Colorado Springs Councilman pounced upon for proposing refugee resolution

It is happening across the country, local city and county governments are passing resolutions in an attempt to gain at least information about who is being placed in their communities through the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and the contractors hired by Washington to get them set up with their social services (aka welfare).
I’m coming in in the middle of this story where apparently Councilman Pico had already signaled his desire to promote a resolution for Colorado Springs.

Floyd Preston
Floyd Preston (left) is the program director for Lutheran Social Services/LSS Rocky Mountains. He says his agency has been named a “premier” resettlement contractor, but we are not told by whom! Photo:

Lutherans doing the pouncing!
(See map we just posted, here, and see that the Lutherans monopolize the resettlement in Greeley and Colorado Springs).
Here is the news at The Gazette:

The furor over City Councilman Andres Pico’s proposal to “declare opposition” to relocating refugees to Colorado Springs continued Tuesday, with 10 people lambasting the idea, as others did Monday when Pico’s resolution was introduced.

Lutheran Family Services has welcomed refugees to the city since 1980, noted spokesman Floyd Preston. “We have been extremely successful at doing so; the Colorado Springs office has been named a premier (resettlement program).”


Vicki Witte said she has mentored refugee families. “Refugees are some of my closest friends. I’m sure they’ve taught me far more than I’ve taught them. Two things Mr. Pico really wants are notification and a good vetting system. Mr. Pico, those two things are already in place. You need not worry.”  [And, by the way, why does the US taxpayer bear responsibility for helping Ms. Witte find friends and learn things?—ed]

I will bet a buck that Councilman Pico has never been included in the advance preparation of the R & P Abstract that the Lutheran contractor prepares every year for Colorado Springs.  And, I’ll bet he has never even seen one—the refugee contractors have been instructed to not give this document to anyone! Secrecy is the watchword of this program!  The document will give notification about those to be placed in their towns.  More on Abstracts here.
At a minimum, Lutheran Family Services should turn over the FY2016 R & P Abstract and be willing to submit the planning process for FY2017 to public hearings held by the city council.

Since Colorado is a Wilson-Fish state…

…. Councilman Pico should be looking for support at the State level to encourage the state to be a plaintiff in a States’ Rights case being prepared by the Thomas More Law Center.  See one of many posts on Wilson-Fish here.  The gist of it is, in those states the refugee program is run (unconstitutionally) by a non-profit group like LSS and the feds thus eliminating any role for elected officials to protect the local and state taxpayers’ money going to programs to benefit refugees.
Go here for our archive on Colorado.  Grassroots activists should be looking to see which Colorado politicians are getting donations from companies (like meatpackers!) who are always on the hunt for cheap immigrant labor.  Do not be sidetracked by the ‘humanitarian’ propaganda (“seeds of good deeds”) surrounding this program!

Office of Refugee Resettlement budget in the billions for FY2016

A reader sent us this very nice summary of the cost of the refugee program and how it is structured.  I urge you to read it yourself at Politically Short.
(As of this writing, I see writer Nick Short left out World Relief (Evangelicals) in his list of Volags, but otherwise this is excellent!)
Mr. Short also directs readers to this map of the resettlement placement cities for Fiscal Year 2016.  Sorry I couldn’t reproduce it more clearly, go here for the original.  Note the color coding in each city for which of the nine major resettlement contractors are working there.  Amazing isn’t it that there are some cities with 4,5,6 or more contractors working the same territory!
I’ve updated our Frequently Asked Questions with this newest map.
map of affiliates FY 2016