More Invasion of Europe news….
Not a good idea. As I see it, these free speech marches serve as a critical valve on the pressure building in communities across Europe. Closing the valve will only cause the steam to build to a level of much greater power—potentially explosive power.
We haven’t mentioned Calais much lately, but if you look back at many previous posts you will see that this encampment of mostly Middle Eastern and African migrants has been growing for years as they press for being allowed to enter the UK where they see the taxpayer-funded ‘services’ more attractive than what is available to them in France.
Here is the latest news from The Local:
The French government has banned public demonstrations in Calais days before the anti-Islam group Pegida had planned to march through the town.
Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve announced the ban on protests “that pose a threat to public order” days before Pegida were hoping to march through Calais.
“I have asked the Pas-de-Calais prefect to proceed with the banning of all protests that have the potential of disrupting public order, no matter who the organizers are,” Cazeneuve said.
The minister said he was referring to all groups who seek “to create tension, division and violence”.
The northern port town is home to between 4,000 and 6,000 refugees who are living in squalor in a makeshift camp on the edge of town.
Tensions have risen in recent weeks with clashes between migrants desperate to make a bid to get to the UK and the French riot police who block their path.
Germany is building camps with high fences for its trouble-making migrants, it is time for all of the European governments to do the same.
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.