Guest commentary: United Nations Agenda 2030 primer

Editor:  Late last month, here, we mentioned that the United Nations-driven Agenda 2030 now involves the use of ‘refugees’ migrating around the world as an important tool for The Agenda.
A reader, Sharon Shaw, from Kentucky has been following the issue closely and has offered to provide us with a series of informational pieces to help bring us all up to speed on the larger agenda designed to destroy individual freedom, and diminish American sovereignty and power as decisions for our future would be made at an international level.
This is not in the realm of conspiracy theories, they are right up front about it.  So, maybe if we have that understanding from the beginning we won’t waste a lot of time asking, is it happening, why is it happening and just get to work defeating them!

Obama at 2030
On September 27, 2015, Obama presented remarks at the UN Agenda 2030 closing session. His drive to pour third world refugees into your towns and cities is a major objective of this agenda and so, as we have reported, he is pretty darn angry at any of you trying to impede the directives he has been given from on high. See his speech here:

Agenda 2030 is Agenda 21 on steroids, she says!
Here is Sharon ….

Agenda 2030:  Interpreting the components

You will likely be hearing more about the UN’s Agenda 2030 in the upcoming months.  What is it?  It is the UN’s Agenda 21 on steroids.  Agenda 21 was presented to 178 world leaders at the UN Earth Summit in 1992.  The US was among the participants and the President, George H.W. Bush and his administration began adopting parts of the agenda into American laws and lives.

President Clinton, in 1993, signed Executive Order 12852 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” US environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21.

Fast forward to September 2015:  The UN holds another world summit with hundreds of world leaders “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”  It is basically Agenda 21 revised, but its intentions are much more far-reaching to change the planet according to UN guidance.  Posing as an altruistic plan for the good of all mankind, this plan is designed to rob individuals of freedoms through its mandates and to take individual countries’ sovereignties away.

What does all this have to do with refugee resettlement?  The two go hand-in-hand, literally one supporting the other so to speak.  The main goal, as stated by the UN, is sustainable development.  Although there are 17 goals included in Agenda 2030,

What is sustainable development?  According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to “integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.”  Authors of Agenda 2030 insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction.

In the Agenda 2030 document, under the heading “The New Agenda”, para. 29:

“We recognize the positive contribution of migrants for inclusive growth and sustainable development. We also recognize that international migration is a multi-dimensional reality of major relevance for the development of countries of origin, transit and destination, which requires coherent and comprehensive responses. We will cooperate internationally to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration involving full respect for human rights and the humane treatment of migrants regardless of migration status, of refugees and of displaced persons. Such cooperation should also strengthen the resilience of communities hosting refugees, particularly in developing countries. We underline the right of migrants to return to their country of citizenship, and recall that States must ensure that their returning nationals are duly received.”

This statement boldly defines the “open borders” policies adopted by the European Union, policies which, as currently evidenced, have failed miserably.  At its core, Agenda 2030 is a methodology utilizing refugee resettlement as a tool for this “new universal Agenda” (quote from Agenda 2030 preamble).

Stay tuned for our next article exploring Agenda 2030 as we delve into its components and what it means for our country, and, indeed, all nations.

Thank you Sharon!
We have an entire category here at RRW entitled, Comments worth noting/guest posts where you will find this archived for future reference.
Related information:  I’m finding that few people even know about Obama’s Task Force on New Americans which was finalized back in April.  Here is the report which lays out very clearly how Obama is changing America by changing the people and how that fits very nicely with plans coming down from the United Nations level (and whoever runs the UN!). 
One final thought….every time there is a slaughter of innocents by devout Muslims (who don’t want the UN agenda! They have their own!), as we saw in San Bernardino this week, it sets the UN/Obama agenda back as more Americans wake up to the migration piece of the plan to control us. I think that is why we don’t see a normal sad emotional response from our dear leader.  I believe deep down he is feeling it’s another setback to The Agenda because more Americans will be wakened and objecting to the transformation of their cities!
Don’t forget!  If you want to stop the migration this is where we start…..

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.

Looking for one brave and patriotic governor! Lawsuit ready to file against refugee program, needs only a plaintiff

But one important caveat.  The governor must be from one of the 12 Wilson Fish states.

If you live in one of these states, you have your marching orders starting tomorrow!

Your governor must be deluged with requests to join a suit being prepared by a nationally renowned public interest law firm specializing in cases involving the US Constitution.   Here are the key states in which the so-called Wilson Fish alternative resettlement plan is ripe for a challenge:

North Dakota
South Dakota

Now this is the breaking news from Breitbart reporter Michael Patrick Leahy:

matt Bevin
Will newly elected KY Governor Matt Bevin be the bravest of them all?

The Thomas More Law Center, a well respected public interest law firm, is ready to file a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the $1 billion a year U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program and is looking for a governor to be the plaintiff in a case that can be filed on short notice.

The Refugee Resettlement Program, which has been in operation for more than three decades, brings 100,000 refugees a year, 40 percent of whom are Muslim, into the United States. As Breitbart News reported previously, the Obama administration intends to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States in 2016, despite testimony by the director of the FBI these refugees cannot be vetted and polls that show more than 10 percent of the refugees have a positive view of ISIS.

Dick Thompson, the executive director of the Thomas More Law Center and a former prosecutor in Michigan, tells Breitbart News that the public interest law firm has devoted more than six months and much of its legal staff researching the legal authority by which President Obama authorizes un-elected and unaccountable “voluntary agencies” (VOLAGs) to place refugees in states without receiving the permission of the state’s governor.

“We’ve drafted a 16 page complaint that we can utilize for any one of the Wilson-Fish state governors. All we need is for one of these governors from a Wilson-Fish state to say I want to file a lawsuit, and we could file one on their behalf within a few days. Moreover, our representation is without charge,” Thompson says.

The basis of the lawsuit is that the program, as currently operated, violates the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.

Please read the remainder of Mr. Leahy’s report!  Will Kentucky go first? Or, how about Alabama?  Idaho! here is your chance! Step right up! The volags are reeling!
But, don’t forget, even if you are deluging your governor’s office you can still do this too….

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.

Today and tomorrow! Call Congress! You are flooding them!

How do we know?

The other day we told you that the nine major federal resettlement contractors have put in motion a massive campaign to make sure they can continue to flood your towns with refugees and collect their paychecks!  One of the nine is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which has instructions on contacting your member of Congress and US Senators.

Melanie Nezer
Melanie Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society must be sweating it today….

Here are their instructions.  It appears the appeal is broad (and not just aimed at the Safe Act) as had been previously the focus of their attention—they seem to ‘get-it’ that the funding for the entire refugee admissions program could be in jeopardy.
But, what I want you to know is that they have a feedback page so that their people can report what they learn when calling Congressional offices.  And, get this!  Their top day was November 18th when 105 people reported in, yesterday only 2 reported.
But, check this out!  From comments at HIAS website:

Senator Perdue: Parker, who answered the phone, said that Senator Perdue firmly opposed the resettlement of any Syrian refugees in Georgia; they received 7,000 calls yesterday in opposition to the resettlement of Syrian refugees in Georgia and my call at 1:53 pm today was the first call they received in favor of the refugee program.

So, if you think your calls don’t matter, you are wrong!  They have never been challenged like this! Mention the Syrians in your calls, but it’s the funding for the program you should focus on!

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.

About Nezer:  Way back in early 2014, Nezer was the first to call for a huge number of Syrians to be admitted to the US. HIAS is now pushing for 100,000 mostly Muslim Syrians to be resettled in your towns and cities.

Don't get hung up on screening! It's the second generation immigrant jihadists we must worry about

There is so much talk about the screening process for Muslim refugees that I’m afraid we are losing sight of the fact that it’s the second generation (can you say San Bernardino slaughter) that we should be concerned about.

Minnesota Men…..


FILE - This combination of undated photos show Somali nationals, from left, Mahamud Said Omar, Abdifatah Yusuf Isse, Salah Osman Ahmed, and Omer Abdi Mohamed. Nine people convicted in a government investigation of terror recruitment and financing for an al-Qaida-linked group in Somalia are to be sentenced in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis. Authorities say more than 20 young men have left Minnesota to join al-Shabab since 2007(AP Photo/file)
FILE – This combination of undated photos show Somali nationals, from left, Mahamud Said Omar, Abdifatah Yusuf Isse, Salah Osman Ahmed, and Omer Abdi Mohamed. Nine people convicted in a government investigation of terror recruitment and financing for an al-Qaida-linked group in Somalia are to be sentenced in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis. Authorities say more than 20 young men have left Minnesota to join al-Shabab since 2007(AP Photo/file)


Realistically, how are we going to stop those Islamic terrorists (to save our children and grandchildren)?

There is only one way and it starts with halting all Muslim migration to America and then it requires a ruthless surveillance of all those in here already (like it or not!  Trump is right!) until any vestige of the Islamic supremacist mindset is stamped out.
This week’s issue of the Weekly Standard reminds us of the huge US Somali population (growing by the hundreds each month), that has been the seed community from which ISIS, and before that, Al-Shabaab has been drawing its new recruits.
From the Weekly Standard (Minnesota Men indeed!).  Hat tip: Judy

If you get your news from the headlines, you can be excused for thinking that “Minnesota men” pose a special risk of taking up the terrorist jihad at home and abroad. As the Wall Street Journal reported this past April, for example, “U.S. charges six Minnesota men with trying to join ISIS.” The “Minnesota men” featured in such headlines are almost invariably drawn from Minnesota’s swelling population of Somali Muslim immigrants. The state—mostly the metropolitan Twin Cities area—is home to 35,000 such immigrants, the largest Somali population in North America.

Starting in the 1990s, the State Department directed thousands of refugees from Somalia’s civil war to Minnesota. As Kelly Riddell pointed out in the Washington Times this past February, in Minnesota these refugees “can take advantage of some of America’s most generous welfare and charity programs.” Riddell quoted Professor Ahmed Samatar of Macalester College in St. Paul: “Minnesota is exceptional in so many ways but it’s the closest thing in the United States to a true social democratic state.” After a dip in 2008, the inflow of Somalis has continued unabated and augmented by Somalis from other states. If it takes a village, Minnesota has what it takes.

Continue reading here as the Weekly Standard chronicles several important cases in Minnesota.
And, do you know why the number dipped in 2008?  That was the year that the US State Department basically said ‘oopsie! we admitted thousands of Somalis illegally who had lied on applications to get in.’   Consequently, the resettlement of Somali families was put on hold for a couple of years!

How many Somalis have we resettled?  And, why are we still bringing them in by the thousands each year?

So, how many did we admit in the last 25 years or so?  Go to this post we wrote in 2008 (and updated through the years).
In the first six weeks of FY 2016 we have already admitted another 827 Somalis (surely the number has passed the 1,000 mark in recent days).
You must call your US Senators and Member of Congress today, tomorrow and maybe early next week!  It is not just about the Syrians!!!  And, it’s not just about making sure the ones coming in are ‘screened’ when evidence tells us it’s not mom and dad who we should fear, but their children as the second generation is not assimilating, but become more devout (aka radicalized!).

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.


Texas sues Obama Administration and a resettlement contractor

Update December 5th:  Texas already backed down, here.
On Monday we reported that Texas was planning to sue the federal government and the International Rescue Committee, now they have done it.

hillary and miliband
The state of Texas is suing the International Rescue Committee headed by Brit David Miliband bff Hillary! Hillary: ‘Well, if you saw him it would be a BIG crush.’

Everyone wants to know if states have any rights under the federal Refugee Act of 1980, but since, as far as we know, no governors have even tried to test their rights, we can’t answer that.
We need more lawsuits like this one from other governors exploring different legal angles.
The consultation process required by the original Act is an important angle.
From The Hill:

Texas on Wednesday sued the Obama administration and an organization that resettles refugees over plans to bring six Syrian refugees to the state later this week.

In a filing, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission accused the two of violating federal law with its plans to bring the family to Dallas on Friday.

The state asked the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas to block the resettlement and to order the defendants to “comply with their statutory and contractual duties to the state.”

Instead of working with the state to resettle refugees, as the law declares, the federal government and the International Rescue Committee “have left Texas uninformed about refugees that could well pose a security risk to Texans and without any say in the process of resettling these refugees,” the state said in its lawsuit. Texas on Wednesday sued the Obama administration and an organization that resettles refugees over plans to bring six Syrian refugees to the state later this week.


In its lawsuit, Texas points to the 1980 Refugee Act, which claims that the federal government must “consult regularly” with state and local governments about refugee resettlement plans before the refugees are placed within a state.

For more on Texas, visit our growing archive here.  See our David Miliband file by clicking here.

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.