It is an understatement to say that this is a significant development! I have no time to give you all the details of the states’ rights lawsuit, so please read the story yourselves at Breitbart by clicking here. Michael Patrick Leahy begins his report on the great news: Senator Mark Norris a leading co-sponsor of the resolution. Under Tennessee law, the governor is not required to sign a resolution.
NASHVILLE, Tennessee–On Tuesday, the Tennessee General Assembly declared it will sue the federal government over its refugee resettlement program on Tenth Amendment grounds. The State Senate passed a resolution authorizing that lawsuit in a 29 to 4 vote one day after it passed the Tennessee House by a 69 to 25 margin.
“Today we struck a blow for Liberty by finally adopting SJR467,” State Senator Mark Norris (R-Collierville), the co-sponsor of the resolution who shepherded it through the State Senate, tells Breitbart News.
Continue reading here.
See all of our coverage of the issue in Tennessee by clicking here.
I’ll be in DC tomorrow for meetings, so consequently I won’t be on top of all the latest news on the refugee front until I’m back on Thursday (and there is a lot of news)!
Most of you are probably aware that a bill is working its way through the South Carolina legislature that would put responsibility on those agencies which resettle refugees for acts of a criminal nature that might be perpetrated by refugees they place in the state. SC Senator Kevin Bryant exposes ‘church’ refugee resettlement agencies as federal contractors with no special religious freedom protections for the agency itself. “My role in the government is to protect South Carolinians.” Mother Jones (of course) takes a whack at the “anti-refugee” bill, but in the course of reporting on it, they inadvertently allow a State Senator to scoff at one of the most important arguments ‘religious’ resettlement contractors use to promote their role (as middlemen) in the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program—that they do it out of religious conviction and not as paid federal contractors.
To set the stage, here are some of the opening paragraphs, emphasis is mine (hat tip: Joanne):
A South Carolina bill that would create a registry of refugees and would hold their sponsors liable for any crimes they commit has sparked a debate over religious liberty in South Carolina.
The bill, which would require all recently resettled refugees to register with local law enforcement, would also hold each refugee’s sponsors liable if he or she commits a violent crime or an act of terrorism. “We are protecting South Carolina citizens’ safety,” State Senator Kevin Bryant, one of the bill’s lead sponsors, told members of the local press. “And if we have to do something that would de-incentivize the sponsoring of refugees, well, we’ve got to choose our own citizens over those that are not citizens of this country.”
The contracting agencies say the bill violates their religious freedom:
Some religious groups have denounced the bill as a violation of their First Amendment freedoms because it infringes their belief in caring for those in need. “We’re a Christian organization,” says Ted Goins, the president of Lutheran Services Carolinas, one of the state’s two main sponsors of refugee resettlement. “We get our marching orders from a Biblical perspective [as if there is no government cash involved!—ed]. It says we’re to love our neighbors as ourselves. Refugees are our neighbors.” [A bit of irony here as several “Lutheran” agencies around the country have dropped the word Lutheran from their names, see Michigan earlier this month.—ed]
As the anti-refugee bill makes its way through the legislature, more religious leaders have publicly condemned it. A coalition of bishops from four different denominations sent a joint letter to Gov. Haley and lawmakers criticizing it.
Blah, blah, blah from the coalition of bishops, then see what Senator Bryant said. But first know that the US State Department strictly forbids any of its contractors (Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Jews and Lutherans) from proselytizing! Go hereto see what duties the contractors must perform in order to be paid for their work (or have their contract yanked). This is just one small portion of the State Department rules:
The Department of State has cooperative agreements with nine domestic resettlement agencies to resettle refugees. While some of the agencies have religious affiliations, they are not allowed to proselytize. The standard cooperative agreement between the Department of State and each of the domestic resettlement agencies specifies the services that the agency must provide to each refugee. [This is effectively a contract since the federal government follows up with audits to assure compliance.—ed]
Continue reading to learn what else is required of them. They might use the phrase “cooperative agreement,” but there is no doubt this is a contract for services.
Now, this is what Senator Bryant says:
“As a Christian, I would never put myself in a contract that prohibited me from sharing the Gospel,” Sen. Bryant says in an interview. The Republican from Anderson County says that because the bill holds resettlement groups, not individuals, liable, it does not infringe on religious liberty. He says because resettlement groups sign a contract with the federal government in which they agree not to proselytize to refugees—more or less promising to act in a nondenominational capacity—they have given up all claims to religious liberty.
Bryant separates church and state and it’s about time the ‘religious’ resettlement contractors who are paid millions of your tax dollars every year to resettle refugees (payment by the head) did the same! (I repeat for the umpteenth time—where is the ACLU?)
Bryant, a born-again Christian, says he has been able to separate his faith from his work on this bill. He says he would rather donate to organizations who help refugees in the Middle East and North Africa. “My role in the government is to protect South Carolinians. My role as a Christian is to personally support different ministries that reach out to refugees,” he says. “I think we need to separate the commands of Christ from the role of government.”
Read the whole Mother Jones article by clicking here. Confusion works against the taxpayer!
I believe that much of the reason the Refugee Admissions Program has escaped scrutiny for over 30 years is the confusion that was created when the federal government hired ‘church’ groups to be federal refugee contractors. Most people who hear about the program for the first time are shocked to learn that ‘Christian’ (and one Jewish group) are being PAID taxpayer dollars to do their supposed charitable work.
Editor: As long-time readers know we have a category of posts here at RRW entitled ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts’ and today we bring you this comment from reader ‘hogswithdogs’ to our post ‘So much for the Pope’s power of persuasion’here.
From our reader:
The USCCB (US Conference of Catholic Bishops) has launched a National Catholic-Muslim dialogue. Partners include ISNA and the Islamic Circle of North America. Inter-faith dialogue is not new as CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) is active in the churches trying to seek ‘common ground’ and ‘building bridges’. Per Stephen Coughlin, they view the bridge as one way – us travelling to their side as they have no interest in Christianity.
Learn more here:
My assumption is that you will hear more about this in your churches and the priests will be encouraged by their bishops to seek this ‘understanding’. How does this relate to this article? “Good question.”
Is the pope setting the tone for this dialogue? Is the pope setting an example that he wants us to follow? Will we see a push in the parishes to “adopt” Syrians sent to the United States by the UN?
What about the persecuted Christians? Our government is ignoring their plight. CHRISTIANS ARE PERSECUTED BY THE ‘REFUGEES’ THAT THE ADMINISTRATION WANTS TO RESETTLE IN THE UNITED STATES!
Talk to your priests and fellow parishioners. Pray for persecuted Christians and let them know that the persecution is at the hands of Islam by the people that the UN will be sending to the United States!
‘Hogswithdogs’ then directs us to the USCCB website herefrom February of this year where we learn of the church snuggling up to the Muslim Brotherhood in America:
The current regional Catholic-Muslim dialogues are the Mid-Atlantic (partnering with the Islamic Circle of North America), Midwest (partnering with the Islamic Society of North America) and West Coast (partnering with the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California and the Islamic Educational Center of Orange County). Each is co-chaired by a bishop and a Muslim leader from the corresponding regional organization. These dialogues will continue to meet and will work collaboratively with the members of the new national dialogue.
It is no wonder so many are drifting away from the Catholic church and that we have beautiful churches, like the one in Syracuse,becoming mosques.
Invasion of Europe news….
As we have previously reportedFacebook boy wonder, Mark Zuckerberg joined forces with the German government a few weeks ago in an agreement to police Facebook more thoroughly for anyone disparaging the immigrant hordes arriving in Germany at Mama Merkel’s invitation.
Seems they caught a big fish in Lutz Bachmann the leader of PEGIDA.
Maybe it’s time to quit Facebook?
Before I get to the news, I want to say that I am thinking that all of you (me included) should begin weaning ourselves from Facebook where we are making boy wonder richer and ever more powerful.
Did you happen to catch the story at USA Todayon April 13th?
It is entitled “Zuckerberg steps into political fray” and explains his stepped-up role in the US Presidential race. Zuckerberg is a leader of the world-wide No Borders movement. He is a globalist who believes in free trade and the free movement of (cheap) labor around the world, and he has his very own personal ten year plan for how the world should be run.
Here is the news on Mark-the-megalomaniac’s catch from Malta Today:
Lutz Bachmann is accused of inciting racial hatred after he made a series of Facebook posts where he called refugees “cattle” and “trash”. [I wonder, if he had called his political and business leaders, who want cheap labor, swine or “trash,” would he suffer the same fate?—ed]
The 43-year-old’s trial in Dresden will be held amid tight security.
Pegida’s rallies have attracted thousands of supporters in Germany, with the movement even spreading to numerous countries since launching in 2014.
The group’s demonstrations were in the spotlight this January in Cologne after the Cologne Police Department received a barrage of reports of sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve.
The court says Mr Bachmann “disrupted public order” through his comments, which constituted an “attack on the dignity” of refugees.
If found guilty, he could face between three months and five years in prison.
Of course, Germany doesn’t have the same free speech protections that we have, but nevertheless, can’t someone figure out a site like Facebook where free speech can reign supreme.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive,click here.