This is a quiz! Name that country!

Here is a story I just came across and I’m not going to tell you where this is (I will at the end).  You tell me!

The graffiti-adorned sign and boarded-up guard shack at the entrance of__________ are symbolic of the rest of the residential community just off of ________.

Just past the entrance, rubble from a condominium building leveled by the community’s homeowners association in 2006 has weeds growing in it. Another building, devastated by a fire in May, is in need of demolition.

Scores of units have been uninhabitable for years and are boarded up. But in many of those______, residents say the boards have been removed by homeless people seeking shelter.

One problem is the lack of money in the community, which is populated mostly by Somalian refugees.

“There is very little income here,” said property manager Haji Said.

The 30-acre site in 1973 was once a vibrant community with 31 buildings, 368 residential units, a pool and two tennis courts.

Now, due to the cost of ongoing maintenance and liability insurance, the pool is filled in with grass growing on top.

Grass-filled cracks cross the tennis courts—now converted to basketball courts surrounded by a rusty, dilapidated chain-link fence plagued by holes and weeds.


Crime is also a problem. The Crimetrac website, which has a link on the_____ Police Department’s website, lists 28 crimes in the community between February and August, including simple assault, armed robbery with a gun, car theft, possession of cocaine and loitering for drugs.

In May, a 17-year-old male, Mohamed Hussien, died after being shot while he and another man were walking between two buildings in the community.

Gunshots are common in _______.

“We don’t have gates,” Said explained. “We don’t have security. We can’t afford security.”

So where are we?  South Africa?  Great Britain? Malaysia?

NO!  This is Clarkston, Georgia!  Clarkston, Georgia, the Ellis Island of the South!  An American town—the home of that much ballyhooed soccer team that starred in a bestseller—‘Outcasts United’—read and promoted by the multicultural set as an example of how it all works out beautifully in the end, diversity that is.   The book was even featured as Maryland’s “one book” in 2010 and all the school kids in Maryland were reading it to learn more about how an  “American town” welcomed (after a few rough patches) and ultimately celebrated the downtrodden of the third world who had come to live in their midst.

Read the whole article to fill in the blanks I left out above and to learn more.  The refugee residents want the county to step in and save them.  How about calling the US State Department instead! Maybe Obama has a little extra in his “stash.”

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