Canada: Refugees have trouble fitting in and are thus drawn to gangs

Here is a story from Vancouver about the psychological problems related to trauma experienced by some immigrant and refugee youths.

From the Vancouver Sun:

He [Hieu Van Ngo, a PhD candidate with the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Social Work] said the numbers of refugee or immigrant youths who get involved in gangs isn’t known because Canada does not keep race-related crime statistics. And while Ngo said he suspects the majority of refugees don’t get into gangs, “We can’t be complacent by bringing refugees in and leaving them to struggle without supports.

“Are we setting up the school system so that it is responsive to students with complex needs? Across the country, a lot of times schools neglect to give ESL [English as a second language] support to young people,” he said.

Giving the example of the 14-yearold, Ngo said the boy didn’t do well in school because English wasn’t his first language and when he acted out, they expelled him.

Read on.

I have absolutely no doubt that this is a growing problem, not only in Canadian schools, but American ones as well.  In my view, first, there needs to be a vigorous debate about how many refugees a western country can handle financially and part of that decision must be made with these troubled youths in mind.

The taxpayers are going to have to decide if these young immigrants who were traumatized and in need of special education should get it—separate from the other students.  That will be very costly, but it’s pretty costly to society to hold back the educational progress of normal kids, and it’s pretty costly to cope with gang violence.

Unfortunately, refugee  and migration advocates won’t even let such a vigorous debate occur because they are too busy calling anyone who suggests a moratorium or a slowdown in the refugee flow to the First World a bunch of  evil hatemonger bigots, xenophobes and racists.

No immigration slowdown, or no special accommodations for troubled youths?  Then the next best thing is to get your kids out of public schools (as a starter)!

Is in-breeding causing a decline in IQ (and other maladies) among Muslims?

This is an interesting study and for posting it I’m sure to be called racist.  Islam permits and indeed encourages in-breeding and this author suggests it’s a growing problem in the West as Muslim immigrants bring the practice with them.  The cost to society is great.

The article made me think of the autism epidemic in Minneapolis among Somali children.  Interesting that two Islamic practices might be at fault and not those vaccines Muslims are avoiding—-lack of sunshine (Vitamin D) as pregnant women are completely covered in a far northern climate and in-breeding.

From Liveleak:

Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years may have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool. The consequences of intermarriage between first cousins often have serious impact on the intelligence, sanity, and health of their offspring, and on their surroundings.

Nicolai Sennels’ latest essay concerns the deleterious effects of cousin marriage within the Muslim world, and the impact the practice is having in Western countries with large numbers of Muslim immigrants.

Here is mention of a study from Denmark which is way ahead of the US in trying to cope with a large Muslim population.

The cognitive consequences of Muslim inbreeding might explain why non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the Danish army’s intelligence test than native Danes: “19.3% of non-Western immigrants are not able to pass the Danish army’s intelligence test. In comparison, only 4.7% of applicants with Danish background do not pass.” (TV 2 Nyhederne, 13/6 2007 “Immigrants flunk army test”). It probably also explains — at least partly — why two thirds of all immigrant school children with Arabic backgrounds are illiterate after ten years in the Danish school system: “Those who speak Arabic with their parents have an extreme tendency to lack reading ability — 64 percent are illiterate… No matter whether it concerns reading ability, mathematics, or science, the pattern is the same: the bilingual immigrants’ skills are exceedingly poor compared to their Danish classmates.” (Rockwool Foundation Research Unit [pdf], May 2007 “Ethnic students do not make Danish children worse”). The high expenses of special education for slow learners consumes one third of the budget for the Danish schools. “Immigrant children are clearly overrepresented on Copenhagen’s schools for retarded children and children with physical handicaps… 51 percent of the children in the three schools in Copenhagen for children with physical and mental handicaps have an immigrant background, and in one of the schools the figure is 70 percent… These amounts are significantly higher than the share of immigrant children in the municipality, which is 33 percent. The many handicapped children are clear evidence that there are many intermarried parents in the immigrant families.” (Jydske Vestkysten, 4/4 2009 “Tosprogede i overtal på handicapskoler”).

They have been in-breeding for 1400 years!   Ban first-cousin marriages.

There is no doubt that the widespread Muslim tradition of first-cousin marriages has harmed the gene pool among Muslims. Because Muslims’ religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus prevent them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive. The overwhelming direct and indirect human and societal consequences have been explained above.


A legislative ban on first cousin marriages is a logical and compassionate imperative for the Muslim world, the EU, and our Western national governments.

Read the whole article.

Immigrant food stamp scammer sentenced in Gary, Indiana

Wouldn’t you think that eventually the word would get around to the food stamp fraudsters that their fellow scammers were being busted from coast to coast.  Nevermind, I take that back, only if they happened to read RRW would they know because no one in the old media ever puts these stories together.

Today’s scam comes from the Post-Tribune in Gary, Indiana:

A Gary man will have to pay back almost $290,000 along with serving 21 months in prison after pleading guilty to food stamp fraud, according to court records.

Husein Kanakrieh was sentenced Wednesday in the U.S. District Court after pleading guilty last year to charges of lying on his income tax filings and abusing food stamps.

Kanakrieh ran a store, Jordan Foods, 4272 Georgia St., Gary, and would buy food stamps for less than their real value, according to his plea agreement. He would then redeem the stamps through his store for full value, the agreement said.

This last line is deceptive.  He redeemed his stamps from the taxpayer!

For new readers interested in dozens of similar stories (maybe there is a real investigative reporter out there!), type ‘food stamp fraud’ into our search function.

UK: Brutal Somali gang violence revealed in murder trial

Thirty gang members attacked one Somali young man and beat him to death in front of passersby.   Five years later, some of the perpetrators are being sentenced to long prison terms, some to life in prison.

From the Camden New Journal:

A FOURTH man has begun a life sentence for the “brutal and senseless” public execution of a teenager in Camden Town.

Gang warfare between rival groups of young Somalis led to the “shocking” death of Mahir Osman, an Old Bailey judge said on Friday. Judge Richard Hone, QC, sentenced his “cowardly” killer, Ahmed Farah, to serve a minimum 16 years following his conviction by a jury after a two-week trial for the 2006 murder.

Farah, 24, from Islington, played a leading role in the attack on engineering student Mahir, 18, from Taplow, Adelaide Road, who was known as “Smiley” to his friends.

A mob of more than 30, all heavily armed, ambushed the 18-year-old on the evening of January 28, a Saturday, and killed him within sight of hundreds of stunned passers-by.

One of those serving a lesser sentence is the son of Idi Amin!

Three have been given life sentences and the ­others various prison terms on lesser charges. One of them, Faisal Wangita, serving five years, is the son of former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin.

Diversity is strength!

Africans from Libya and Tunisia land by the thousands on Italian islands

From AP:

ROME (AP) — Boatloads of illegal African migrants have resumed setting sail from Libya for Italy, authorities said, overwhelming tiny islands and towns in southern Italy already struggling to host thousands fleeing unrest in Tunisia.

Before dawn Sunday, Italian coast guard vessels escorted a boat crowded with 284 Somalis, Eritreans and Ethiopians to shore, the first boat to resume the long-established routes of smugglers’ boats toward Italy from Libya’s long coastline.

They are sleeping on the docks and in the fields.

Since Lampedusa, a tiny island off Sicily, is already straining from sheltering the thousands of Tunisians, who have taken to sleeping on docks and fields after housing space ran out, the boat from Libya was diverted to Linosa, an even tinier island in the Pelagie archipelago south of Sicily.

Authorities said at least two other boats coming from Libya with hundreds of migrants aboard were spotted by fishing boats or coast guard air and sea patrolling the southern Mediterranean Sunday.

What are they doing here, they have freedom now in Tunisia?

Sen. Maurizio Gasparri, a close conservative ally of Premier Silvio Berlusconi, said the migrants should be transported back to Tunisia rather than to the mainland.

“They are clandestine (migrants) who ran away from a country where there is no war — on the contrary, there is now more freedom than before,” the Italian news agency ANSA quoted Gasparri as telling reporters.

Over 600 land within a 24 hour period.

Italian border police said in the 24 hours ending at midnight Sunday some 625 migrants, aboard five separate boats landed on Lampedusa. And hundreds had arrived earlier in the week on the island, which is closer to northern Africa than to mainland Italy.

Amazing how prescient Jean Raspail was over 35 years ago when he wrote The Camp of the Saints.