Just recently we posted on the UN’s Kilian Kleinschmidt telling Der Spiegel that the refugees at Zaatari in Jordan are the “most difficult he has ever seen.” Did Kerry find that out too?

Last week, Secretary of State Kerry met with “refugees” in the camp who gave him an earful about how the US wasn’t doing enough to help the ‘rebels.’ I fully expected to see demands that they be taken to America, but at least in this story, they only want the US to insert itself even further into their civil war.
In reality, it’s often the NGOs (paid by the head for each refugee they resettle) who want to take them to America, sometimes against their will.
From AP at Yahoo News (hat tip: Charles):
ZAATARI, Jordan (AP) — Angry Syrian refugees confronted U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday with demands for the United States and the international community to do more to help opponents of President Bashar Assad’s regime, venting frustration at perceived inaction on their behalf.
Visiting the sprawling Zaatari refugee camp in northern Jordan near the Syrian border, Kerry met six representatives of its 115,000-strong population, all of whom appealed to him for the U.S. and its allies to create no-fly zones and set up safe zones inside Syria to prevent the Assad regime from inflicting additional destruction.
The article mentions that the number of refugees in the camp is declining.
The Photo is from this article, not clear who the photo credit belongs to.