World Net Daily posted a story three days ago that didn’t say anything about refugees, but asked that question and ended with this line:
DeKalb has changed from majority white to majority black over the last several decades. As the Atlanta Journal Constitution gingerly put it: “The county’s transition from majority white to majority minority was politically rocky.”
Where is Professor Kotkin? Is this one of his stellar examples of how immigrants are turning red cities and states into blue ones?
These refugees didn’t ‘find their way’ to the Atlanta suburbs, the US State Department and its contractors placed them there!

John T. Bennett at WND begins his sorry tale of corruption and how some suburbs are breaking from Atlanta and setting up their own cities (of super-white majorities!) to escape the responsibility of dealing with the Dekalb County suburbs.
As Detroit – beset by violence, debt and social woes – prepares to undergo a historic takeover by the Michigan state government, the city of Atlanta could be sliding toward a similar fate.
Some are quietly wondering whether Atlanta is in danger of becoming “the Detroit of the South.”
The city has experienced an ongoing succession of government scandals, ranging from a massive cheating racket to corruption, bribery, school-board incompetence and now the potential loss of accreditation for the local DeKalb County school system.
For several years, problems of this sort have fueled political reforms, including the creation of new cities in northern Atlanta suburbs. Due to the intensification of corruption scandals in DeKalb, some state-level reform proposals could become national news very soon.
Read all the gory details, here. Obama must be fuming because with suburbs breaking away to form their own incorporated cities this goes against a fundamental Obama goal of making the burbs pay for the cities as outlined by Stanley Kurtz (read about it here), but that’s a story for another day and another blog!
So, how does the US State Department play a role?
Because they have been for decades pouring refugees into Dekalb County! That is why! (Just as they did in Detroit!) But, in fact as we learned here earlier this month they have slowed the flow of resettlements to the beleaguered city of Clarkston, Georgia where city leaders said, ‘no more!’
However, once ethnic seed communities have been planted, secondary migrants will follow. So even slowing resettlements directly from a third world country into a town does not necessarily mean the immigrant population will stop growing as their kinsmen arrive from elsewhere in the US because they want to be with their kind of people!
Look at this map of Dekalb County!

Downtown Atlanta is in Fulton County and Dekalb is the county directly adjoining Fulton to the East.
Then go to WRAPS statistics and see what the primary resettlement cities in Georgia have been since Calendar Year 2007 (too much work to go back further, but this gives you an idea). Also, have a look at a website which shows the changing demographics for Dekalb County from 2000 to 2010, here (whites are moving out).
Here (WRAPS, arrivals by destination city by nationality*) are the US State Department resettlement numbers for Dekalb County cities. Georgia received 16,295 refugees from calendar year 2007 to 2013:
Atlanta: 3,826
Clarkston: 2,346
Decatur: 5,861
Stone Mountain: 2,525
So 89% of the refugees resettled in Georgia went to Atlanta and Dekalb County!
* I don’t know what’s up with this, they don’t appear to be giving us the nationalities any more—what are they hiding?
About the photo:
The photo is from this story about how the refugees flooding into Clarkston in previous years have driven out the white residents and brought more poverty and decay. I first wrote about it here. Don’t expect to see any balanced reporting any time soon in the mainstream media (including on Fox News) on changing demographics through refugee resettlement.