The debate we helped start here a little over a week ago continues in St. Cloud, Minnesota as a letter writer says Somalis must choose between Somalia’s constitution based entirely on sharia-law and the US Constitution.
Somalis in Minnesota: Time to choose, sharia law or US Constitution? Photo at MN Historical Society
Here is Willmar resident Bob Enos this past Thursday. As of this minute (on Sunday morning) there are 153 comments! You should get in on the action, submit a comment and continue to educate the readers of the St. Cloud Times!
Thank you for your coverage of Ann Corcoran’s recent visit to St. Cloud concerning Somali immigration. With regard to Islamic Sharia law, if your fact-checkers read the Provisional Constitution of Somalia, here is what they would know.
Article 2 – “Islam is the religion of the State. … No other religion than Islam can be propagated in the country. … No law can be enacted that is not compliant with the general principles and objectives of Shari’ah.”
Article 8(3) states: “A person who is a Somali citizen cannot be deprived of Somali citizenship, even if they become a citizen of another country.”
A country’s constitution represents the hopes, dreams, aspirations and expectations of its citizens.
The question to our Somali-American citizens: You’ve sworn allegiance to an Islamic theocratic state and a U.S. secular, democratic state, each founded on diametrically opposed ideals. You can’t believe that both are correct.
You need to make a choice.
Go here and see what all the buzz is about, add some of your own!
For new readers, we have an extensive archive on St. Cloud, here. Our earliest post (I believe) was this one (in 2008!) written by blog partner, Judy, about Somalis threatening a service dog and his owner at a St. Cloud area school. The dog-owner subsequently dropped out of the teaching program.
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley: Refugees welcome in South Carolina. Perhaps she doesn’t want to make Senator Lindsey (amnesty) Graham angry.
The multicultural transformation of Idaho will continue with a planned infusion of hundreds of refugees from Muslim countries over the next one to three years.
A local newspaper in Twin Falls reported that city will receive 300 mostly Syrian refugees over the next fiscal year starting Oct. 1.
But WND has learned the numbers will be much larger statewide and include refugees from Syria, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of Congo and possibly Somalia.
Sources tell WND that community leaders learned of the plans for up to 2,000 refugees at a recent conference at Boise State University attended by church groups, social services providers and other “stakeholders.”
“That’s the number they put out that they’re planning for, a total of about 2,000 over the next one to three years, with 70 percent going to Boise and 30 percent in the Twin Falls area,” said Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim turned Christian pastor in eastern Washington who said he spoke with a conference attendee.
WND reported two weeks ago that Spartanburg, South Carolina, has also been selected for the seeding of a Syrian refugee community.
Unlike Boise, residents in Spartanburg have mustered an organized opposition to the infusion of 65 Syrian refugees over the next year, saying the town already has high crime and poverty and isn’t prepared to absorb hundreds of poor Syrians.
Governor Nikki Haley has come out in support of bringing refugees to South Carolina to compete with local low-skilled workers!
Jeffrey [Christina Jeffrey] said Gov. Nikki Haley has come out in favor of the resettlement plans, which hasn’t helped Gowdy’s effort to see it scaled back. A promised resolution by the area’s legislative delegation opposing the resettlement plans also fizzled after Haley issued a letter of support.
But here is the part of Hohmann’s narrative that I found the most interesting in light of recent discussions I had in Minnesota with knowledgeable grassroots researchers.
The juggernaut facing the average middle class American!
Progressive mayors, major corporations, and the Chambers of Commerce are teaming up to “welcome” migrants to your cities and towns (transforming your communities to satisfy a voracious appetite for cheap labor?) and all for the almighty dollar. We will add wealthy foundations, ‘religious non-profits’ and Republican elites to the list!
Boise’s mayor, along with mayors in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Dayton and Cleveland, Ohio, San Antonio, New Orleans, San Fransisco, Nashville, Atlanta, Wichita, Houston, Boston and dozens of other cities, work with an organization called the Partnership for a New American Economy. This group includes a mix of progressive mayors, executives from some of America’s largest corporations and Chambers of Commerce all working to influence Congress to allow more immigrants into the country, both skilled and unskilled, claiming that more immigration leads to more economic prosperity for Americans, a claim that is rejected by think tanks such as the Center for Immigration Studies and the Economic Policy Institute.
Boise, a self-described “Welcoming Community,” has seen waves of Muslims sent its way by the United Nations in recent years from Afghanistan, Somalia, Turkey, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Congo, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bosnia….
The greater Boise area already has several mosques, the largest of which is the Islamic Center of Boise, with plans unveiled recently for a large mega-mosque on the outskirts of town in Kuna, Idaho.
Do not miss Hohmann’s detailed analysis of Obama’s New Americans campaign to seed your towns and cities with diversity and shove “welcoming” down your throats,here.
It makes me laugh (almost) to see how clever Obama and his comrades are in promoting its ‘welcoming’ meme to the media and to make it harder for teachers to speak up about their troubled and overloaded multicultural classrooms.
Shanna Peeples received the Teacher of the Year award this week. Ms. Peeples works with Somali and Iraqi high school students in overloaded Amarillo. Hat tip: Frank
Amarillo, Texas schools are in a shambles as we have reported here, here and here.
In 2012 and ever since, the mayor of the city, has been begging the resettlement contractors to slow the flow of refugees coming into the city.
To its credit, Catholic Charities did request that the US State Department not send its usual allotment to Amarillo and what did the State Department do—it sent the same large number to another contractor in town!
This is a quote in December 2014 from Nancy Koons, the director of Catholic Charities who recognized the crisis the Amarillo Independent School District (AISD) was having:
It wasn’t long before I heard from numerous concerned residents and staff from the Amarillo Independent School District.It was clear that the increasing rate of resettlement needed to slow down significantly to allow the community to catch up with challenges brought about by dramatic demographic changes.
I invited officials from USCCB in Washington D.C., and the state refugee coordinator from Austin to meet with representatives from AISD to hear their challenges.
At this meeting, AISD representatives graciously articulated extraordinary challenges in the schools. They begged USCCB and the state refugee coordinator to slow down the rate of resettlement to give AISD and the community the opportunity to “catch up,” and enable them to better serve all of the student population.
So what happened? As I just said, Catholic Charities did cut its numbers, but the US State Department simply sent Catholic Charities usual allotment to another contractor in town!
By the way, Amarillo is one more meatpacking town…see what I mean about BIG MEAT changing America! And, it is a city that has been developing as a ‘pocket of resistance.’
Obama and comrades, with this pick for teacher of the year (I am sure she is a wonderful teacher), cleverly cut off criticism from other teachers who might be troubled by the extremely large refugee load they carry in their classrooms.
Endnote: I’m going to urge you all to read or re-read this article by Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily in which he very succinctly describes Obama’s plan to seed American cities with migrants (legal and illegal), and you darn well better be welcoming—-or else!
Read the full Jordan report here:
As you watch Baltimore burn, think about the very real possibility that the rush to make Baltimore a multicultural immigrant ‘welcoming’ city is partially responsible for throwing gasoline on the fire as African Americans ask, where are the jobs?
Yesterday, Judy brought to our attention to this excellent article at National Review by John Fonte. It is long, but a must read.
We have been beating this same drum for years—refugees are being brought into the US in large numbers primarily to supply cheap, captive (they can’t easily go home!) labor for big industries such as meatpacking.
In the case of the meatpackers, they pay lower wages to the foreign workers, and, if the worker is a refugee, you, the American taxpayer supports the family’s other needs through myriad social welfare programs. It is a great business model, isn’t it!
The ‘religious’ resettlement contractors give the patina of humanitarianism to the program, but it is all about money and power!
The Chamber of Commerce cheers them on and Leftwing funders and foundations salivate over new Democrat voters flowing in to the country as they brainwash Americans into thinking that ‘diversity brings strength’ (just by saying it over and over again)!
Here (below) is Fonte at National Review. I’ve just snipped a little bit from many paragraphs in to the article. It is a shame that NR chose to put Governor Walker’s photo on the story since he does not (so far) have a deep connection to the ‘conservative populist movement’ on immigration.
In fact, if Walker came out strongly on the side of slowing LEGAL immigration to America his funding would dry up overnight! But, if he did, he would have the best chance of being elected the next President of the US because the issue of immigration is THE motivating issue of the average American voter—both because of their domestic economic concerns and their security worries.
On April 15th, the New York Times denounced Senator Jeff Sessions for his campaign to save the American worker. Getting flak like that is the greatest affirmation that he is ‘over the target.’
Emphasis below is mine:
“An absolutely crucial (in some ways, the most important) part of the emerging conservative populist coalition is the committed citizenswho spend hours directly contacting their elected representatives. A large number of Republicans in Congress are on the fence on immigration and will listen carefully to their most determined constituents. Grassroots conservatives are joined together in groups like Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, Numbers USA, Heritage Action, and the Tea Party Patriots. It is not an exaggeration to report that in congressional district after congressional district, conservative activists are fighting Big Business lobbyists,not just for the future of the Republican party but, more significantly, for the future of the American constitutional regime as a whole.
The immigration narrative articulated by conservative populists is winning more and more adherents. At the most fundamental level, this narrative argues that immigration policy should serve American national interests and the interests of American citizens — not the special interests of business, union, political, and ethnic elites. As will be discussed later, the populist narrative today bears striking similarities to the Barbara Jordan immigration plan of 20 years ago.”
I’ve wondered for the last nearly 8 years if the liberal local do-gooders who promote refugee resettlement understand that they are shilling for big business and Republican elites?
“Opposite the conservative populists stands a formidable elite coalition consisting of Big Business, Big Labor, the Obama administration, the entire liberal establishment, the Republican donor class, and the mainstream media. This coalition favors greatly increasing legal immigration for both low-skilled and high-skilled workers, as well as providing amnesty for illegal immigrants. The elite coalition claims that it is speaking for American interests in strengthening our economy, expanding economic growth, and creating jobs. The American economy, the elites tell us, needs massive infusions of both low- and high-skilled labor. Their core argument is that there is a “worker shortage” in America.”
A worker shortage? Do those Baltimore youths rioting in the streets think there is a worker shortage?
And, even if it doesn’t seem like anyone is listening, don’t be silenced! Keep pounding the message to your elected officials at all levels of government.
Since yesterday was the end of the month, I thought it was time to check out the government data basesto see how many Syrian refugees have been admitted to the US over the last few years (I went back to January 1, 2012). Remember that the UN has 11,000 Syrians picked out for us and that the FBI testified in Februarythat they cannot be screened because there are no records available on these people who fled Syria and are mostly living in UN camps.
Deciding the future for your towns and cities: Anne Richard, Asst. Sec. of State for PRM and Antonio Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. She is under pressure to keep Guterres happy!
The US State Department is on a push to get 2,000 to your towns by September 30th (the end of FY2015). That is not nearly what the UN wants, but is the result of the difficult security screening process that the FBI told Congress about.
This is what I learned:
Since 2012 we admitted 815 Syrian refugees through the Refugee Admissions Program. On April 4th, I reported 682.
They are on a roll now—133 admitted in the last few weeks.
The top five states receiving Syrians are:
California (103)
Texas (100)
Illinois (87)
Arizona (64)
Pennsylvania (51)
36 states received some Syrians.
Of the 815 Syrians, 749 are Muslims of some sort with the vast majority (701) being Sunni Muslims. That means 92% are Muslim.
If you are being told in your town that you are going to get mostly Christians, don’t believe it. Only 43 self-identified ‘Christians’ (that includes 1 Catholic) have been admitted. That is 5% of the total.
By the way, if you are saying to yourself that there are a lot more than 815 Syrians around, remember that there are other legal programs that have admitted, or allowed Syrians to stay in the US , and also some very likely illegal alien Syrians in the mix as well.