Former Vietnamese refugee rips off New York Chinese, says she hates them

I know! I know she clearly has mental problems but once again we have an example of how there is no love lost between immigrants from different cultures.   This is not the first time I’ve heard about conflicts between the Vietnamese and Chinese—heck there are thousands of years of history between the two ethnic groups that the overrated American melting pot can’t completely melt.  To see what I mean about the long history, check out the Trung Sisters who died in the first century AD while waging a battle against their Chinese enemy.  Their bravery is still celebrated in Vietnam today.

From the New York Daily News:

A Vietnamese refugee who claims she steals to give to the poor faces three years in prison – and possible hate crime charges – for a pick-pocketing spree in Chinatown, officials said Tuesday.

Ho Vasko, 67, a wealthy former New York restaurant owner, was arraigned on grand larceny and jostling charges for stealing $350 from the purses and pockets of four victims last week.

Prosecutors told a Manhattan Criminal Court judge they may increase the charges against Vasko because of a hate-filled rant she made after her March 21 arrest.

“I hate the Chinese people, they sell fake stuff,” Vasko told cops, according to court documents.

“They get benefit cards, and they don’t contribute anything back, so I take their money and give it to people who need it,” she said. “I want to die. I hope they electrocute me.”

I should have a category entitled, no bad white people in this story!  Or, maybe tribalism is part of human nature even if you wish it would go away.

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