Backlash against the ‘invasion of Europe’?

By all accounts, Germany has been the most “welcoming” European country to take in mostly Muslim Syrian refugees (the most welcome in the world after those in the Middle East) and look what it gets them—Turmoil! Violence! Civil unrest!
Update: Not really an update but reader Cathy sent us this youtube clip about the brave woman in Germany standing up to Islam in the church of Martin Luther (ironic isn’t it that it is the Lutheran Church in America resettling Muslims in many towns and cities.)
From Haaretz:
Besides risk posed by German jihadists returning from Syria, there was also the danger of violent clashes on German streets as rival extremist groups turn on each other.
Radical Islam poses a critical security threat to Germany, the nation’s interior minister warned Tuesday, on the same day that Germany pledged half a billion Euros to aid displaced Syrian refugees.
The number of people capable of staging attacks in Germany stood at an all-time high, said Thomas de Maiziere, warning that besides the risk posed by German jihadists returning from Syria, there was also the danger of violent clashes on German streets as rival extremist groups turn on each other – mirroring the conflicts of the Middle East.
You can bet the demo on Sunday wasn’t just about the radical Islamic ideology Salafism, it was about immigration of more Muslims to Germany invited in by the German government.
On Sunday, a group of 4,000 far-right supporters staged an anti-Salafist march in the western city of Cologne, pelting police with stones, bottles and fireworks, injuring 49 officers.
By the way, as we write this, leaders from a whole host of nations are meeting in Germany to figure out what do do about the Syrian refugees. Our Asst. Sec. of State for Population, Refugees and Migration is among them. Look for news coming out of there as she probably brags about what Obama is going to do going forward.
Update! Richard offers another $10 million USD on top of $3 billion we have already given for Syrian refugees.
4,000 Syrians are headed our way right now, with the total number in the coming years surely running into the tens of thousands.
See our complete archive on Germany, here. And for our ‘invasion of Europe’ series, go here.