It couldn't get worse (or could it?) for Twin Falls defenders of the Muslim influx there

Bad news is piling up in Twin Falls, Idaho for those who are promoting the ‘sweetness and light’ narrative for the Muslim refugee community there.
I’m traveling with no time for a thorough re-hashing of the news.  So, please first read this incredible story about the latest sexual assault arrest there.
You can’t make this up!  The alleged perpetrator, Mohammed Hussein Ibraheim Eldai, is the same man that local news outlets quoted in a story in the wake of the Orlando Islamic terror attack.
Read Lee Stranahan here at Breitbart!  ‘Accused Twin Falls Muslim Was Used by Media as Example Two Months Ago’

A Muslim Twin Falls man arrested over the weekend and charged with sexually assaulting a mentally retarded woman was quoted by local media in June as representative of Muslims opposing “bad things” and bemoaning the fact that the “picture of Muslims is getting worse.”

Continue here.  He admitted to the sexual assault.

Money! Money! Money!

Then for all of you I’ve been meeting with over the last 3 and 1/2 weeks, through ten mid-western and western states, read this!  
This is Stranahan’s second piece of the day (click here!). Twin Falls is the poster city for exactly what we have been talking about.
Industries in need of cheap immigrant labor are changing the face of America—not as a grand experiment in promoting the joys of diversity and not to help the downtrodden—but to line the pockets of those running large global corporations (with the help of ‘charities,’ the US State Department and the blessings of lackeys in local government).
Be sure to see the list of all the food processing companies descending on southern Idaho.
Go here for our archive on Twin Falls.  It goes back to early 2015 when the new mosque was being trumpeted in the local newspaper.

Fox News on the refugee program: are we breaking through to mainstream media?

I know that Fox News does occasionally report on the US Refugee Admissions Program, but not enough in my estimation. All of the heavy lifting in getting news out is falling on alternative media like Breitbart and World Net Daily.

The latest arrest in Twin Falls: Is he a resettled refugee? Why is he in Twin Falls?

Here is a recent piece by Melissa Jacobs for Fox News. There is nothing groundbreaking in the report but a couple of key points are mentioned (and that is a beginning for Fox).
One is the point that I have had confirmed over and over again in my travels. (I am almost done with my monthlong tour of American towns troubled by the secretive influx of refugees mostly to work for large manufacturing companies looking to keep their labor costs low by encouraging the resettlement of third world workers.)
Conclusion: The program is being driven by big business (meatpacking, manufacturing and other food processing) seeking labor.  Get the notion of humanitarianism as the main driver out of your heads!
The other point mentioned in here is the issue of refugee crime (see the latest just yesterday from Twin Falls, Idaho, here). There is so much Congress could do to tweak this program since they are too chicken to really attempt to reform it and sadly now that Speaker Paul Ryan has survived his primary fight expect more refugees next year and NO reform.
One thing Congress could attempt in a series of tweaks would be to create a data base for refugee/immigrant crimes.  As it stands now one is left guessing about immigration status every time someone with an African, Asian, or Middle Eastern name is arrested. How will we know if the much ballyhooed vetting works if we don’t have any record of the crimes committed by refugees?
Here are Jacobs’ opening paragraphs—it is about money!

Zeze Rwasama’s Idaho nonprofit gets $900 a head to meet Syrian refugees at the airport and help them adjust to their new lives in America, but some critics say the rush for federal tax dollars could put local communities at risk.

As director of the College of Southern Idaho Refugee Center, Rwasama is part of a broad network of contractors, faith-based organizations and charities working with the State Department to screen, transport and assimilate U.S.-bound refugees. They have played a vital role in bringing nearly 10,000 Syrian refugees to the U.S. over the last 12 months, a number slated to rise dramatically next year.

“We Americans are saving lives,” Rwasama, himself a Christian refugee from Rwanda, told “Because of my taxpayer dollars, they have a safe place to live.”

Critics of the vetting process say such organizations also have a duty to the unsuspecting communities into which they introduce potentially dangerous strangers. Several state lawmakers told the government’s push to expand the program have created a taxpayer-funded gold rush that could expose cities and towns across America to crime and even terrorism.

Continue reading here (seems to be a strangely edited piece).
RRW has a ‘crimes’ category here where you can find additional refugee crime stories.  The 1,997 posts archived there include news from, not just the US, but from around the world. Happy reading!

Trump focuses on Minnesota Somali problem in advance of trip there in two weeks

Update August 10th:  Somali reaction in Maine to Trump’s comments, here.
Sometimes you just want to scream when you read Leftwing (Progressive) media reports like this one.  It begins in the usual style they must teach in J-school!  Sympathetic refugee STORY to soften readers up so that their main point (in this case that Donald Trump has it all wrong) goes down easier.

Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges threatens Trump in tweet: : “Donald Trump, do not go after Minnesota and our Somali population. Just don’t.”

The first thing I looked for was any mention of the marauding gang of Somalis that terrorized the Lake Calhoun suburb just a few weeks ago—not a word!
And, once again we see a mayor who shows no concern for constituents who are afraid or who see the economic writing on the wall as more poverty arrives in Minnesota.
From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

In a Thursday speech, the Republican presidential candidate suggested that Somali refugees have turned Minnesota into a hotbed for terror recruitment and frayed its social safety net.

Trump’s swipe dominated discussion after Friday prayer at Ibrahim’s [the star of the story—ed] mosque in Burnsville.


For the state’s Somali community, Trump’s remarks inspired outrage, renewed calls to vote in November and plans to respond during the candidate’s planned visit to the state Aug. 19. Public officials, including Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, fired back on social media. For organizers of events questioning refugee resettlement that have drawn growing crowds in outstate Minnesota this year, the speech offered welcome validation.


Trump serious

Quoting a 2015 Washington Times article, Trump said Minnesota’s Somali refugees have high unemployment rates and represent “a rich pool of potential recruiting targets for Islamist terror groups.”

“The state is having tremendous problems,” he said.

CAIR and Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison claim the Somalis  are helping local economies, but here near the end of the story, the Star Tribune admits some of the truth:

Amid a growing number of arrivals from other states, Minnesota has seen an increase in Somali food and cash assistance participation since 2010.

A recent report comparing various groups in the state paints a “stark” picture of the challenges Somali Minnesotans face, said Susan Brower, the state’s demographer. Almost 60 percent live under the poverty line, compared with 11 percent of all Minnesota. Unemployment of adults in the labor force stands at 20 percent, the highest of any group in the state.

Read it all here.
I recently visited three cities in Minnesota and I assure you they have a problem!  For new readers, see especially this post about 10,000 Somalis seeded in MN in ten years.

Everyone reading this post this morning should be doing everything in your power to elect Donald Trump.  Minnesotans must get out to support Trump when he gets there. 

He is saying the things that must be said and giving you permission to say them too!  If he loses, the flood gates will open to the third world like we have never seen before.  And, you will be silenced!

Breitbart looks at the woman behind Twin Falls, Idaho refugee flow

USCRI-LogoMichael Patrick Leahy is writing (again) about Twin Falls, Idaho and how Washington, DC insiders are deciding the future of small cities in the American west.

Thousands of Muslim refugees are flowing into the small Idaho town of Twin Falls because of closed-door decisions made by a group of self-serving advocates in and around Washington D.C.

One key player is Lavinia Limón, CEO of the U.S. Committee on Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI). That’s a government-backed group that is paid to place migrants in Americans’ towns. Her group is also called a “voluntary agency,” or ‘VOLAG.’ The group’s local affiliate, the College of Southern Idaho, has already placed 1,000 Iraqi refugees in Twin Falls.

Continue reading here about the life and times of Lavinia Limon formerly Bill Clinton’s Director of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement.
Click here and see if USCRI is working in your town.  We know they are the major contractor working in Rutland, VT and they are planning an office for Reno, NV as well.
If you missed it this morning, be sure to see the latest news on the rape of a little girl in Twin Falls, here.

Top posts for the last week, and road trip news

shutterstock_269296442I can hardly believe it! I have been on the road for 3 weeks today, have made stops in 8 states and have put over 4,000 miles on my car!  In nine more days I’ll be home in Maryland.
The trip to see some refugee overloaded towns (and some proposed resettlement sites) has been beyond my wildest expectations in terms of confirming things I already suspected and for learning some new things as well.

I haven’t figured out yet how best to report, but here are a few impressions (broad generalizations!):


  • Refugee resettlement is largely being driven by money! In most places where refugees are deeply entrenched they were directed to a particular site by some industry looking for cheap legal labor.
  • Very often local elected officials are in on it because they too are looking for financial rewards.
  • Those local officials who object are left pretty much in the dark (they don’t know about R & P Abstracts or stakeholder meetings).
  • We have some great activists investigating, comparing notes and becoming ‘community organizers.’
  • Those promoting refugee resettlement have basically two weapons: the first is secrecy in the way they operate. The other weapon they have is that they hide under the white hat of humanitarianism and blast any opposition as racist, haters and just plain mean-spirited.
  • There is fear among people in some of these communities (besides fear of being called racists)—fear for their safety and fear for their children and grandchildren.
  • And, finally one other common thread in many places I visited is that neighborhoods are being changed as Muslims buy up property and put mosques in suburban neighborhoods.

Now to the top three most-read posts of the last week:

Lowell, Massachusetts: Alleged sexual assault by Syrian refugee puts refugee program in the spotlight

Calls for Angela Merkel to step down at huge demonstrations across Germany yesterday

Lobbying arm for refugee resettlement contractors wants US to take 200,000 refugees in FY2017

By the way, top daily posts (those trending are in the right hand side bar).

For new readers! 

I had planned to list some resources here at RRW for those of you visiting for the first time, but I am now out of time because I will be hitting the road again this morning.
If you are new here, visit my FAQs (frequently asked questions) above on the header. Click here. There are important links there to help you figure out what is happening near you. See especially ‘Ten things your town needs to know’ here.
Also, be sure to use the search window! Type in a few key words (start with the name of your state) to see if we’ve previously reported on things where you live.  For past weekly and monthly reports go here.
Apologies as always!  I don’t want you to think I am rude, but I can’t answer all the e-mails I receive!