UNHCR has almost 20,000 Syrians picked out for us, lists our resettlement commitment as "open-ended"

UNHCR logoThanks to reader Sheila for sending this UN High Commissioner for Refugees “pledge” list (dated the 7th of October) for Syrian refugees.  Note that the UNHCR has chosen 19,646 Syrians for us and has listed our commitment as “open-ended.”
So why isn’t the Obama Administration’s pledge of 10,000 listed here?  Why “open-ended?”
I urge you to also visit an earlier pledge list (from December 2014) by clicking here.
Who is running the show? As of December 2014 they already had over 9,000 selected for us!

Clarion Project: 13% of Syrian refugees support ISIS

This should be no surprise!
From The Clarion Project (Hat tip: Diana):

refugee camps in Turkey
The survey was done among Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan which is exactly where Syrians destined for America are coming from.

A poll published in November 2014 by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies found that 13% of Syrian refugees have positive feelings towards the Islamic State terrorist group. The data should raise questions about the risks posed by the acceptance of Syrian refugees into the United States.

The poll surveyed 900 Syrian refugees equally split between Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. The think-tank found that 4% expressed a positive opinion of the Islamic State (ISIS) and another 9% expressed a “somewhat positive” opinion of the terrorist group. Another 10% only view the group negatively “to some extent.”

Continue reading here….
97% of the Syrians admitted to the US in FY2015 were Sunni Muslims.
Director of the FBI James Comey told Congress recently that we cannot properly screen them.
Here are the states where Syrians have been resettled this month (the first month of the 2016 fiscal year).

Baltimore Mayor: Bring on the refugees to save dying city!

One of the great myths of our times—large numbers of immigrants will resuscitate dying cities.
We’ve written several times previously about Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake hoping to boost the population (and the economy!) of Baltimore city by bringing in thousands of impoverished third worlders.
Didn’t we see in the recent riots that African American gangs in the city don’t appreciate diversity in the same way as the mayor, go here to see what I mean.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake working with Muslim Brotherhood affiliated charity Islamic Relief USA to bring in more refugees from Africa and the Middle East. http://irusa.org/press-releases/rebuilding-a-city-rebuilding-lives-baltimore-welcomes-refugees/

In keeping with my new vow to keep it short.  Here is the gist of the latest repeat of the same old news, this time from The Economist (hat tip: Cathy). Please read the whole propaganda piece yourself.  (See what I mean below***)

IN COMMON with colleagues across the rich world, the mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, worries about refugees sent to her city by federal officials—a quota that this year, for the first time, may include hundreds of Syrians. Less typically, a big anxiety for Ms Rawlings-Blake is that too few refugees will settle in her home town.

Baltimore, a once-thriving port and factory town, has lost a third of its population since 1950, dropping to about 622,000 souls.

Like other north-eastern cities, it has grappled with economic decline, shrinking tax rolls and the toxic legacy of race laws which corralled black residents in districts blighted by bad schools and crime. Urban-renewal projects have brought tourists and professionals back to some districts after decades of white flight. But one of Ms Rawlings-Blake’s favourite projects—to attract 10,000 new families to Baltimore—remains a far-off dream.

For more than a decade, Maryland’s largest city has been used as an entry point for refugees, with federal agencies led by the State Department sending 700-800 there each recent year from such troubled places as Nepal, Iraq and Eritrea. About two-thirds moved on after a few years….  [Surprise! Not!—ed]

There is more here.
Go here for our previous posts on Baltimore.
***And see here, the British publication The Economist is all for “free immigration!”  Here is what the oh-so-intelligent beings at The Economist believe in:

It takes an editorial stance ofclassical and economic liberalism which is supportive of free trade, globalisation, free immigration and cultural liberalism (such as supporting legal recognition for same-sex marriage).

Swedish Foreign Secretary: Sweden will collapse

Invasion of Europe News
More on what were the most important posts for readers here at RRW last week….

marching from Denmark to Sweden
Middle Eastern migrants march from Denmark to Sweden

From the Daily Mail:

The Swedish Foreign Minister has claimed her country is facing collapse due to the mass influx of refugees*** as the migrant crisis deepens.

Margot Wallstrom has said that Sweden cannot cope with taking in refugees at its current level, without it affecting services.

She says that Stockholm will now have to pressure the European Union in a bid to force other member states to share the burden of those coming from the Middle East, mainly Syria.

It is expected that Sweden will take in around 190,000 migrants by the end of 2015. In the first nine months of the year, more than 73,000 people applied for asylum in Sweden.

And Mrs Wallstrom said in an interview: ‘I think most people feel that we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year – in the long run, our system will collapse.

Continue reading…
It will collapse then because there is nothing going to stop the invasion.  All predictions are that tens of thousands will continue to go unimpeded to “welcoming” Sweden.
Will Sweden need sex education classes too as the mostly men arrive?
For all of our previous news on the Invasion of Europe, click here.  For many years of reports on Sweden, click here.
***By the way, according to the UNHCR, 53% of the migrants are Syrians, but the other 47% come from all over the Middle East, Asia and Africa, see here.

Denmark: Sex education for wannabe refugee rapists

Invasion of Europe news…..

This is not a joke!
From News.com.au (hat tip: Joanne):

European refugee men
So what do the Danes expect? Photo from Allen West: http://www.allenbwest.com/2015/09/heres-exactly-what-id-do-with-muslim-refugees-if-i-were-in-charge/

REFUGEES seeking asylum in Denmark may soon be required to take mandatory courses in sex education. [It is a no-no to rape our girls—ed]

The New York Post reports that the initiative gained steam last weekend, after three Eritrean men were arrested for allegedly raping a 25-year-old Eritrean woman in Hjørring, Metroexpress reported.

Five other asylum seekers were charged with rape there last year, the site noted.

Copenhagen’s parliament expected to support of the mandatory courses in what constitutes sexual consent, and all parties across the board are in favour of the effort to help integrate foreigners into Danish society.

Go here for more.
For all of our previous news on the Invasion of Europe, click here.  Denmark news is here.
Go here for the latest UNHCR report:  at present 65% of the migrants reaching Europe are men (earlier it was 75%).  We are told that 744,175 migrants arrived in 2015.  And, if 65% are men, that means 483,713 men could potentially be looking for women!