Lutheran Family Services definitely closed in Greensboro, NC

I am so behind the eightball.  I have stories piled up that I haven’t posted on and others, like this one, that I’m seeing two weeks late.   We previously told you about the mess in Greensboro, NC with refugee overload in a three-part series (start here and follow links back).  Also, see this story about the plug being pulled on LFS.

Lutheran Family Services two weeks ago made the following announcement reported in the News-Record:

GREENSBORO — In a final blow to the city’s oldest refugee resettlement agency, Lutheran Family Services of the Carolinas will shut down the legal office that for 20 years helped reunite parents, children and spouses torn apart by civil war and ethnic cleansing.

In an announcement shared Monday with local clergy and refugee sponsors, the agency’s executive director called the move, effective Sept. 30, “exclusively a financial decision.”

LFS, which has operated in the Triad since 1979, halted its refugee arrivals to the Triad in February, citing economic conditions. That move came after a spate of problems with serving clients.

Greensboro—little Ellis Island!

In the 1990s, LFS played the lead role in turning the city into what observers likened to a “little Ellis Island.”

But a combination of staff turnover, scarce resources and a grim employment outlook for newcomers resulted in turmoil at the agency.

Its refugee clients are being moved to other resettlement agencies in the Triad. When that is complete, LFS refugee work here will cease and will be limited to Raleigh and Columbia, S.C.

Can’t “shoulder the gap.”   What that means is that the agency is not contributing its share of the public-private partnership that the original Refugee Act of 1980 foresaw. 

“Unfortunately,” the Rev. Laura Benson, the agency’s Raleigh-based director wrote in a memo circulated Monday, “LFS can no longer shoulder the gap between the federal contract and modest client fee income collected and the actual cost of this specialized work.”

The answer for this money part of LFS’s problem (believe me they had other problems as we saw in the three-part series) is that they (and other refugee contractors) want more taxpayer dollars for the refugee program—they want the easy way out.  The hard way out of the problem is to do more to raise private dollars (heck, ask Obama, he made $5 million last year and just two days ago said some people make too much money, maybe he can chip in some of his own excess stash!).   Or, cut the number of refugees arriving in the US.

Former Congressman calls for moratorium on all immigration

Well someone had to say it!  It’s no surprise it is the guy with guts from Virginia—former Congressman Virgil Goode writing at Frontpage magazine today in a column entitled, “The Real Immigration Solution.”   I must admit I’ve been a big fan of Goodes ever since he bravely stared down the political correctness police and wimps at the Washington Post in 2006 when he linked immigration to Islamic terrorism (which he does in this article as well).  

The Far Left targeted him in the 2008 Obama-sweep and a pipsqueak, Tom Perriello, took his place in Congress.  Perriello is now a target of the Tea Party (that 5th Congressional District in Virginia is a hot bed of Tea Party activists) and he will likely end up a one-termer.

From Virgil Goode at Frontpage:

In the wake of Arizona’s SB 1070, illegal immigration is at the forefront of national discussion for the first time since the defeat of amnesty in 2007. Arizona’s law, which makes illegal presence a state crime, has rallied supporters of immigration enforcement. The open borders lobby is pretending that the sky is falling and using the law to demand that the federal government grant an amnesty.

Lost in this debate is any discussion of lowering legal immigration levels. In fact, many opponents of amnesty argue that while we need to stop illegal immigration, we should increase legal immigration.

Amnesty backers cannot deny that the 1986 amnesty failed to stop illegal immigration, so they now blame the problem on the fact that we did not increase legal immigration enough after the Act. They argue we can prevent future illegal immigration by simply increasing legal immigration alongside an amnesty. Luis Gutierrez’s amnesty bill includes a special visa to “prevent unauthorized migration” by simply increasing legal immigration from the country where illegal immigrants come from.

Most Americans do not know just how many legal immigrants we let in each year. The Department of Homeland Security just issued their statistics for new legal permanent immigrants in 2009. Last year, we issued 1,130,818 green cards, the fourth highest year since 1914. From 2000-2009, we issued over 10 million green cards, the highest decade of American history. Currently, there are 38 million immigrants, 24 million of whom are in the workforce. This does not include temporary workers. DHS did not release the 2009 figures yet, but they issued 912,735 temporary employment authorizations in 2008.

Most of these immigrants are low skilled and from the Third World. Less than 10% of new green card holders are from Europe. People of extraordinary ability, investors, and immigrants with advanced degrees made up less than 8% of the new immigrants.

Faced with these numbers, how can anyone argue with a straight face that we don’t admit enough immigrants?

Now!  He says it—the ‘m-word! ‘ MORATORIUM!

Individual legal immigrants are not to blame for these problems. They came here in search of a better life and played by the rules. The real culprits are the politicians who put cheap labor ahead of the interests of the American people. With 25 million out of work, it’s time to put the American citizens first by issuing a moratorium on legal immigration.

Read it all and pass it along!