Reporter Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily again shows his skill at pulling together threads of a complicated and very secretive program of the federal government—the US State Department’s and the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s (in HHS) program (at the UN’s direction) to demographically change your towns and cities. Nashua, NH take note!
Update! All of you in cities with refugee resettlement should send the WND story to your mayors and mayoral candidates.
Here is how his latest detailed report from yesterday on a revolt of mayors across the country begins (he spoke with the mayor of Athens, Georgia):
The mayor of Athens, Georgia, has joined a growing chorus of mayors across the U.S. who are concerned about the federal government’s resettlement of foreign refugees in their cities and the resulting drain on public services.

The refugees come from war-torn countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East and require a plethora of government services to help them overcome language and cultural barriers. They have little or no job skills that translate into trades in a modern economy such as the U.S.
Athens has been targeted as the latest refugee city of destination by New York City-based International Rescue Committee Inc., which provides resettlement services for the federal government on a contract basis. IRC wants to transplant 150 refugees who are fleeing Iraq, Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burma.
Athens Mayor Nancy Denson recently sent a letter asking the IRC to delay the resettlement until it can put together a “formal refugee integration plan.”
Once the IRC gets approval to open an office in Athens, the pipeline of refugees would continue on an annual basis. That’s why Denson said the community must know ahead of time if it is able to accommodate the needs of the refugees for housing, schooling, public health and welfare services.
Denson, a Democrat, has the support of Republican Gov. Nathan Deal in her effort to forestall the opening of an IRC resettlement office in Athens. International Rescue Committee is the largest and oldest of the nine private agencies that contract with the federal government to resettle foreign refugees in U.S. cities.
It is long but read it all. It is chock-full of information not just about Athens, but about many other cities (pockets of resistance) as well.
See other of our posts on Hohmann’s WND investigative reports.