British Freedom Party leader warns America

Update:  Weston to speak in Toronto as well, here.

Imagine 2030 might have been the title of his speech.

Why that particular phrase?  It is the year that the Great Britain we know will be gone, warns Paul Weston, taken over by a multicultural mishmash who will undoubtedly be governed by Shariah law.

The other night while writing about immigration issues in Maryland, I came across a vile group calling itself Imagine 2050—the year they say America will no longer have a majority western culture.   For fun, go to Imagine 2050 and enter your group or your state and see what they are saying about what you believe and the efforts you are making to curb out-of-control immigration.

Now back to Paul Weston’s warning in Nashville posted at New English Review:

Weston’s message was sobering. Like Geert Wilders, he is trying to “warn America not to go down the same Islamic road” as has Europe and Great Britain. He quoted Samuel Huntington saying that when civilizations are in the process of dying, their inhabitants nevertheless remain under the “illusion of permanency,” even during the kind of massive demographic transformation England has experienced in the last 50 years. In the 1960’s Muslim immigrants numbered in the tens of thousands, but today, thanks to intentional Labour policy to “rub the noses of right-wing in diversity,” they number anywhere from 3 to 8 million in a population of around 65 million. The exact figure is unknown due to the open door immigration policies of those who were trying to further the “revolution” by making the indigenous Britons a powerless minority in their own country. And this is already happening in many areas which have been transformed into Sharia zones. Of course these new immigrants create a bloc vote for the Labour Party.


Weston maintains that this open door immigration policy is treasonous.

Civil war!

The non-indigenous population under age 40 is growing at ten times the rate of native Britons and Weston estimates that the tipping point, when the non-indigenous under 40 population becomes the majority is just 18 years in the future, in 2030. He openly warns of the possibility of civil war unless something is done right away.

Read all of the Freedom Party’s prescriptions for halting the demographic slide into oblivion for native Britons.   Here is one of twenty.

Halt any further immigration for a period of five years.

Read it all!

Kentucky: Iraqi terror suspect lied on refugee application

NO!  Imagine that!  He failed to tell the overseas processing entity in Syria that he was a member of a terrorist organization.

Readers, you know how this story began with the arrest of two suspected Iraqi refugee terrorists last summer, here.

One of the accused has already admitted he is guilty.

Now comes the latest on his accomplice, here, at the Bowling Green Daily News.  And, by the way, this failure to properly screen Muslim refugees is what has slowed the entire refugee resettlement program to a crawl in recent months.

An Iraqi refugee facing federal terrorism-related charges is now accused of falsifying information on refugee admission papers he filed in Syria in 2009 and on his application to register for permanent residence status that he filed in Bowling Green in 2010.

A federal grand jury in Bowling Green indicted Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, 24, of Bowling Green, on Wednesday in a superseding indictment adding the two perjury charges to 10 previous charges filed in May that accuse Hammadi and a co-defendant, Waad Ramadan Alwan, 30, also of Bowling Green, of attempting to provide material support and resources to terrorists in Iraq. Alwan pleaded guilty in December to all 23 charges against him. An April 3 sentencing date is set for Alwan.

The latest charges against Hammadi allege that he “denied having previously engaged in terrorist activity and having previously been a member of a terrorist organization,” according to Wednesday’s indictment.

How did they know he was lying?  They found his fingerprints on an IED used against American troops in Iraq, but only after we had let him live among us.

And, you can be sure he was receiving much more of America’s social safety net then the subsidized housing noted here:

Hammadi lived in Section 8, government-subsidized housing on Flanigan Court before his arrest. He entered the country in July 2009 in Las Vegas and moved to Bowling Green in December 2009.

So, he was first resettled in Nevada and then migrated to Bowling Green (to work in a chicken plant there? or to hook up with his fellow Iraqi terrorist?).

Fun with Numbers!  Have a look at the US State Department’s data base here.  First, look at the one for Iraqis since 2007.  We resettled 390 Iraqis in Nevada and 1,183 in Kentucky.  California got the most Iraqis since 2007—14,953!

Then scroll down and have a look at the data base on what nationalities went to what cities and towns.  Bowling Green (a meatpacking town) got 2,688 refugees from all over the world over the last ten years.  Las Vegas (where our Iraqi terror suspect was first resettled by a government contractor, maybe Catholic Charities, but I didn’t take time to look it up) received 3,876 refugees in ten years.

Readers, this is our 519th post on Iraqi refugees since July 2007, visit our Iraqi refugee archives here.

Socialist Guterres says Australia has best refugee program in the world

I don’t know if that is a compliment or curse coming from UNHCR head honcho Antonio Guterres a long time socialist leader.

From the Fairfield Advance:

UNITED Nations High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said Australia had the best refugee resettlement program in the world during his visit to Fairfield High School yesterday.

Mr Guterres enjoyed afternoon tea with students, teachers and community members during the whirlwind visit.

The former Portuguese prime minister also met with parents in the school’s Parents Café, a place where recently-arrived migrants catch up to learn more about their new life in Australia.

“Australia has the most successful program of resettlement in the world,” Mr Guterres said.

“It is not easy to resettle in a new country; there is a different culture, a different way of living, even a different climate.

“I think Australia should be commended, because civil society, the schools, the local authorities, the government services all work together in order to make (refugees) feel at home and feel part of this wonderful country.

The country is so wonderful that some Muslims want to go back “home” from time to time (on the taxpayers dime no less!)

Apparently the refugees are all so comfortable that this week we learned that “new Australians,” who are Muslim are asking that the government give them subsidies to go back to home countries for family visits.  And, they want help with housing in special segregated enclaves.  I kid you not!

Here is the story from the Herald Sun (Hat tip:  Jihad Watch):

NEW migrants should get taxpayer subsidies to visit overseas relatives, an Islamic group has told the Federal Government.

The Islamic Women’s Welfare Association also says Muslims prefer to live close to their own people and Australia should consider how to “facilitate the purchase of homes for new migrants”.

In a submission to a federal multicultural inquiry, the association has urged the Government to give tax deductions to newly arrived migrants so they can visit relatives in their homelands.

“Migrants face a lot of sacrifices such as having to travel long distances to visit relatives, spending on communication costs, missing out on some events occurring in native countries etc,” the submission said.

“This loss should be compensated by the Government in one way or the other to retain migrants in their country of adoption.”

Sounds like an idea a socialist like Guterres would love!

Australia good, Europe bad!

Last spring Guterres chastised Europe for not opening its arms to the Arab Springers coming in from North Africa, here.

Who is Guterres trying to fool, check our category on Australia where we have 73 posts on problems with asylum seekers/refugees/immigrants to Australia.

Are they worrying over Tennessee at the US State Department?

You bet they are! 

Why else send a high level delegation to the state last week to chat it up with those who drafted a bill that was ultimately signed into law that tells the feds they must do what federal law already says—coordinate with local officials before refugees are resettled into a particular state.

I reported on this little mission to the Bible-belt last week here, but the Shelbyville Times-Gazette has a more thorough look at what the meetings were about.  By the way, if you are a new reader and wish to know more about all the problems in recent years in Shelbyville with mostly Somali refugees, just type ‘Shelbyville’ into our search function.  We have dozens of posts on the subject.

First, here is some background from yesterday’s story by Brian Mosely:

A top representative of the U.S. State Department was in Tennessee this week to discuss a law dealing with the state’s refugee resettlement program.

The Refugee Absorptive Capacity Act, which originated from the desk of State Sen. Jim Tracy, became law last July. It’s the first bill of its kind.

It requires the state’s refugee program agency, Catholic Charities, to meet four times a year with local governments to plan and coordinate “the appropriate placement of refugees in advance of the refugees’ arrival …”

The law also allows local communities to apply for a “moratorium” on refugee resettlement if those agencies overload local resources, and so far, Tennessee is the only state that has passed this type of legislation.

A number of refugees from a variety of countries, such as Somalia, Burma and Egypt, have moved to Shelbyville in recent years to be closer to jobs at the Tyson Foods facility.

State Senator Tracy:  “We had to codify something in state law to get their attention.”

On Wednesday, David Robinson,* acting assistant secretary of the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, met with Tracy and other parties to discuss the law passed last year, the state senator told the T-G.

“That was the whole purpose of the visit, and they thought the bill was fine,” Tracy said, but he added that even though provisions in the new state refugee law passed last year was already codified in federal law, it had not been enforced.

“If you are going to bring refugees into a community, you need to meet with community leaders, mayor, councilmen, commissioners, school superintendents, hospitals, anyone that an influx of a refugee group would affect,” Tracy said, explaining the reasons for the law being passed last year.

Tracy said that the State Department representatives had no problems with the law and were complimenting them on the bill, but Tracy said he “thought it was interesting that we had to codify something in state law to get their attention.”


“It was interesting that they (the State Department) would travel to Tennessee to talk about the legislation that we passed last year and I really take it as a compliment,” Tracy said Friday. “I think they were already supposed to be doing that, and in Tennessee, they have to be doing that now.”

There is more, read it all, here.

* Robinson is about to be replaced at the US State Department by a George Soros protege’, here.  The reason there is so much unwillingness to listen to local concerns over flooding communities with poverty is that there is a larger plan in place to “change” America—-US citizens be damned.

The Contractor/Government revolving door spins again with refugee program

I told you the story a couple of years ago about how the federal contractor US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants’ (USCRI) head honcho had been Bill Clinton’s head of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in the US Dept. of Health and Human Services that doles out money to contractors.    USCRI’s former VP is presently the director of ORR under Kathleen Sebelius.  Did you get that?

Now, and I am late with this news, Anne Richard a VP at one of the largest federal refugee contractors, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), has been tapped by Obama to take over from Acting Asst. Secretary for Population Refugees and Migrations David Robinson* at the US State Department  (also a funder of contractors) to be the new Asst. Secretary.  She must still be confirmed by the US Senate.

And note the door spins even more, Ms. Richard was herself a State Department employee before leaving to go to contractor IRC.   Isn’t there a law against this?  If there isn’t, there should be!

From DiploPundit:

Anne C. Richard is the Vice President of Government Relations and Advocacy for the International Rescue Committee (IRC).  Prior to joining IRC in 2004, Ms. Richard was Director of the Office of Resources, Plans and Policy at the Department of State from 1999 to 2001.  From 1997 to 1999, she was Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the Peace Corps.  She has also served as a budget and policy advisor at the Department of State and as Budget Examiner at the United States Office of Management and Budget.  Ms. Richard was an International Affairs Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1993 to 1994 and was part of the team that created the International Crisis Group.  From 1985 to 1986, she was a fellow of the Robert Bosch Foundation in Germany.

George Soros, again!

I told you about the International Crisis Group, here, in 2008.   I sure wouldn’t be bragging about that affiliation, let alone being listed as a founder.  It’s George Soros and the boys (and girls including Samantha Power).  These are the hardcore globalists.  They are the Leftwing one-percenters. They don’t give a flying c*** about the human beings–the refugees–this is all about erasing borders and establishing one world government.  The refugees are just pawns in the game—and the cheap labor for the large corporations.  People like Anne Richard get to wear their humanitarian white hats while destroying American sovereignty.

NGOs like USCRI and the IRC don’t just resettle refugees they are out and about around the world mucking in other countries’ politics and you are paying for it!

It is frankly disgusting.

* Robinson is the guy who went to Tennessee this week, here.