Remember Julia? Reema is the Syrian Muslim Julia! This will make you want to scream! There is nothing to “crosscheck” her “biographic and biometric” data with—there is no data available from Syria!
Interesting that it confirms that it is the UN High Commissioner for Refugees sending the Syrians to your towns! And, that they have 23,000 in a pipeline to America at this very minute.
This is news from the day before Thanksgiving and would not have caught my eye except for the fact that the resettlement contractor—Exodus Refugee Immigration—was the subject of a post here earlier this year when they said they would welcome Syrians to Indianapolis because a major Muslim Brotherhood organization was located nearby! Islamic Society of North America is headquartered in Indiana. Refugee contractor cites that piece of information to justify bringing Syrian refugees to the state. Photo:
First, here is the story from the Associated Pressabout the lawsuit:
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A lawsuit challenging the Indiana governor’s decision to stop state agencies from helping resettle Syrian refugees alleges that the action wrongly targets the refugees based on their nationality and violates the U.S. Constitution and federal law.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana filed the federal lawsuit Monday night on behalf of Indianapolis-based nonprofit Exodus Refugee Immigration. It accuses Gov. Mike Pence of accepting refugees to Indiana from other countries but not from Syria.
The first-term Republican governor objected to plans for refugees to arrive in Indiana following the attacks in Paris. Five days after the Nov. 13 attacks, a family that had fled war-torn Syria was diverted from Indianapolis to Connecticut when Pence ordered state agencies to halt resettlement activities.
The ACLU of Indiana filed a motion Tuesday asking a federal judge to put a temporary hold on Pence’s directive that state agencies stop helping with the resettlement of Syrian refugees by using federal money to provide services such as housing and medical care.
Continue reading here.
It’s going to be interesting to see if the governor has any power. I wonder what would happen if Pence did not single out the Syrians and instead said Indiana wouldn’t take any refugees from anywhere—now that would be fun to see!
Expect to see more lawsuits like this one against the governors.
This is a really informative news report from reporter Gretchen Frazee at Indiana Public Media. The story begins with a warm introduction to a Syrian family which has just arrived in Indianapolis with the help of federal resettlement contractor Exodus Refugee Immigrationwhich is a subcontractor of both Church World Serviceand Episcopal Migration Ministries (two of the big ninecontractors).
Carleen Miller, Executive Director Exodus Refugee Immigration: Indiana is a good place because Muslim Brotherhood organization is headquartered here. “This year the number will be small…then their relatives will come and then their relatives will come.”
From Indiana Public Media:
The State Department normally sends refugees to cities where they have friends or family. But Lababidi and Alhamoud didn’t know anyone in the U.S., so the government used a kind of formula to determine which location had the resources to best meet their needs. The department determined that place was Indiana. [I sure would like to see this formula!—ed]
“The main thing is that refugees go to a place that’s welcoming, that has a cost of living they can survive in, that has employment and opportunities,” says Carleen Miller, the executive director of Exodus Refugee Immigration, which is handling Syrian families’ resettlement in Indianapolis.
She points out that the Islamic Society of North Americais based just outside of Indianapolis in Plainfield. There is also a mosque which many Syrians attend in Fishers and a group of Christian Syrians at a nearby church.
“There are people who are interested in Syrians in our city, so it makes for a good environment for them to be successful,” Miller says.
Not the first time the ACLU is working with a federal resettlement contractor.
Way back in July 2007, our first month in existence, we reportedon a lawsuit in Tennessee where a resettlement contractor (also affiliated with Church World Service) filed a lawsuit with the ACLU (and CAIR) so the resettlement contractor would not have to give information to the FBI about the location of some missing Iraqi refugees. Of course, the issue is different, but shows the willingness of the ACLU to join forces with a federal resettlement contractor, a ‘church’ group which is a subcontractor of Church World Service. I’ve been wondering all these last 8 years why the ACLU isn’t interested in suing the federal “church” contractors over the separation of church and state!
Afterthought! Someone clever with graphics should put a thought bubble next to the refugee (or Merkel). Wouldn’t that be fun to fill in the bubble!
Send a comment and tell us what you suggest they are thinking!
You already know this is happening because you’ve probably seen the media campaign where you live. Pro-Syrian Muslim groups and the federal resettlement contractors***are putting in motion a campaign like no other especially since they have learned that the majority of Americans don’t want the US State Department to bring in 10,000 Syrian, mostly Muslim, refugees and scatter them throughout the country.
LOL! They think if they utter the word “robust” in regards to the vetting process, the public will say—well, then by all means let them in! WTH is “robust?” Jenny Yang, Washington DC lobbyist for World Relief spinning the Syrian refugee story.
Here is just one article about the media blitz by pro-Syrian groups and the No Borders movement, this one from Voice of America:
In three U.S. opinion polls published by Bloomberg, NBC News and the Washington Post/ABC News this month, 53 to 56 percent of respondents said no more Syrian refugees should enter. One reason cited by many respondents is a concern that Islamic State terrorists could slip through the U.S. refugee vetting process.
World Relief (National Association of Evangelicals)is one of the nine federally-funded resettlement contractors out in force in defense of their role in bringing in mostly Muslim Syrian refugees (98% so far are Sunni Muslims).
And, remember! The UN High Commissioner for Refugees told a Georgetown audience (here, we were there) that the Syrian Christians are not persecuted because the “regime” (Assad) is protecting them, therefore it is the Sunni Muslims that the UNHCR is focusing on and sending to your towns. Here is World Relief’s Washington advocate (aka lobbyist) Jenny Yang:
Yang never tells the listening audience that World Relief is PAID BY THE HEADby the US taxpayer for their work in ‘welcoming communities’ and that they work closely with businesses to supply them with cheap immigrant labor.
World Relief’s vice president of advocacy and policy, Jenny Yang, also appeared on Hashtag VOA, and said her organization works with businesses and religious groups around the country to provide Syrian refugees with jobs and welcoming communities.
World Relief is also reimbursed by the taxpayer through a match program for supplying the volunteers in churches who pick up the refugees at the airport!
“We equip churches to respond tangibly,” Yang said. “We work with them in picking up a refugee family at the airport, or providing them with a meal, or even inviting a family [to join them] for the holidays.”
Then here she is implying that they are saving the Christians, WORLD RELIEF IS NOT SAVING THE CHRISTIANS! The UNHCR is picking Sunni Muslims for resettlement to America and as a federal contractor, World Relief must resettle the Muslims or lose their federal funding (it is about the money!). Imagine having to dodge and weave like this! I repeat, they are not helping Christians!
Yang said World Relief believes there is a need to help religious minorities in the Middle East, including Christians. “But helping Christians doesn’t have to come at the expense of other refugees like Muslims who also are persecuted,” she said. “As Christian evangelicals, we believe that we can live out the calling of Jesus in welcoming the foreign-born and others into our communities.”
One of their favorite talking points is this one about how Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan are doing more than their fair share. But, please remember that the Syrians who have gone to those countries will be sent back to Syria the minute the fighting is over and will never become voting citizens of those countries. Those coming here will live permanently in the US, bring their family members and become voting citizens of America. And, it will never end. More than two decades after the Somali civil war the US (World Relief and others) are still resettling Somalis in small town America by the thousands!
Yang said the number of Syrian refugees that the Obama administration wants to welcome in fiscal year 2016 — 10,000 — is a “drop in the bucket” compared to the millions of Syrian refugees absorbed by Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.
More here at VOA. World Relief is just one of nine federal contractors working to change America for Obama, for the NO Borders Left, and for the Democrat Party. Go herefor a list of cities where World Relief is doing its “welcoming” work. Any ‘pockets of resistance’forming in these cities?
***Nine major federal contractors which like to call themselves VOLAGs (Voluntary agencies) which is such a joke considering how much federal money they receive: