Malaysia: Obama (today) meets with Rohingya (Burmese) Muslims on way to US

This story is a Drudge headline this morning:  Obama defiant: vows more refugees.
***Update*** November 22:  Almost 15,000 Burmese Muslim came in as refugees in last ten years, here.
He is in Malaysia, a safe Muslim country which is sending Rohingya Muslims (who arrive there illegally) to America!  So while we have anxiety about Syrian Muslims coming to the US, remember the US resettlement program has been bringing in Muslims from Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Burma (and other countries) for years.

Esar Met evil face
Meet Esar Met a Burmese Muslim sentenced to life in prison in Utah in 2014 when he was found guilty of brutally raping and murdering a little Christian Burmese girl in his Salt Lake City apartment complex. The medical examiner testified that she died in excruciating pain. Shame on the mainstream media for never reporting on this case outside of Utah.

The Rohingya are especially fundamentalist Muslims we have been following for 8 years.  We have an extensive archive (Rohingya Reports) with 182 previous posts just on the situation in Burma and surrounding countries with the Rohingya.  (Want to write a book on Rohingya?  Your research is right here on these pages!)
In 2013 we reported that Anastasia Brown, on behalf to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, lobbied the US State Department to allow Rohingya Muslims to enter the US with a P-2 Designation meaning that they need not prove individually that they are persecuted, but that they would be admitted to the US as a class.
In other words, all they need do is say:  I am Rohingya and they are eligible for resettlement in your towns and cities.
Thousands are already here.   In our earliest years of reporting on Rohingya, the US State Department was not admitting them for fear that terrorists were among them.   All that has changed.
See the AP story at Myway:

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Pushing back against efforts to bar Syrian refugees from resettling in the U.S., President Barack Obama vowed Saturday that his country will be a welcoming place for millions fleeing violence around the world “as long as I’m president.”

Obama commented Saturday at a learning center in the Malaysian capital that serves the poor, including some refugees. He met with boys and girls wearing crisp white and black uniforms and neckties as they sat at tables and worked on painting and puzzle projects.


Most of the children the president met with are Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic group. Tens of thousands of Rohingya have fled Myanmar to escape persecution by the country’s Buddhist majority, with many ending up in Malaysia, where Obama was attending a regional economic summit.


The refugees Obama met with have all been cleared to come to the U.S. and have been assigned to specific cities, the White House said.

Earlier this year we reported that 12,615 Burmese Muslims had been admitted to the US in the last ten year.  I’ll have to do an update of those numbers when I get a minute (Ha!).  BTW, the majority population of Burma (aka Myanmar) is Buddhist and they want the country to remain majority Buddhist.  Even the famed human rights activist from Burma has angered the humanitarian industrial complex by not speaking out on behalf of rights for Rohingya.
See why Obama is angry (in my opinion). His job was to get them in here as part of the UN agenda, and he has hit a roadblock!—YOU!
Addendum:  How could I forget.  Hillary has been touting her ‘success’ in Burma while Secretary of State.  Then why are we taking thousands of Burmese Muslims to the US if she has done such a good job?  You must see this post!  Podesta Group sent to Burma to shore up her image!

Great map and summary of state/city positions on Syrian resettlement

In one short week, everything has changed in the political landscape around the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, so much so that I’ve lost track!  Here is a good US map and description (as of Thursday, the 19th).  I know 48 hours is a long time ago considering how fast things are moving, so send a comment to this post if your state has since changed its position, or if you have anything new to add.
From Citylab (hat tip: Jim):
map with states and mayors
Go here for more.  If you live in one of the green states, you need to let your governors know how you feel!


Check our archives on that Virginia city, they have had their share of problems with refugees over the years.  See especially the stories about the refugees (sent to prison in 2009) for planning to kidnap for ransom some prominent women in the town.
Come on mayors!  We need some of you who have complained in the past to step forward now!

Allentown, PA: Syrian Christian community is NOT "welcoming" Syrian Muslim refugees

You just knew it had to be so, and I’m actually amazed that the Associated Press even wrote this story.  Incredible!

We previously told you about the discord in Allentown, PA as the local Lutheran contractor was surprised to see angry Tea Partiers show up a recent meeting.  But, at that time we were being told that Allentown was ideal because of its large “welcoming” Syrian community.

Tom Wolf PA
Pennsylvania Governor, Dem. Tom Wolf said in a statement that PA will continue to welcome the mostly Sunni Muslim Syrians to the state (even if the Syrian Christians are worried?):

In fact Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told that gathering at Georgetown we attended that the Syrian American community was opening its arms to the new refugees—well maybe not so much!
[After the first six weeks of FY2016 admissions, PA is number six of the 50 states receiving 98% Muslim Syrian refugees, see here.]

Syrian Christian:  We need to know who we are welcoming!

Here is the AP story at CBS News (What gives? MSM news outlets posting a story that doesn’t fit the Administration’s narrative!):

ALLENTOWN, Pa. — A few days ago, a pastor asked Syrian-born restaurant owner Marie Jarrah to donate food to a welcoming event for recently arrived Syrian refugees. Jarrah, who said she regularly helps people in need, declined.

Like many of Allentown’s establishment Syrians, she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to bring refugees to the city. She clung to that view even before last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris. “Problems are going to happen,” said Jarrah, co-owner of Damascus Restaurant in a heavily Syrian enclave.

As debate intensifies nationally over the federal government’s plan to accept an additional 10,000 refugees from war-ravaged Syria, a similar argument is taking place in Allentown – one with a sectarian twist.

Pennsylvania’s third-largest city is home to one of the nation’s largest populations of Syrians. They are mostly Christian and, in no small number, support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad – a dynamic that’s prompting some of them to oppose the resettlement of refugees, who are Muslim and say they fled violence perpetrated by the Assad regime.

Aziz Wehbey, an Allentown auto dealer and president of the American Amarian Syrian Charity Society, worries some Syrian refugees might have taken part in the fighting in Syria’s civil war and have “blood on their hands.”

“We need to know who we are welcoming in our society,” said Wehbey, who immigrated to the United States a quarter-century ago and became a citizen.

The article does go on to say some Christians are coming around.
One of the myths we have tried to explode over the years here at RRW is this idea that America is one big happy melting pot and that we can shoehorn many disparate cultures and races together (who have been fighting for hundreds of years where they came from) and expect them to live happily ever after in America.
We have reported case after case of clashes for example between African Americans and the new African refugees as they are shoved together in inner city neighborhoods.  Now we are going to see if Middle Eastern Muslims will live side by side with Middle Eastern Christians.
Why would tensions be less here than they were in Syria?  They won’t, and it’s this liberal clap-trap we must expose!

Sessions: Congress must use 'power of the purse' in refugee controversy

Senator Jeff Sessions, the long-time champion of the American worker and taxpayer took to the Senate floor on Thursday evening in an attempt to get the message to all of you that simply asking the fox (the Obama Administration) to guarantee that no terrorists would slip into the refugee stream, as the Ryan bill (here) did that same day, is not sufficient.

Sessions on the floor
Sessions: Administration will not give us full accounting of immigration histories of arrested/convicted Islamic terrorists in US.

I sure hope this means that an effort to cut funding is still on the table following the Thanksgiving recess.
Here is World Net Daily (Hohmann again) with details:

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., is throwing cold water on President Obama’s plans to expand the number of Islamic refugees entering the U.S. from Syria, saying it’s a recipe for disaster similar to what’s happening in Europe.

He urged Congress to use its only real power – the power of the purse – to stop a president who has often “run over Congress” to get his way.

In a speech on the Senate floor Thursday night, Sessions said Obama has ignored 72 documented cases of terrorist activity by suspected Muslim immigrants inside the United States since July of last year. Many of these terrorists came to the U.S. as refugees, a stark contrast to the “widows and orphans” meme put forth by the Obama administration and the myriad political and religious groups that support the resettlement business.

Sessions said his office sent the list of terrorist plots, many of them foiled by the FBI before they could be carried out, to the administration more than four months ago and asked for the immigration histories of each suspect.

Sen. Ted Cruz also co-signed the request sent to the Obama administration with an attached list of 72 individuals charged or convicted of terrorism.

“We asked for the immigration histories of each one of these individuals,” Sessions said. “Isn’t that a good thing to know?

Shouldn’t we as policy makers know how these terrorists got into the country? Well, stunningly, the administration just refused to respond. They think if maybe they ignore these requests then people won’t know and begin to question how things are being conducted. Congress should not acquiesce to the president’s refugee funding request when he refuses to even publicly disclose the immigration histories of these 72 terrorists, many of whom are connected to ISIS – al-Qaida and ISIS.”


The Syrians now flooding into the United States are more than 97 percent Muslims, and evidence is building that Muslim officials within the United Nations refugee camps discriminate heavily against Christians.

A new poll out this week by Bloomberg showed that a majority of Americans across all party lines, 53 percent, are against the resettlement of Syrian Muslim refugees in their cities and towns.

Sessions has called for Congress to defund the refugee program, rather than merely ask for greater assurances that refugees can be vetted, as does Speaker Paul Ryan’s bill, passed by the House Thursday.

“It would be unthinkable for Congress to acquiesce to the president’s refugee funding request when he refuses to even publicly disclose the immigration history of these 72 terrorists, many of whom are involved with ISIS,” Sessions said.


What should Congress do to stop a program that the people oppose and Congress has not approved?

“The answer lies in the power of the purse,” Sessions said. “Each and every year the president submits a request to congress to fund. Congress, who has been run over numerous times by this administration, must not write the blank check that the president is asking.”

Much more here.