It’s the same old story. We have posted dozens like this story ever since Refugee advocates have pushed for more and more Iraqis to be resettled in the US. As a matter of fact, in this fiscal year (5 months old) we have resettled 6,959 Iraqi refugees—the highest number of any ethnic group this year.
From the Los Angeles Times:
Reporting from El Cajon, Calif. – Bomb blasts, torture and years of exile had all but ruined the Azeez family of Iraq. So the news sounded promising: Their refugee application had been approved. Abdul, his wife, Haifaa, and their four adult children were coming to America.
The family of Mandeans, a persecuted religious minority in Iraq, had left behind almost everything in their Baghdad home but planned to create a new life in El Cajon.
One year later, Abdul, 49, fiddles with worry beads as he paces in his two-bedroom town house. His three sons scour the streets competing for jobs with Mexican immigrants.* Haifaa, 49, bends her brittle, bomb-shattered back to light rose-scented candles and prays.
Abdul, once a wealthy merchant who owned jewelry stores in Iraq, was counting on government support to resettle, but the eight months of payments have run out. The family members still lack work, as do many Iraqi refugees they encounter around town.
“Why are they bringing Iraqis here? There are no jobs,” Azeez said.
Similar accounts of fading immigrant dreams are increasingly common in this San Diego suburb, where thousands of Iraqi refugees crowd apartment complexes, welfare lines and English-language schools, their appreciation for the United States tested by the specter of poverty.
No jobs for refugees! But, to partially answer Mr. Azeez’s question about why you are here. It is because the agencies responsible for resettling you want to continue to keep their jobs! No refugees, then they too are out of their taxpayer-funded work. In addition they expect you to be grateful, so grateful that you will vote to keep the Democrats in power.
An estimated 80% of the refugees are jobless, according to community leaders and social service agencies.
Going back to the Middle East?
In bleak moments, family members wonder why they came to the United States. They had options, including Sweden and Australia. They’ve considered returning to Syria, where at least they understand the language and there is a small Mandean community.
This is a good time to consider the words of an Iraqi refugee boy who seems wiser by far than all the high paid refugee industry professionals inside and outside government.
It is better to have 10 Iraqi refugees who are satisfied with their lives than having 100 angry ones with no life at all.
* This mention of competition for jobs with Hispanics reminded me that yesterday a reader, Cap, criticized me for posting on RRW that story about a rancher allegedly murdered by an illegal alien because Cap thinks I shouldn’t be mixing the two—legal and illegal aliens. However, it is the refugee resettlement agencies mixing the two. I continue to be outraged that federal refugee contractors are lobbying for amnesty for illegal aliens while their job is to resettle legal refugees and help them find work. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops, US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Lutheran Immigration and Refugees Services, and Church World Service all actively sponsored that Marxist March on Washington recently. How dare they mix the two when they are almost entirely paid by the taxpayer to help Mr. Azeez’s family and others like him.