ICE quietly resuming deportations to Somalia, but not broadcasting the news

We reported this good news here in January,  but I see that Minnesota Public Radio has a very good comprehensive piece on the new start-up program here today.  And, it kind of fits in with the news about CAIR agitation in Minnesota I reported earlier this a.m.

The MPR article reminds us that the US Supreme Court in 2005 did approve deportations to Somalia even at the time that the country was in total chaos, so now that a new government is in power and al-Shabaab has at least been driven from Mogadishu we can get those jet engines warmed up and load up the planes!

Turkish Air is making daily flights to Mogadishu from US cities!

Sasha Aslanian writing at MPR:

ST. PAUL, Minn. — As Somalia begins to stabilize, there is a downside for a small number of Somalis who have run afoul of the U.S. immigration system.

For years, Somali immigrants whose deportations were ordered had nowhere to go. There was no functioning government in Somalia to accept them.

In January, the United States recognized the government in Somalia for the first time in more than 20 years, and the U.S. has quietly resumed deportations to Somalia.

The two countries have not restored full diplomatic relations. But Immigration and Customs Enforcement did get enough cooperation last year to begin returning some detainees who have been convicted of serious crimes while in the United States. ICE officials declined to be interviewed for this story, but a spokesperson confirmed that 24 people have been deported from Minnesota and other states so far.

There was no big announcement of the policy change, said Marc Prokosch, an immigration attorney in Bloomington and chair of the American Immigration Lawyers Association – Minnesota/Dakotas Chapter. Detainees found out when they were taken into custody after showing up for their regular check-in with immigration.

“It seems that the first wave — if you wanted to call it “wave” since there were only a handful — were people who would be seen as an ongoing threat to public safety, because of, for example the criminal sexual conduct convictions,” Prokosch said. “But we’ve been hearing of non-sexual crime convictions being taken into custody, for example, felony assault.”


ICE has not publicized its recent deportations or the criteria being used, although it is likely to be a topic at the next quarterly roundtable federal officials hold with the Somali community.

Readers!  Help ICE spread the news!

If you are on twitter, please tweet this!  And, help me get more followers  in order to educate more Americans about Refugee Resettlement!

For new readers:  We have resettled more than 100,000 Somali refugees to cities large and small in the US over the last 25 years.  See one of the most widely read posts here at RRW.  Large numbers went to Minneapolis, and now they are spreading out throughout the state.  In three years since 9/11 ( Bush years 2004, 2005, 2006) the number of Somalis arriving topped 10,000 per year.  Those refugees then began bringing in the family (chain migration!) until 2008 when shock of shocks! the State Department discovered that as many as 30,000 Somalis had lied about their kinship and weren’t related at all.  The State Department then closed the “family reunification” program for Somalis.  It has recently been re-opened for new and legit family members, but they have no intention of finding and deporting the liars.

In the first 4 months of this fiscal year (Oct. 1 to January 31) we have resettled 2,260 new Somalis which means we are on target to make 2013 a banner year for Somalis entering the US.

Minneapolis Rep. Keith Ellison is all too happy to oblige and get more money for refugee contractors to bring in more Muslim voters.


CAIR Minnesota busy these days as Muslim population grows

A reader sent me this short AP story about how CAIR Minnesota has objected to a sensitivity training course for those having to deal with the burgeoning Somali population around St. Cloud, MN.   Waite Park is a town near St. Cloud.

Before I get to the story here is our archive on St. Cloud (26 posts!) where a lot has happened since Somalis began ‘finding their way’ to the area for meatpacking jobs.    (The ‘finding their way’ phrase is a joke, they find their way there with the help of refugee resettlement contractors).   In 2010 St. Cloud became a primary resettlement site (previously it was a secondary migration site only).   The resettlement contractor you paid to get all the newbies settled was Lutheran Social Service.  The Lutherans are one of the nine federal refugee contractorsHeadquartered in Baltimore, according to their most recent Form 990 , they had $31 million in revenue and you—taxpayers—paid them $30 million of that!  And, I bet you thought they were passing the plate in church!

Muslim-packing Rep. Michele Bachmann’s District

The news about CAIR objecting to a training program about al-Shabaab—the Islamic terror group in Africa that recruited over 20 Somali refugees from Minnesota in 2008 to return to Africa for Jihad training—would indicate that Catholic Charities, another contractor, is also in on the ‘Muslim-packing’ going on in Rep. Michele Bachmann’s District.

I’ve just coined a new phrase—what do you think?  ‘Muslim-packing!’ to indicate a location where a concerted effort is being made by the US State Department to change the demographics of your townProfessor Kotkin are you listening?  They are turning red Congressional districts blue!

Here is the story:

Lori Saroya, CAIR-MN Executive Director

WAITE PARK, Minn. (AP) — A Muslim rights group is calling on police in Waite Park to reject a training program about Somalis.

The program “Understanding the People of Somalia” will be held Tuesday. According to the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the event flier lists Somalia’s al-Shabaab as an “Islamic” organization.

The U.S. Department of State designated al-Shabaab a terrorist group in 2008. CAIR-MN spokeswoman Lori Saroya says the training flier unfairly suggests the activities of al-Shabaab, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda, are supported by most Muslims.

[Ms. Saroya conveniently doesn’t mention the two Minnesota Somali women convicted of sending money to al-Shabaab and telling the court “go to hell infidels”—hereed]

Waite Park Police Chief Dave Bentrud tells the St. Cloud Times he doesn’t expect any Waite Park police officers will attend Tuesday’s training. [Of course not—CAIR has the police trained—ed] He says the city is hosting the event for Catholic Charities workers and other social-service groups.

CAIR goes after Minnesota church hosting Walid Shoebat!

There is more!  CAIR-MN threw a fit also yesterday when a church group in Perham, MN (a little over a hundred miles north from Waite Park)  hosted a former Muslim— speaker and author Walid Shoebat—calling him “Islamophobic”.   This from CAIR-Minnesota’s release yesterday.  Apparently two Muslim students were asked to leave the meeting when they became disruptive.   Get this!  CNBC published CAIR’s press release verbatim!

(MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 3/5/13) — The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN) today called for a meeting with church officials in Perham, Minn., after two Muslim exchange students were kicked out of an event for questioning the anti-Islam bigotry of the speaker, Walid Shoebat. Shoebat is a notorious Islamophobe who claims “Islam is the devil.”

CAIR-MN is also offering to provide the Assembly of God church leaders with accurate and balanced information about Islam and Muslims and to arrange for a presentation on the faith to church members.

For new readers: 

We have resettled more than 100,000 Somali refugees to cities large and small in the US over the last 25 years.  See one of the most widely read posts here at RRW.  Large numbers went to Minneapolis, and now they are spreading out throughout the state.  In three years since 9/11 ( Bush years 2004, 2005, 2006) the number of Somalis arriving topped 10,000 per year.  Those refugees then began bringing in the family (chain migration!) until 2008 when shock of shocks! the State Department discovered that as many as 30,000 Somalis had lied about their kinship and weren’t related at all.  The State Department then closed the “family reunification” program for Somalis.  It has recently been re-opened for new and legit family members, but they have no intention of finding and deporting the liars.

In the first 4 months of this fiscal year (Oct. 1 to January 31) we have resettled 2,260 new Somalis which means we are on target to make 2013 a banner year for Somalis entering the US.

Minneapolis Rep. Keith Ellison is all too happy to oblige and get more money for refugee contractors to bring in more Muslim voters.


A reader, Margaret, tells us this!

I live in this area and am so glad to see some light on this. The St Cloud Times will not comment on any negativity on the problem and has a rabid hatred for Michele Bachmann. I know women working in the county courthouse who have quit their jobs because they cannot take the disrespect and total unfairness going on with getting these “immigrants” housing.

And, one more reminder from me!  Learn about al-Hijra—the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.

Who arranged for Karnamaya Mongar to get an abortion?

Bhutanese refugee Karnamaya Mongar and her husband.
Photo: AP

Karnamaya Mongar was a married Bhutanese refugee resettled in Virginia who happened to ‘find her way’ to an abortion doctor in Philadelphia.   She died there.  Surely, someone in the refugee resettlement “community” had to facilitate that trip.  Who?

Yesterday the trial began for a barbaric abortion doctor in Philadelphia charged in her death along with the deaths of babies born alive.  He snipped their spines.

Below is the story at the Daily Mail.  I told you about it here in 2011 when we learned she had only been here for four months, did not speak English, and would thus have been still in the care (well, sort of!) of “church” resettlement agencies.

I’m guessing Catholic Charities (Virginia!) wouldn’t have been involved this time because in 2008 they were criticized for helping another immigrant in their care, a 16-year-old girl, get an abortion.  Presumably they had learned their lesson.

The Daily Mail:

An abortion doctor who performed ‘barbaric’ abortions at his medical centre will go on trial today over eight deaths including a pregnant refugee and seven viable newborns.

Dr Kermit Gosnell, 72, the clinic owner, could face the death penalty over charges he killed 41-year-old Karnamaya Mongar and seven viable newborns at a West Philadelphia clinic in Pennsylvania. He also faces a separate federal trial on prescription drug charges.

Gosnell, who has pleaded not guilty, saw himself as a medical missionary in the blighted neighbourhood where he worked and lived for 40 years. His Women’s Medical Center treated the poor, immigrants, teens and women with late-stage pregnancies who could not get abortions elsewhere.

But some of those patients were left with infections, perforated bowels and other injuries after barbaric abortions were performed by untrained, unlicensed staff, according to numerous lawsuits and a lengthy 2011 grand jury report.


In 2009 Ms Mongar also lost her life at the centre.


Ms Mongar’s family has a civil suit pending over her death. The woman from Bhutan – who did not speak English – died after allegedly receiving lethal doses of sedatives and painkillers from Gosnell’s untrained workers.

She and her husband and three children had survived 20 years in refugee camps before settling in rural Virginia. She was referred to Gosnell’s clinic to seek a second-term abortion.

Medical technician Sherry West, during her plea to third-degree murder and other charges, admitted she may have administered drugs to Ms Mongar while Gosnell was off-site.

The wholesale movement of tens of thousands of Bhutanese/Nepalese refugees began in 2007, here.  They have had a rough time and have the highest suicide rate of any group of refugees we have resettled.  Culture shock perhaps?

The third world is making a beeline to Canada; government trying to get it under control

My Canada stories are piling up, so I’m going to post three here in one post.

First is an update of the Sri Lankan boat people that we first reported here in 2010.  Seems that at least two men on the ship were wrongly given refugee status according to a Canadian Court.  Pro-immigration lawyers had creatively argued that since the ship had been publicly identified with Tamil Tiger terrorists that none of the migrants could be returned safely to Sri Lanka without fear of persecution.

Sri Lankans are also traveling by boat to get into Australia as we reported here last week.

From the National Post:

Police and military personnel wear surgical masks as they board the MV Sun Sea after it was escorted into CFB Esquimalt in Colwood, B.C. on Aug. 13, 2010. Jonathan Hayward / CP files

The Immigration & Refugee Board misinterpreted the law when it granted asylum to two Sri Lankans simply because they had traveled to Canada aboard the human smuggling ship MV Sun Sea, the Federal Court has ruled.

In a pair of decisions, the court weighed in on attempts by refugee lawyers to argue that, because the Sun Sea has been publicly linked to the Tamil Tigers rebels, its passengers faced persecution if Canada sent them back to Sri Lanka.

The latest cases involved two men who were not considered genuine refugees except for the fact they had been on board the Sun Sea. The refugee board ruled that made them members of a “social group” that faced persecution.

But this week, the court said it had used the wrong standard of proof to reach those decisions. It overturned both men’s asylum claims and sent the cases back for re-evaluation.


The Sun Sea arrived off the British Columbia coast in August 2010, carrying 492 Sri Lankan migrants. The voyage had originated in Thailand and was organized by a smuggling syndicate that charged hefty fees.

Although those on board claimed to be fleeing persecution, Justice Sean Harrington said B472 “was found to be a liar,” while B323 was not credible and did not face a serious chance of mistreatment when he had lived in Sri Lanka.

“The Sun Sea passengers had a myriad of motives to come to Canada,” he wrote in his ruling.

“Some were human smugglers. Some may well have been terrorists. Some were garden-variety criminals who wanted to escape justice. Some had serious reason to fear persecution in Sri Lanka and some, like Mr. 472, were economic migrants.”

Second story for today

Canada saving billions by fast-tracking asylum claims from countries not considered to be producing legitimate refugees, including any who want asylum from the US!   Thanks to a reader for sending this about a week ago.

From the Globe and Mail:

Canada has seen a dramatic drop in the number of refugees seeking asylum here after Ottawa began fast-tracking applications from countries where it feels people are less likely to be persecuted.

Senior government sources say that on average, 164 foreigners are claiming asylum weekly in 2013, down nearly 70 per cent from the average weekly claim for the past five years, which was 537. This is based on data for the first seven weeks of 2013.

The plummeting figures show the impact of the changes that Immigration Minister Jason Kenney made to Canada’s refugee system in 2012 when he sponsored a bill that made this country a less welcoming destination for asylum seekers with shaky claims – those he called “bogus refugees.”


Mr. Kenney’s legislation, now law, gives the Immigration Minister the power to designate which countries are less likely to be a legitimate source of refugees.

Changes last year designated 27 countries of origin – including the United States, most European Union member countries and Croatia – as places from which claims would be fast-tracked. Ottawa added eight more countries to this list this month.

Refugee claimants from countries on this safe list – those that Canada considers democratic states with a solid human-rights record and an independent judiciary – now have much less time to fight to stay here.   [and thus do not need to be housed and fed at taxpayer expense—ed]

The third story in my Canadian troika today is this one about Immigration Minister Kenney traveling to Turkey and being criticized for not committing to take thousands of Syrians home with him.  This is the story from the Edmonton Journal last week.  Kenney did commit to resettle more Iraqis and Iranians.

OTTAWA – The NDP and a Syrian Canadian group are questioning why Immigration Minister Jason Kenney chose to accept Iraqi and Iranian refugees when he visited fleeing Syrians in Turkey last month.

They accuse Kenney of misleading the Canadian public by touting his visit as being in support of Syrian refugees, which currently number about 200,000 in Turkey, when Canada opted instead to take 5,000 Iraqis and Iranians.

But Kenney’s office says there’s a perfectly good explanation for the decision: Turkey won’t let any fleeing Syrians leave the country until the United Nations officially declares them actual refugees.

Kenney’s aides also say Canada is currently co-operating with the UN’s refugee agency, which doesn’t want to push the resettlement of the hundreds of thousands of fleeing Syrians just yet.

Read it all!

I had been wondering why Western countries weren’t dashing to Turkey to bring home refugees.  The UN says it isn’t time yet.  Watch for it!  The Iraqis are getting boring to the US refugee contractors, Syrians will be next.  As a matter of fact, I bet at this year’s State Department hearing for who to bring in 2014, the likes of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops will be asking for Syrians please!

Sequester suggestion for the day: defund the Ethnic Community Based Organizations!

Your tax dollars!

Yesterday I recommended saving US taxpayers almost $4 million by gutting the Refugees must have rotten marriages program, here.   Today we can save some air traffic controller jobs by cutting over $5 million for ethnic groups who have set up their little ACORN-like fiefdoms across America.

They used to be referred to as ECBOs (Ethnic Community Based Organizations), now the bureaucrats in Washington call them Ethnic Community Self-Help organizations. 

Why do we even need these?  They are non-profits set up for specific ethnic groups (funded by you) that help THEIR people (their ethnic group!) get signed up for welfare, find jobs, learn English, register to vote, demand THEIR rights and are the voice of THEIR people in your city.  In short, they promote balkanization. 

The federal government already contracts nine major contractors who in turn contract hundreds of sub-contractors whose job it is to get new immigrants settled.   And, if we need anything further besides local government, then the group in a city whose job it would be to get stuff for refugees should be multi-ethnic!  (a few are).

Furthermore, why do these ECBOs even need to be involved in teaching English?  Can’t the state and feds contract a local college to teach English to all immigrants and at least those tax dollars could be monitored.

Center for Prevention of Hate Violence got a grant

Before I get to the list, there is one listed in 2009 that caught my eye—-The Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence in Maine won a grant for $184,719, but is now defunct.

I wrote about them here in 2010 when they were going to take their Lewiston model of how great the Somalis had been assimilated there (they haven’t been) on the road and make some cities feel guilty—three of the cities were refugee over-loaded cities that we write about here all the time, the fourth was Frederick, MD!  Frederick, MD!  They were going to do a PR campaign about the hateful people in Frederick, MD!   Of course, if you live in Maryland you know why—they wanted to discredit Sheriff Chuck Jenkins.  As far as I know it didn’t happen and I’ve wondered if a call made by then Congressman Roscoe Bartlett’s Office to the Maine office of the Center had anything to do with it not happening?

Here is that gold-mine of information, the 2009 ORR Annual Report to Congress that has just been released four years late on the funding for ECBOs (p.49).   Let’s save the taxpayer $5 million!

Ethnic Community Self-Help Program In FY 2009

MAWA (Minnesota African Women’s Association)

ORR supported 32 single and multi-site ethnic community integration projects through competitive awards totaling $5,028,696. The host organizations provided self-help networks, and various in-house and referral services to enhance refugee integration. In addition, they conducted community outreach, coalition building, self-assessment, strategic planning, resource development, and leadership training activities. The active grantee organizations for FY 2009 are listed below.

The Southern Sudanese American Association, $100,000, AK

Boat People, SOS, Inc., $100,000, AL

Somali Bantu Association of Tucson, $197,688, AZ

Horn of Africa Community in North America, $135,000, CA

California Health Collaborative, $141,682, CA

Lao Family Community Development Inc., $198,154, CA

Merced Lao Family Community Inc., $183,381, CA

Merced Lao Family Community Inc., $180,891, CA

Colorado African Organization, $197,308, CO

ISED Solutions, $121,764, DC

Refugee Family Services, $154,430, GA

Pan African Association, $177,555, IL

Catholic Charities of Louisville, $196,267, KY

State of Maine Dept. of Health and Human Services, $168,059, ME

Center for Prevention of Hate Violence, $184,719, ME

Minnesota African Women’s Association, Inc., $123,758, MN

Women’s Initiative for Self-Empowerment, $168,370, MN

Karen Community of Minnesota, $169,000, MN

Montagnard Human Rights Organization, $181,390, NC

Asian Community & Cultural Center, $125,000, NE

Southern New Hampshire Services, $118,420, NH

The International Rescue Committee, $199,962, NY

Sauti Yetu Center for African Women, Inc., $
107,590, NY

Sauti Yetu Center for African Women, Inc., $152,056, NY

Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees, Inc., $79,226, NY

US Together, Inc., $141,572, OH

IRCO-Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization, $200,000, OR

Center for Refugees and Immigrants of Tennessee, $195,608, TN

Somali Bantu Association of San Antonio, $174,345, TX

Somali Bantu Community of Greater Houston, $125, 695, TX

Association of Africans Living in Vermont, $165,531, VT

Pan African Community Association, $166,824, WI

We have a whole category on ECBOs, here.   By the way, if you have one or more of these groups in your city or state, please look into their activities and their finances.  They should all be filing Form 990s and reporting how much of their funds come from the government (you!).