We don’t know if he is a refugee, but even so, he presumably got in here through one of our misguided legal immigration programs. And, when the feds are at it they should check if any food stamp fraud was going on at the convenience store (was any of your money sent out of the country?). LOL! Maybe he came across one of our borders?
Party of Islam. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezb-e_Islami_Gulbuddin
Be sure to see our complete archive on EBT fraud by mostly Muslims trafficking in food stamps,here.
Feds allege he lied. So what else is new? From Philly.com (hat tip: Robin):
A convenience store clerk was charged today in federal court with immigration fraud for failing to disclose his ties to a terrorist group on an application for U.S. citizenship.
Hayatullah Dawari, 62, is an Afghan citizen who has lived in Northeast Philadelphia since 2008.
Dawari allegedly has a connection to Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), an anti-Western insurgent group active in Afghanistan and Pakistan, said federal prosecutors. HIG, which is closely associated with al-Qaeda and the Taliban, took credit for a 2008 assassination attempt on Afghan President Hamid Karzai and has advocated for the establishment of a fundamentalist Islamic state, according to published reports.
In May 2013, a spokesman for HIG announced the group planned to step up its campaign of violent jihad to include more suicide attacks, according to the federal indictment.
Dawari, a permanent legal resident of the U.S., applied for citizenship in November 2013. On a required questionnaire, Dawari checked a “no” box when asked if he had ever been “a member of or associated with any organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club, society or similar group in the United States or in any other place?” The question requires the applicant to note any and all affiliations with professional, non-professional or religious organizations.
By the way, we brought (to a town near you) just over 600 “refugees” from Afghanistan this year so far, here. Wow! Just noticed we have resettled over 7,000 Somalis as of July 31 as well! Yikes!
When you read this remember that large numbers of those arrested or detained will claim they want to seek asylum in the US. Go here for the most recent (2012) Refugee and Asylees Annual Flow Report on the numbers we grant asylum to—Chinese top the list (Egyptians are second in recent years). The Chinese are granted asylumwhen they claim they want to have more than one baby!
By the way, I don’t know why the Department of Homeland Security has not issued the 2013 Flow Report (are they trying to hide something?).
LUBBOCK, Texas — A leaked intelligence analysis from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveals the exact numbers of illegal immigrants entering and attempting to enter the U.S. from more than 75 different countries….
The report reveals the apprehension numbers ranging from 2010 through July 2014. It shows that most of the human smuggling from Syria and Albania into the U.S. comes through Central America. The report also indicates the routes individuals from North Africa and the Middle East take into the European Union, either to illegally migrate there or as a possible stop in their journey to the United States. The data are broken down further into the specific U.S. border sectors where the apprehensions and contact occurred.
Among the significant revelations are that individuals from nations currently suffering from the world’s largest Ebola outbreak have been caught attempting to sneak across the porous U.S. border into the interior of the United States. At least 71 individuals from the three nations affected by the current Ebola outbreak have either turned themselves in or been caught attempting to illegally enter the U.S. by U.S. authorities between January 2014 and July 2014.
As of July 20, 2014, 1,443 individuals from China were caught sneaking across the porous U.S. border this year alone, with another 1,803 individuals either turning themselves in to U.S. authorities at official ports of entry, or being caught attempting to illegally enter at the ports of entry. This comes amid a massive crackdown by Chinese authorities of Islamic terrorists in the Communist nation.
Twenty-eight individuals from Pakistan were caught attempting to sneak into the U.S. this year alone, with another 211 individuals either turning themselves in or being caught at official ports of entry.
Thirteen Egyptians were caught trying to sneak into the U.S. this year alone, with another 168 either turning themselves in or being caught at official ports of entry.
Read it all! Somalis get a mention. Don’t miss our call for a Congressional investigation way back in January 2011 on the issue of who is helping poor/illiterate Somalis (and others) get to the US border and who is paying for it! Some kid from Somalia couldn’t possibly ‘find his way’ to the US border by traveling through a half a dozen countries without a lot of help anda lot of money!
All of our coverage, extending back several years, on the ‘unaccompanied minors’ invasion is here.
Update August 11th: Expect big surge of Syrians next year, here.
Update! Come to think of it, why not send all the Syrians to Vermont! They definitely welcome refugees and illegal aliens there!
We know there are some Syrians (probably thousands) here already through other legal/illegal means (specifically Temporary Protected Status), but this is the first news account I am seeing of what is expected to be the big wave of mostly Muslim Syrians the refugee resettlement contractors have been begging to resettle to your towns and cities.
By the way, the contractors were begging and haranguing in the media (they never directly harangued Obama, as they had George Bush over Iraqis) for months in the spring (we posted on it —Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants 75,000 Syrian Muslims to come to US) and then they mysteriously shut up.
I’ve been wondering why the Syrian resettlement was taking so long—-probably great wrangling behind the scenes about security screening.
But, it also occurred to me that since the Obama Administration and the contractors knew in advance about the coming southern border surge of “children,” maybe they held back the Syrians for a few months. Why they would do that I don’t know, but the result will be that the American public gets a one-two punch on immigration.
Ahmed — a Sunni Muslim who asked that his full name not be used to protect his remaining relatives in Syria — said he fled to Jordan in 2012 after militiamen aligned with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad wrongfully accused him of attacking them. [So he says—-ed]
Ahmed, his wife and three young children arrived in Atlanta last weekend, the first Syrian refugees to resettle in Georgia since the uprising against the Assad regime began more than three years ago. He spoke about his family’s odyssey Wednesday through an Arabic interpreter at the Atlanta office of the International Rescue Committee, which is helping his family resettle in Clarkston. [Long time readers will recognize”welcoming” Clarkston as a mecca of vibrant multicultural diversity—ed]
We havetold you previously that the contractors*** have been lobbying for 12,000-15,000 Syrians this year. The fiscal year ends on September 30th, so we may see a flood of Syrians in the next seven weeks (following on the heels of the great wave of “children” invading the border).
Even in normal years, the State Department and the contractors dump tons of refugees on communities in the closing weeks of the fiscal year so they can get their quota in for the year. It makes it very difficult for “welcoming” towns because the rush in the health departments and the beginning of the school year come together in that very brief period later in August and early September.
Don’t forget! The UN picks our refugees!
The Journal-Constitution continues:
The International Rescue Committee has been calling on the federal government to welcome 12,000 Syrian refugees this year, plus 3,000 more next year. Only about 100 had been resettled in the U.S. as of February. But the Obama administration is expecting to begin receiving thousands of referrals from the United Nations this year to resettle Syrians in the U.S. Most are expected to begin arriving during the next two years.
The federal government provides refugees with funding that partially covers the cost of rent, furniture, food and clothing. Private contributions supplement that funding. Refugees may work in the U.S. And they are required to apply for permanent residency after a year and are eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship after five years.
Ahmed says he is looking for an Arabic community in the US in which to blend into. More here…..
We recently told you about the IRC expanding its operation in Georgia, here. For our many new readers, the IRC is headed by far Left former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband.
Georgia has developed “pockets of resistance” to more refugee resettlement and the Governor has asked the State Dept. to slow the flow to the state, so I see this as the Obama Administration and the contractors basically saying s**** you Georgia! See a ‘pocket of resistance in the land of Jimmy Carter.’