It is a good thing someone in Congress is watching out for your money! Here Senator Charles Grassley reveals that some unaccompanied alien children (those wannabe ‘refugees’) are living the good life in El Cajon, California.
Yippee! We offer duck petting (taxpayer supported ducks?).
The federal contractor—Southwest Key Programs—describes its amenities in documents submitted to the government as petting zoos (chickens, ducks, ponies), organic gardens and guitar lessons. Learn more about Southwest Key, here.
But, remember several of our usual migrant contractors such as the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service are getting federal grants for ‘the children’ as well.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Thursday demanded more details from the Obama administration about a detention facility for illegal immigrant children that says it offers guitar lessons and other amenities that raises more questions about how taxpayer dollars are being spent.
Over the summer, Grassley said the Department of Health and Human Services told members of Congress that it costs anywhere from $250 to $1,000 a day to house just a single illegal immigrant child.
On Thursday, Grassley said he has received information about one facility in California that includes pricey features that probably explain why it costs so much to house these children. That facility is in El Cajon, California, and is run by Southwest Key Programs, which described several amenities in documents it submitted to the government.
Grassley added that in April, Southwest Key proposed a daily rate of $316 per child to house them at the facility. But Grassley said it’s unclear what the company is currently charging per child.
See all of our coverage of the ‘Unaccompanied minors’ invasion going back several years by clicking here.
By the way, El Cajon is a popular refugee resettlement site and we have a pretty extensive archive on problems there.
The Obama Administration has been dancing around the issue of how many Syrians are on the way to your towns and cities and I suspect that is because they don’t need one more thing before Tuesday to rock the Democrats’ boat.
Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration Richard: 5,000 Syrians are being processed to arrive in the US soon (Not enough to satisfy the UN however).
Anne C. Richard is the Assistant Secretary of State who represented the US this week in Berlin, Germany where a confab was held to discuss what the heck the (western) world is going to do to help all those Syrian Muslims flooding UN camps.
Obama announced our refugee plan for FY2015 at the beginning of the month, but was pretty quiet about how many Syrians we are going to admit. At about that time, it leaked out that the UNHCR had lined up 4,000 Syrians to arrive soon. However, watch this news clip (just before the 3 minute mark) of Richard in Germany where she says we now have 5,000 in the pipeline.
Germany has accepted 70,000 Syrians (not clear if they are all in the country yet), but check out how the arrival of more Muslims is sitting with the German people as thousands rioted in Cologne last weekend. See our post of a few days ago byclicking here.
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society would like to see 30,000 real soon! See our post of two days ago where we learned that HIAS (a federal refugee contractor*** being paid to resettle refugees) is getting up a petition to tell Obama to increase our total refugee quota for the year from 70,000 to 100,000. Why HIAS wants more Muslims in America is beyond my understanding.
*** For new readers (we have many every day) here are the nine major federal refugee contractors (they then have 300 or so subcontractors spread out through America). And, btw, Anne C. Richard was formerly the VP of one of them—the International Rescue Committee—and before that she worked at the US State Department. She represents the classic case of the federal contractor/federal agency revolving door. See also in her bio that she worked for the International Crisis Group which George Soros played an instrumental role in forming.
Are you as sick to death of stories like this one as I am where we hear about disenfranchised Somali youths who have to be saved from leaving the good life in America to join Jihadists somewhere in the world.
Somali community organizer, Ahmed Odowaay: my ten-year-old daughter is called a “terrorist.” (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)
Think of the amount of resources (tax payer dollars) going into the FBI outreach to the “Somali community” in Colorado right now in hopes of thwarting the next wannabe ISIS member.
And, in addition we get one more public relations opportunity for the “Somali community” to put on their victimhood act.
I say, let them go, but revoke their passports and don’t let them back into America to potentially hurt someone here.
What benefit will these angry (dumb!) Somali girls be to America?
AURORA, Colo. (AP) — The strange journey of three suburban Denver girls who authorities say tried to join Islamic State militants in Syria has many in their close-knit east African community worried about whether their own children will be the next to be lured to terror.
The girls’ voyage has mystified many in the U.S., and has been even more troubling among Aurora’s Somali and Sudanese immigrants, thousands of whom fled civil war and forged new lives in the Denver suburbs, where refugees easily find jobs driving cabs or working in the meat industry.***[LOL! it just occurred to me that these Somalis may be in Aurora thanks to the premier federal refugee contractor and supplier of cheap immigrant labor for the meat packing industry in Colorado—Lutheran Family ServicesI just wrote about yesterday.—ed]
But while the girls’ parents were working to give them a better life, being a Muslim teenager isn’t easy in an American high school, said Ahmed Odowaay, a community advocate who works with youth. It’s easy to feel like an outsider, even as a U.S. citizen.
Even his 10-year-old daughter gets taunts of “terrorist” when she wears her hijab in school, he said. [how do we know this is true?—ed]
***I hope some day to find out exactly how BIG MEAT works with the refugee contractors and the US State Department to get their immigrant (refugee) laborers. Is it an overt deal between the feds and the meat industry or more of a wink and a nod? In 2008, we did find direct evidence of the role played by the Clinton Administration in bringing in Bosnian (Muslim) ‘refugee’ labor for the Iowa meat packers, here, but I would like to find something more recent.
And, there are twenty, twenty! states including my Maryland that allow voters to show up (and vote!) at a polling place without any identification.
La Raza’s good pal!
It is not just the illegals….
Remember also, we are not talking only about someone who recently sneaked across the border, but millions of legal immigrants who are here as refugees, temporary refugees in the Temporary Protected Status program (includes hundreds of thousands from Central America), the ‘Dreamers,’ and all sorts of others with permanent resident status who have not yet acquired citizenship. All are able to vote.
As a matter of fact, even in those states that do require ID, those LEGAL immigrants (non-citizens) with drivers licenses may well be voting too!
The pro-amnesty Hispanic activist organization the National Council of La Razahelpfully promoted a Washington Post article explaining which states people can vote in without having to use a photo ID.
“Voter ID laws are at-issue across the country, with newly Republican-controlled legislatures having passed them in numerous states after the 2010 election,” explained The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake. “Most states still request some form of ID, but don’t require it. Another 20 states don’t require identification. In case you’re wondering where your state is at in all of this, a helpful (sic) graphic from the Post’s graphics team.”
So who ended up using the Post’s helpful graphic? The country’s foremost pro-amnesty Hispanic immigrant organization.
Go here (Washington Post) to see the list of states and what sort of ID (or none at all) that is required.
Since we are closely following the controversy in Wyoming (see our previous post), let’s have a look at who exactly has expressed an interest in being the federal government contractor wishing to do business and resettle clients in Wyoming—Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains (LFSRM)sometimes known as Lutheran Family Services Colorado. (Why they need to operate under two names is beyond me!).
Rocky Mountain ‘Lutheran’ CEO Barclay makes just short of $200,000 in salary and benefits.
Let’s not tip our hand prematurely!
We first became aware of their role when it was learned that officials there were unhappy to be prematurely mentioned in publicity surrounding Wyoming Governor Mead’s proposed plan. They wanted the plans for Wyoming to be kept secret from the general public until they were further along.
“The largest refugee resettlement agency in the Rocky Mountain region.” they have “offices located in Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Greeley/Evans and Fort Morgan, CO and Albuquerque, NM, and services provided in Wyoming,Montana and Western Nebraska.”
Although they do other work for children and families, they had time to resettle a whopping 1,567 refugees in FY12-13. Learn more here.
LFSRM is a subcontractor of the much larger Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) headquartered in Baltimore, MD. Just the other day we noted that LIRS has taken down its reference to an office in Casper, WY:
Note that in this post we wrote in July, LIRS linked a Casper, Wyoming office (Gillette and Casper are two cities mentioned as possible resettlement sites). However, if you go toLIRS website today the link has been erased. Have they given up? Or, are they just laying low until the political storm blows over?
Could they possibly have already been bringing in those Somalis we wrote about here?
Funded almost entirely with taxpayer dollars!
Lutheran Family Services RM is not a privately-funded church group, it is a quasi-government agency which is 84% funded by tax dollars.
Let’s visit their most recently available Form 990 here.
Their gross revenue was $12,915,054
$10,812,318 comes from government contracts.
Although they don’t list grants they do list government contracts on page 9 (they took the word “government” out in this Form 990, but I checked previous ones to be sure in which they did categorize the majority of their income as from “government contracts.”). LOL! I think these so-called ‘non-profits’ are increasingly sensitive and don’t want you to know how much they depend on tax dollars. This is a business not a charity!
When you visit that previous Form 990, check out the big jump Barclay’s salary took in just two years from 2010-2012!
CEO James Barclay makes a cool $199,330 in salary and benefits and 4 other top executives are in the 6-figure category including James Horan who runs their refugee branch. (page 8). Barclay made $172,267 two years earlier.
Then here are some of their expenses (rounded numbers). Without your cash they could not exist!
Nearly $5 million in salary, benefits and employment expenses were paid out.
Occupancy and other office expenses approached $900,000.
$259,000 went for travel expenses (what for just the Rocky Mountain region?).
$55,000 was spent for conferences.
And, they even spent $32,000 lobbying (for what? more money from government?).
More on page 10.
In order to keep the government gravy train chugging along they have to bring in more and more refugees and likely they are running out of places for them in Colorado, thus their venture in Wyoming!
Every one of you concerned about refugee overload for your community must research who will benefit from more immigrants in your town or city because it is sad to say — this is all about money! (and about changing the demographic makeup of your town).
Several years ago we followed the controversy (mostly in Colorado) about Somalis working at meatpacking plants and demanding special prayer times in the workplace. Our entire category, entitled ‘Greeley/Swift Somali Controversy‘ should be useful for readers here. I didn’t realize, at the time (or I don’t think I did), what the role of Lutheran Family Services Colorado was in all of this—they likely were the source of all the Somali workers for meat packing companies. Adding insult to injury, Swift is a Brazilian owned company!