Minnesota Somalis walk off job due to new dress code

No flowing fabrics below the knee….

Here we go again, creeping Shariah from KEYC.TV:

Le Center, MN –

A new dress code at a southern Minnesota company prompted some Somali workers to walk off the job because they say it conflicts with their religious beliefs. The new policy at Dianne’s Fine Desserts in Le Center restricts dresses that hang below the knee. The company says the new policy is due to safety concerns as the longer skirts could get caught in the equipment in fact they say that did just recently happen.

But some Islamic workers say the dress rule was changed to force them off the job because of their religious beliefs. About 30 workers left rather than comply with the dress code. This isn’t the first issue the company’s had with its workers. Back in December of 2010, workers claimed their rights were violated when the company changed its break times. The company disputed those claims.

Here is an idea, don’t hire Somalis.  And, tell the State Department to stop bringing them in.

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