republican vote shares throughout the country. Once politically marginal counties are now safely Democratic due to the propensity of immigrants, especially Latinos, to identify and vote Democratic. The partisan impact of immigration is relatively uniform throughout the country, even though local Republican parties have taken different positions on illegal immigration. Although high immigration may work against Democratic policy goals, such as raising wages for the poor and protecting the environment, it does improve Democratic electoral prospects. In contrast, immigration may help Republican business interests hold down wages, but it also undermines the party’s political fortunes. Future levels of immigration are likely to be a key determinant of Republicans’ political prospects moving forward.

I see this as just more confirmation of a theory I’ve promoted on these pages about why the supposed do-gooder organizations resettling refugees seem so uncaring and cavaleer about the quality of life they provide new refugees (something we have reported ad nauseum at RRW).   The refugees and immigrants are just pawns in a ruthless political power game by the Far Left to make the newcomers dependent on government and then vote Democratic.  

LOL!  In fact, if every immigrant arriving in the US said they would vote Republican from now on, it would be the Democrats screaming bloody murder to stop the multiculturalism is beautiful mantra!

Of course, many Conservatives and Tea Party activists are mystified why supposed Republican leaders can be advocates of Open Borders—seems like a death wish to me!

Another ‘refugees see first snow’ story

I’ve joked many times in the past about how reporters love to write these ‘Refugees see first snow’ puff-piece stories.  Here is the latest from New York City.  Hat tip:  Brenda.

Here two newly arrived Burmese refugees head out in the white stuff to cash their government checks, from the New York Times (of course):

Wednesday was the first day he woke up in America. The first time he looked down at the Bronx street before dawn. And as a winter storm began to swirl outside, the very first time that Aung, a 37-year-old Burmese refugee, saw real snow.

“I saw the snow raining snow,” Aung said a few hours later, eyes wide under the knit cap that had just been provided by the International Rescue Committee. “I saw, like, ice-ice. On the ground, also, everything white.”

He had seen snow once before, in a Steven Spielberg war movie, he said. His new roommate, David, 42, also a refugee from Myanmar, had seen snow in an Indian film. But by the time they had made their way by subway to the I.R.C. headquarters near Grand Central Terminal, this stuff was not fluffy or picturesque.

On Wednesday morning, the resettlement organization, which asked that the men’s last names not be published to protect their families in Myanmar, was conducting an orientation for new arrivals like Aung and an English class for old hands like David, who arrived two weeks ago.

Afterward, bundled in donated winter clothing, the two men ventured back outside, led west on 42nd Street by their caseworker, Mona Hla. Their destination: a bank where they could cash their $200 checks for basic needs.

The IRC is also resettling Bhutanese refugees to NYC, here.