(Reuters) – Authorities suspect around 130 people resident in Austria – most of them foreign nationals – have allied themselves with Islamist militants fighting abroad, officials in Vienna said on Friday, raising their estimate by nearly a third.
Public safety director Konrad Kogler told a news conference the 130 figure included “people actively participating in combat as well as ones who have returned to Austria, because both groups of people are relevant for us”.
He thought around two-thirds of them had come back to Austria and one-third were in battle or on the way there.
Officials were tracking the target group’s foreign travel and monitoring their activities when they return given the security risk they might pose, he said.
He said 40 of the 130 were Austrian citizens. The others were primarily from Russia, the Balkans and Turkey.
Kogler did not confirm reports that the nine suspects – one aged just 17 – were Chechens, but said many were Russian citizens.
The suspects had mostly come to Austria as young people and got political asylum that could be revoked should they be convicted of joining a terrorist organization, officials said.
Big deal! I am sure those budding Jihadists are concerned about the revocation of their political refugee status!
It is all over the news in the last few days, but just to be sure you have seen it, here is CNS Newson our southern border and the Islamists’ great opportunity. LOL! I should post this in our new category — So what did they expect?
It isn’t really funny, but go back and check out our post on James O’Keefe, dressed as Osama bin Laden, as he wades (unimpeded) across the Rio Grande.
Secretary of Defense Hagel and Joint Chiefs Dempsey at a press conference this past week.
(CNSNews.com) – Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at a Pentagon press briefing yesterday that “because of open borders and immigration issues,” the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is an “immediate threat.”
In the context of this ISIL threat, Dempsey said he had had conversations with his European colleagues “about their southern flank.” He did not specifically mention the U.S.-Mexico border, which is the southern flank of the United States.
Seven years ago, then-National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell publicly warned that terrorists were coming across the U.S.-Mexico border, and that “a significant number of Iraqis” had been “smuggled across illegally” the previous year.
We have been writing about the OTMs (Other than Mexicans) for years here at RRW too (with a special interest in the Somalis coming in that way).
And, by the way, although we have an exposed “southern flank” so does Europe as we have reported in our series on the ‘invasion of Europe’where the mostly Muslim illegal migrants come through North Africa (and the Libyan hell hole that Obama and his gals created) and across the Mediterranean Sea.
A reader from Australia just sent me this website (which we will add to our blogroll) and recommended we read it from time to time. We will.
I picked this recent post to give you a taste of what is happening Down Under with its ever-expanding Muslim immigrant (refugee!) population. Our Australian reader is not optimistic about Australia’s long-term survival. I had just been thinking this morning about a new category for RRW—So, what did they expect? (when admitting Muslim migrants to western democracies).
At Lakemba, Australia mosque. How the hell did this happen? http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-08-08/muslims-pray-in-the-street-outside-lakemba-mosque/4873036
If you thought you might escape to Australia—forget it!
From ThePickering Post (entitled: How the hell did we let this happen?) by Rennie Carter:
Australia! Land of the free. Land of opportunity. Land of milk and honey. Ask any hardworking Greek or Italian immigrant and they will tell you it is true. It’s a place where the opportunity is given to live a good life. A peaceful life. Australia – the country that opened its arms to the downtrodden peoples of war ravaged Europe. Australia – the land that opened its arms to the Vietnamese. But then, we went too far with our open-arms policy.
Today we have opened the floodgates to a people who hate us before they have even gotten off the boat. In fact it is worse! It is ILLEGAL to like us. To even befriend us. Sure they will put their hand out for our benefits, but they will hate the hand that it came from. And it is not me or some Australian infidel crackpot who is saying this. It is them!
A prominent text in the Islamic Bookstore in the retail hub of Lakemba, billed as “your superstore of Islamic knowledge”, asks the question for those Muslims who are teetering on the brink of liking an Australian – “Is it allowed to support and love disbelievers?” Answer: “No, it is not allowed.” So there – it’s final! We are not allowed to be liked.
Worse! A large sign screams from the side of a building, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger!” So they even hate our God/s!
I must thank the PP’s ‘Ingrid’ for bringing this to light for me… an article by Tim Blair of the Daily Telegraph. He spent some time in Lakemba, which through bad luck or atrocious management, is now a Muslim stronghold where its new inhabitants are allowed to display signs that would offend the hell out of most Australians and to scream insults at our women as they pass them in the street.
The article goes on, “A few weeks ago a large crowd of mostly young men assembled outside the Lakemba Hotel. Waving black flags, the men chanted: ‘Palestine is Muslim land. The solution is jihad’.”
Tim Blair said, “I asked a non-Islamic local about that night. ‘You should see them when they really go off,’ she said. ‘That was nothing.’ Another non-Islamic woman said young men sometimes shouted ‘sharmuta’ at her from their cars. She looked up the word online and discovered it was an Arabic term for prostitute.”
Apart from hating infidel Australians and Australian ‘prostitutes’ -this mob also give over shelf space, in their doctrine superstore, to books giving the lowdown on the Jews.
I also found the story about fraud in Australia’s customs and immigration department fascinating. Yikes! You know it has to be going on here in America too!
And, be sure to see our category on Australia (142 previous posts) by clicking here.
Continuing something we began several weeks ago, here is information about how we did this week.
Our numbers are down a little, but not that much considering that this is probably the most important vacation time outside of Christmas when most people just want to escape from having to consider thorny issues. Although I must say the news is pretty awful this August and hard to get away from.
Our top three most-visited posts this past week (out of 5,855 posts we have written!) were:
You can see our daily ‘top posts’ in the right hand sidebar (just below ‘recent posts’). For our previous weekly reviews, go here.
By the way, I had to laugh. A commenter somewhere (I forget where) said that RRW was a useful resource but strangely organized. I don’t remember the exact words (I think ‘strange’ was the word used), but wonder what is so strange about it? LOL! It is perfectly organized in my head. We have categories, and tag clouds and we have 5,855 posts! How else could we organize it? And, besides, readers can simply type in a few key words in the search window and quickly find anything we have written on a specific topic going back seven years. What more could you want from a free educational resource?
The best way to keep up with this complicated material is to read our posts every day filled with many links to previously reported information!
Top countries:
Top countries from which we received readers outside the US didn’t change much (the first three switch around every week) and are as follows:
South Africa
Greece (new this week in the top ten)
And, it’s worth mentioning that number 11 is Saudi Arabia this week.
If you are a new reader, consider subscribing or follow us on twitter (@refugeewatcher) or facebook (RefugeeInfoResource). And, like us!
Apologies to all who e-mail and comment, sorry if I don’t respond much, there are just not enough hours in my day (no secretaries, no assistants and no interns here!).
With some in the Obama Administration (but not our dear leader himself) warning of the threat to America from Jihadists who left America to fight in Syria/Iraq and possibly returning to bring their ‘skills’ to the country that “welcomed them as strangers;” and European leaders shaking in their boots about returning “citizens,” it is no surprise that someone asked the question—how many left the safety of their adopted European country to fight for Allah?
How many Europeans and Americans are behind those hoods? Photo: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/16/terrifying-rise-of-isis-iraq-executions
Just think about this! These European countries welcomed the poor suffering Muslim “refugees” who then used the social services of the welcoming Europeans to grow strong and healthy young fighters for the Jihad—to build the Caliphate. America is doing this as well (we are such suckers!).
All across Europe, security services have become increasing candid about the threat their nations face from terrorism linked to Syria and Iraq by the establishment of the Islamic State (IS). Their openness about the scale of the problem they face is clear. They are trying to prepare Europeans that another terrorist atrocity cannot be prevented in the West. The problems with preventing people from traveling overseas and potentially returning ready to conduct acts of extreme violence — as leaders of the IS have claimed they will do — are simply too huge.
Surely, some may ask, are some countries more vulnerable to terrorism than others? The radicalization rates of Muslims across Europe cannot be uniform. There must be variances.
While there are small numbers of Islamic extremists who continue to travel to Somalia and Nigeria, it seems that the campaign against the Bashar Al Assad regime in Syria has become the flagship campaign in which to become involved. With large swaths of Syria and Iraq now the keystone in the creation of a new Islamic State, that attraction is only likely to grow.
A study of data released by the various security agencies of thirteen European countries reveals a mixed picture when they are analyzed in the context of the local demographics. The results of this study are published here for the first time.
Homeland Security Todayshould just have published the information in a chart format, but the data is spread throughout the text. Rates are based on the number of estimated Jihadists who left the country and the Muslim population of that European country.
All of the countries analyzed are not mentioned, but here are the rates for some (in order of the least radicalized percentage to the greatest):
Sweden: 1 in 30,000 (have left to join the Islamic killers)