And, believe it or not, it’s not the first time an African migrant killed a Norwegian on the same bus line!
Writing at Limits to Growth, blogger Brenda Walker alerted us to the sickening news.
She begins her post:
The Refugee Industrial Complex wants us to believe that asylum seekers are poor little waifs who need the help of the too-rich West. But some of the demanding refugee crowd are dangerous characters, as was demonstrated recently in rural Norway, where a knife-wielding Sudanese man murdered three on a bus after he had been refused asylum.
We are directed to the news in The Local on November 4th:
The 31-year-old, who was living at an asylum reception centre in Årdal, was due to be deported to Spain on Tuesday, after having his application rejected in June.
“This person had applied for asylum, and come to Norway in April,” a spokesman for Norway’s immigration directorate said. “He was rejected in June, and was supposed to be returned to Spain under the so-called Dublin Regulation.”
The reference here to the Dublin Regulation refers to the EU policy put in place about ten years ago to try to reduce the number of asylum shoppers who land in one country and then ‘make their way’ to another country within the EU that is more to their liking.
The man is accused of killing the bus driver, Arve Haug Bagn (55) and Margaret Molland Sanden, a 19-year-old biotechnology student at the Oslo and Akerhus University College of Applied Sciences. The third victim, a Swedish man in his 50s, has not been named.
The bus, the Valdres Express, travels the four-hour journey from the mountainous region of Valdres to Oslo , nd was hijacked between the towns of Årdal and Tyin in Sogn og Fjordane county.
The attack marks the second time the Valdres Express has been hijacked. In 2003, it was hijacked by a mentally disturbed 26-year-old Ethiopian man who stabbed the driver to death.
There is a follow-up story yesterday, also at The Local which brings up the subject of Anders Breivik in relation to the slow police response to the bus slaughter. Readers will remember that Breivik’s main beef (which the anti-free speech Norwegians never let him vent, until they were forced to hear it in his murder trial) when he went on his slaughter spree of children of Norway’s Leftists, was that African and Middle Eastern immigration was killing Norway.
Police said the man suspected of hijacking a bus on Monday evening, killing all on board, was a 30-year-old asylum seeker from South Sudan whose application had been rejected and who was due to be deported.
Fire fighters and medical personnel were first to arrive on the scene, ahead of police, and used a fire extinguisher to disable him. [A fire extinguisher!—what else in the land of no guns!—imagine how things might have been different if that poor bus driver had a gun!—ed]
That fact has re-awakened criticism of the police which surfaced after the brutal massacre carried out by the right wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik on July 21, 2011.
Breivik killed 69 young Labour Party members on the island of Utøya on a 75-minute shooting rampage which was preceded by a bomb attack killing eight in central Oslo.
Then much to my shock, The Local has the audacity, the poor judgement!, to post a sidebar story also yesterday entitled ‘Ten Things Norwegians do that annoy Foreigners.’ Be sure to look at the trivial ten!
In fairness now, they should publish ‘Ten things foreigners do that annoy Norwegians.’
No 1: Killing our beautiful girls on buses!
I won’t hold my breath!
Addendum: If any one sees more news on this in which the religious affiliation of the murderer is identified, let us know (I won’t hold my breath on that either!).
Our lengthy Norway archive is here.