Invasion of Europe news….
You’ve probably seen this story at the Daily Mail warning of “dark forces” being unleashed in Germany in response to the policies of the Merkel government that has invited by some accounts a million Middle Eastern and African migrants to Germany. I’m posting it (even a couple of days old) because I want to make the point that how stunning it is that this news is not making it to the American mainstream news or even cable news in any big way. Why?
From the Daily Mail last Friday:
Sitting in his white-walled room on the second floor of an anonymous office block, the German politician talks from the heart.
He states emotionally that his country has changed for ever; that the European Union is finished and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s days are numbered.
‘Frau Merkel, she’s not right in the head,’ adds 46-year-old Siegbert Droese, pointing his finger at his temple.
‘She tells people from all over the Islamic world to come here to paradise. The numbers are mind-boggling and could reach ten million [when the migrants bring members of their families over to join them].

‘So many young men arriving every day with high testosterone and little respect for women mean the New Year sex attacks in Cologne will be repeated.
‘I am not alone in thinking this. The penny is dropping among ordinary Germans.’
What Herr Droese — president of the populist Eurosceptic party, Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) in the eastern city of Leipzig — says about German views on migrants is all too true.
According to a recent survey, half of the population is now sceptical that Mrs Merkel will cope with the huge influx.
This is despite her recent TV address to the nation — complete with Arabic sub-titles aimed at the 1.1 million migrants who arrived in 2015 and now live at the Government’s expense in 2000 camps, hotels and rented accommodation across the country — when she repeated her insistence that ‘we can do this’.
The tide is inexorably turning against her, and polls show her popularity is declining.
There is much more, plus many photos, continue reading here.
Our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here (posts extend back several years because this didn’t just start in 2015).