Germany: the tide is turning against Frau Merkel

Invasion of Europe news….
You’ve probably seen this story at the Daily Mail warning of “dark forces” being unleashed in Germany in response to the policies of the Merkel government that has invited by some accounts a million Middle Eastern and African migrants to Germany.  I’m posting it (even a couple of days old) because I want to make the point that how stunning it is that this news is not making it to the American mainstream news or even cable news in any big way.  Why?

Leipzig demonstration
Leipzig anti-Muslim migrant rally.

From the Daily Mail last Friday:

Sitting in his white-walled room on the second floor of an anonymous office block, the German politician talks from the heart.
He states emotionally that his country has changed for ever; that the European Union is finished and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s days are numbered.

‘Frau Merkel, she’s not right in the head,’ adds 46-year-old Siegbert Droese, pointing his finger at his temple.

‘She tells people from all over the Islamic world to come here to paradise. The numbers are mind-boggling and could reach ten million [when the migrants bring members of their families over to join them].

Merkel looking nutty
I predict that one of the greatest mysteries future historians will debate is what caused Angela Merkel to open Germany to Muslim invaders. Is she just flat-out nuts as one of her chief political opponents suggests here?

‘So many young men arriving every day with high testosterone and little respect for women mean the New Year sex attacks in Cologne will be repeated.

‘I am not alone in thinking this. The penny is dropping among ordinary Germans.’

What Herr Droese — president of the populist Eurosceptic party, Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) in the eastern city of Leipzig — says about German views on migrants is all too true.

According to a recent survey, half of the population is now sceptical that Mrs Merkel will cope with the huge influx.

This is despite her recent TV address to the nation — complete with Arabic sub-titles aimed at the 1.1 million migrants who arrived in 2015 and now live at the Government’s expense in 2000 camps, hotels and rented accommodation across the country — when she repeated her insistence that ‘we can do this’.

The tide is inexorably turning against her, and polls show her popularity is declining.

There is much more, plus many photos, continue reading here.
Our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here (posts extend back several years because this didn’t just start in 2015).

CIS study: UN is choosing who will be NEW Americans!

UNHCR Grandi
The new UNHCR is Fillipo Grandi who will now be deciding which Syrians will be coming to your towns.

Time to get the United Nations out of this process?

You have heard me say for years that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is choosing the refugees arriving in your American towns.  Now, Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, DC has done her homework and explains how the process works.
For all of you worried about security screening for Syrian (and other refugees from terror-producing countries), continue to be afraid.
Here is just a small bit of Rush’s important (sourced) report:

What is not common knowledge is that we are also giving another group of people a delicate assignment to accomplish within the refugee resettlement program. Whether this is being accomplished successfully is open to question.

The United States is entrusting the staff of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) with the entire selection and pre-screening process of Syrian refugees eligible for resettlement in the United States. “UNHCR is the United States’ largest partner overseas. We provide substantial funding to that agency,” said Larry Bartlett from the State Department.11 The United States has donated $4.5 billion to UNHCR since the beginning of the Syrian crisis in 2011. For those who question its humanitarian outreach, the United States is the most generous donor to the refugee cause of any nation in the world.  [For new readers:  See Larry Bartlett in action in Twin Falls, Idaho last fall by clicking here.  Is he working for Chobani Yogurt by supplying the company with cheap labor?]


The UNHCR is deciding not only who can move to the United States, it is also choosing who gets a chance to become American and who doesn’t. Given such high stakes, Americans should be encouraged to question this opaque system.

Read it all.
I would love to see some brave Members of Congress, or a Senator or two, demand that we choose our own refugees and get the United Nations out of the selection process!
Stop funding any function of the UNHCR which select ‘new Americans.’  Let them take care of refugees elsewhere.
***Update*** See more about what you can do at American Resistance 2016!  Click here.

Missoula, Montana! Beware! Refugees could soon be on the way

Forty eight states resettle refugees. Wyoming has no refugee program. However, over the years a trickle have gone to Montana. All that could soon change if a supposed ‘non-profit’ group hooks up with the refugee resettlement behemoth, the International Rescue Committee to open an office in Missoula.

Stacy Rye
Stacy Rye, a new member of the county council signed off on the letter expressing support for a refugee resettlement office in Missoula. Photo:

The local city council has already expressed interest in pursuing the idea of bringing 100 refugees a year to ‘Big Sky Country.’
And, as all of you living in refugee-overloaded communities know—you do not get to control how many refugees will come!
They might say 100 now, but I guarantee it will be 200, 300, more, as each year passes. And, the reason for that is that the “seed” families will be able to bring their relatives and it never ends!  If your community complains later you will be vilified for wanting to stop “family reunification!”

I am here to tell you Montana, that once the seeds of resettlement are planted in the state there will be no stopping it!

Here is the story at NBC Montana:

Missoula residents could possibly see a refugee resettlement office in the future. Missoula County commissioners signed off on a letter of support on Thursday. The letter outlines supporting approximately 100 refugees per year.

A group of residents is working to bring the International Rescue Committee to Missoula. The IRC helps provide health care, learning and economic support for people in more than 40 countries. They resettle thousands of refugees each year in 26 U.S. cities.

“I can’t imagine families in the world not having another place to go, and they can’t go home, and the U.S. is the land of opportunity,” said Missoula County Commissioner Stacy Rye.

Rye signed a letter along with the other commissioners showing support for a group of volunteers in Missoula called Soft Landing, who are working to bring refugees to the area.

“Being on the positive side of things, where you can affect the positive change in lives is hugely important,” said Mary Poole, with Soft Landing.

Soft Landing is working through an application process with the IRC.

Continue reading here.

Mary Poole
Mary Poole, Soft Landing, is working with the IRC to bring the first 100 refugees to Montana. Her organization will receive payment on a per head basis from the IRC, a federal contractor (your tax dollars). Photo:

The International Rescue Committee, a half a billion dollar a year organization, headquartered in New York City and headed by David Miliband, the former British Foreign Secretary and bff Hillary Clinton and George Soros will be calling the shots for Montana!  See our massive archive on the IRC by clicking here (find out who you are getting in bed with!).
Miliband is calling for the resettlement of 100,000 Syrian refugees to be admitted to the US in the next year.  Do you really believe he will not bring any to Montana???
Montana readers must immediately contact all of your elected officials and tell them NO!  The most important thing you need to make clear to them is that even if they say only 100 will come to Montana, they are lying!

Local county councils have NO authority to set the number!

If you live somewhere else in the country and are experiencing horrific refugee overload problems, please take a few minutes and write to the Missoula County Commissioners, and politely explain why they should not go down this road!
Maybe the Commissioners could call the mayor of Amarillo, TX and he could explain what happened to them and how they now can’t slow the flow.
Or, they might call the mayor of Manchester, NH, Springfield, MA, or Lewiston, ME.  And, last I heard the mayor of Athens, Georgia kept the IRC out!
They are running out of ‘welcoming’ communities and unsuspecting communities like Missoula, Montana are in their crosshairs!
We have written about Montana previously, click here for older posts.
***Update*** Make sure Montanans know that the United Nations is choosing our refugees!  Click here and here.  Local government officials will have NO SAY!

More evidence that big business is a driver of refugee resettlement in America

Update:  Be sure to learn more about what you should do about this during Election 2016 at American Resistance 2016!
The so-called ‘religious’ charities*** that resettle refugees in America and those in the UN/US State Department administering the refugee admissions program that is bringing tens of thousands of Muslim (and other) refugees to your towns want you to think this is all about ‘humanitarianism.’  It is not!
The do-gooders bringing refugees to America are shills for big business whether they know it or not!

It is about globalization and multi-national corporations’ need for cheap migrant laborers!

Did you read our post about BIG MEAT and Amarillo, TX just this week? It went viral and has brought thousands upon thousands of readers to RRW!  The business model is that companies, often times companies in the food industry, encourage (lobby for!) more refugees to be admitted to the US (or for amnesty for illegal aliens).

They get the slave laborers, your town gets the social/cultural tension, and taxpayers at all levels of government supplement the meager wages with WELFARE!  

Chobani Twin Falls Idaho
Twin Falls plant. As a driver of refugee resettlement, Chobani Yogurt is changing Idaho by changing the people.

Dems get reliable Leftwing voters!
(See also our post on foreign operatives changing America with refugee labor, here.)
Rich people going to Davos to make plans for your town!
This is what got me started this morning.  The Financial Times tells us that the founder of Chobani Yogurt will be making a pitch at Davos this week at the World Economic Forum for more companies to adopt that ‘business model’ and hire (read IMPORT) more refugees to small and medium-sized American cities!
Financial Times:

Last year Hamdi Ulukaya, a Kurdish entrepreneur who created the billion-dollar US-based Chobani yoghurt empire, travelled to Greece to see the swelling refugee crisis with his own eyes. Unsurprisingly, he was horrified by the human suffering that he witnessed, particularly as he shares a cultural affinity with many of the refugees — he grew up near the Syrian border in Turkey, before moving to the US as a student.

But Ulukaya was also appalled by something else: the hopelessly bureaucratic and old-fashioned nature of the organisations running the aid efforts. “The refugee issue is being dealt with using [methods from] the 1940s and it’s in the hands of the UN and mostly government and you don’t see a lot of private sector and entrepreneurs involved,” he told me last week. “I decided we have got to hack this — we have got to bring another perspective into this issue, there are technologies that can be used.”

So Ulukaya decided to act. Last year he established a foundation, Tent, to channel financial aid and innovation efforts into refugee work.


And he has stepped up efforts to hire as many refugees as he can at his yoghurt plants, where they currently account for 30 per cent of the total workforce, or 600 people. “There are 11 or 12 languages spoken in our factories,” says Ulukaya. “We have translators 24 hours a day.”


At next week’s World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, he will call on other CEOs to join a campaign to channel corporate money, lobbying initiatives, services and jobs to refugees. Five companies have already signed up: Ikea, MasterCard, Airbnb, LinkedIn and UPS — and Ulukaya says more are poised to join.

Continue reading!  Reporter Gillian Tett quotes me, and mentions protests in Idaho and New York where Chobani is bringing in the refugee laborers.
See our complete archive on Twin Falls, Idaho and the ‘pocket of resistance’ that has formed there.
P.S. When I first learned about what Chobani Yogurt was doing to rural America (here), I never again bought any Chobani Yogurt!  I go down that dairy aisle and give them a mental finger (sorry to our more proper and polite readers).
***Nine major federal contractors which like to call themselves VOLAGs (Voluntary agencies) which is such a joke considering how much federal money they receive:


US Asylum fraud a growing problem; will success of European Muslim invasion inspire more?

I believe it will!
We have written often over the years about asylum fraud.  But, before I give you the latest story, just a reminder about terminology in use here in America.
A “refugee” is generally considered someone who claims they will be persecuted for one of several reasons and is transported here to America and resettled by a federal contractor. (Running from crime or war is not persecution!)

Doris Meissner
One of those responsible for the present asylum system is Doris Meissner, former head of the INS. I’ll have more on her at American Resistance 2016! But, read about her here in my 2011 call for a Congressional investigation.

An “asylum seeker” is someone who gets into the country either illegally or legally (visa overstays etc.) and then asks for asylum claiming he or she will be persecuted if sent home.  If granted asylum the migrant is often referred to as an “asylee” or sometimes as a “political refugee.”
Both asylees and refugees are eligible for all sorts of welfare goodies and often come under the ‘care’ (become clients) of a resettlement contractor whose job it is to get them signed up for their ‘services.’
In Europe, most of the hundreds of thousands of European invaders from Muslim countries will be asking for asylum hoping to be declared officially as refugees.  The EU’s big mistake is twofold, first they didn’t turn the boats back when the invasion began, and secondly they let them loose among their citizens when they should have built camps to hold them until their cases could be reviewed, but I digress!
I fully expect as migrants see the success asylum seekers are having in Europe there will be an even bigger run on US borders especially in this last year of the Obama Administration (before Trump builds the wall!).
By the way, it is almost exactly five years to the day that I called for a Congressional investigation of asylum fraud when I observed cases of young Somalis who spoke no English getting half way around the world via an enormously expensive trip, and knew to arrive at our southern border and ask for asylum.  I contend someone in the US is helping them!
Here is the news at Pajamas Media by Todd Bensman:

Until her 2013 arrest in Texas, the Mexico City-based Nepalese smuggler Rakhi Gauchan was one of the most prolific kingpin smugglers of Islamic world migrants that federal agents had seen in years.

During her long career, Gauchan delivered scores of Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and Indians to the Texas and Arizona borders. Ten or more every month, according to court filings from her case. Immigration and Customs Enforcement “special interest alien” (SIA) hunters were glad to finally remove her from the borderlands, because Gauchan confided to an undercover government agent that she believed a Pakistani client she had smuggled into Arizona was a bonafide terrorist. ICE agents rushed to track down the Pakistani, learning he was quite real and living in America, having gained political asylum.


The Gauchan case, and other SIA smuggling prosecution cases I examined as part of my Naval Postgraduate School thesis research on illegal immigration from Muslim nations, demonstrate that these smugglers literally count on the ease of defrauding the U.S. asylum system to buoy illicit businesses that make terrorist border infiltration possible.

There is much more here.
By the way, the Tsarnaev Boston bomber brothers’ family was a successful asylum case.  I also believe the Chattanooga, Tennessee killer’s family was here having been granted asylum, but no one is talking that I know of.
When we talk about refugee admission numbers to the US each year (which in recent years has been around 70,000 per year), please remember that an additional 25,000 or so are granted asylum each year.  We didn’t choose and screen those ‘refugees’ they showed up here on their own steam.  Many thousands more than that 25,000 are basically loose in America waiting for their cases to be adjudicated.
Update: Be sure to see this excellent piece by Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies.  Did you know most asylum seekers are interviewed by phone and not in person as part of their approval process!