I guess I’m going to have to go back and report on food stamp trafficking from time to time (until I can convince some real reporters that this is a huge story across America!).
Stories like the one I posted from Baltimore just a few days ago are all over the place. And, btw, that one posted on August 30th (click here) became the top post for all of August here at RRW. So if you liked that one, you will really like this one.
Muslim store owner arrested for ripping you (infidels) off to the tune of $2 million and then his wife and daughter flip you the bird—literally!
Wife to camera: “F&*& you. F&*& America.”
Screenshot because I assume that when the video goes viral it will be removed. Note how hands are blurred!
From WKBW Buffalo (hat tip: Paula):
BUFFALO, N.Y.(WKBW) – The owner of a Buffalo deli is being held on $2 million bail for welfare fraud charges.
Ahmed Alshami, 37, is charged with criminal possession of public benefit cards, misuse of food stamps and criminal use of a public benefit card for defrauding the welfare system.
Alshami is the owner and operator of IGA Express Mart, a corner deli at 271 Ludington in the City of Buffalo.
According to the Erie County District Attorney’s Office, between October 9, 2014 and March 21, 2016 Alshami is accused of buying EBT (food stamp) cards from people willing to trade them for cash. He usually paid people half of what the cards are worth.
Alshami pleaded not guilty to the misuse of food stamps and burglary charges.
Outside of court on Tuesday, his daughter flipped off our cameras while his wife said, “Are you happy now? F&*& you. F&*& America.”
Now here is the video of the report:
The Welcoming America leftwingers love to tell warm and fuzzy stories about immigrants, but you know we have stories too!
And for our extensive (story) archive on the refugee ‘welcoming’ city of Buffalo, click here. For many years worth of food stamp fraud bust stories go here.
I don’t know if the alleged crook here is a refugee, but since most refugees get food stamp benefits he probably had a lot of ‘customers’ for his business.
You know I am hammering the issue of funding for the US Refugee Admissions Program. LOL! I am going to be a broken record on it this fall!
Obama is going to the United Nations on September 20th for a PR stunt to make the case that the US should admit 200,000 (give or take a few thousand) refugees for FY2017. The nine federal contractors whose work it is to place them in your towns can’t do it without millions (actually billions!) of your tax dollars.
Congress will deliberate and decide this fall beginning next Wednesday when they get back to work (from a long summer vacation) exactly how much of yourmoney to throw at the refugee program (funding both through the US State Department and Health and Human Services).
Forget Obama, forget Soros, forget the contractors, these should be your targets in the coming weeks…..
If your town gets swamped with needy third worlders and refugees posing a security risk, these elected officials below are to blame! Republicans control the Congress and that means they control the Appropriations Committees which in turn will make the decision about how many refugees will come to your towns in FY2017 by how much money they appropriate for the federal agencies—Dept. of State and Health and Human Services.
Here are your first targets! Even if you don’t live in the district, but just somewhere in the state, figure out how to get your message to the Republican members of the House Appropriations Committee listed here. Check the Dems too so you know who to yell at (but these are the Rs):
Harold Rogers, Kentucky, Chairman
Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, New Jersey
Robert B. Aderholt, Alabama
Kay Granger, Texas
Michael K. Simpson, Idaho
John Abney Culberson, Texas
Ander Crenshaw, Florida
John R. Carter, Texas
Ken Calvert, California
Tom Cole, Oklahoma
Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida
Charles W. Dent, Pennsylvania
Tom Graves, Georgia
Kevin Yoder, Kansas
Steve Womack, Arkansas
Jeff Fortenberry, Nebraska
Tom Rooney, Florida
Chuck Fleischmann, Tennessee
Jaime Herrera Beutler, Washington
David Joyce, Ohio
David Valadao, California
Andy Harris, MD, Maryland
Martha Roby, Alabama
Mark Amodei, Nevada
Chris Stewart, Utah
Scott Rigell, Virginia
David Jolly, Florida
David Young, Iowa
Evan Jenkins, West Virginia
Steven Palazzo, Mississippi
Here are the Republican members of the Senate Appropriations Committee who will decide whether or not to fund Obama’s last refugee wish list:
Chairman Thad Cochran (Republican – Mississippi)
Senator Mitch McConnell (Republican – Kentucky)
Senator Richard Shelby (Republican – Alabama)
Senator Lamar Alexander (Republican – Tennessee)
Senator Susan Collins (Republican – Maine)
Senator Lisa Murkowski (Republican – Alaska)
Senator Lindsey Graham (Republican – South Carolina)
Senator Mark Kirk (Republican – Illinois)
Senator Roy Blunt (Republican – Missouri)
Senator Jerry Moran (Republican – Kansas)
Senator John Hoeven (Republican – North Dakota)
Senator John Boozman (Republican – Arkansas)
Senator Shelley Moore Capito (Republican – West Virginia)
Senator Bill Cassidy (Republican – Louisiana)
Senator James Lankford (Republican – Oklahoma)
Senator Steve Daines (Republican – Montana)
And, don’t forget Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell (who you see has an even more powerful role in your town’s future as both Majority Leader and second in seniority on the Appropriations Committee).
A judge earlier dismissed the governor’s lawsuit saying the state had no authority to stop the flow of refugees to the state. Apparently the governor will appeal. However….. If the political powers in Texas really wanted to stop the resettlement of refugees in Texas, they would start by getting powerful Senators and Members of Congress doing something in Congress this fall—cut the funding for it! And, then demand reform during the period the funds have been cut (either completely or to a level that would only admit a tiny fraction of the worst cases).
Texas Senator Ted Cruz
Where is Senator Ted Cruzon this? He could lead a campaign to cut the funds this fall in the Senate. And, in the House, Texas Congressman Pete Sessions is in an important seat as Chairman of the Rules Committee. Texas Rep. Michael McCaul is chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. And, then of course the brave Texas Congressman Brian Babinis the chief architect of a bill that seeks to halt the program until certain investigations regarding costs and security take place.
So if the Texas governor is serious, he needs to bring together key players in the Texas delegation to get something done now, for FY2017 in the budget and appropriations process! We know where the buck stops on all of this—in Congress and not with the governors.
Texas is appealing the dismissal of its lawsuit against the federal government and a refugee resettlement agency over the placement of Syrian refugees in the state.
As chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, McCaul has spoken up about the dangers of unvetted refugees. So, what is he doing about it when they are being placed in his home state?
In a notice dated Aug. 12, Texas alerted the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that it would appeal a June decision by Dallas-based U.S. District Judge David Godbey, who ruled the state did not have grounds to sue the federal government over the placement of refugees in Texas and that the state failed to provide a “plausible claim” that a refugee resettlement nonprofit breached its contract.
Representatives with the Texas attorney general’s office, which is representing the state in the lawsuit, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Texas first filed suit in December against the federal government and the International Rescue Committee — one of about 20 private nonprofits that have a state contract to resettle refugees in Texas — in the aftermath of terrorist attacks in Paris that left 130 dead. Following those attacks, Texas’ Republican leaders raised concerns about the refugee vetting process, and Gov. Greg Abbott in November directed resettlement nonprofits in Texas to halt the resettlement of any Syrian refugees.
But the federal government warned Texas it did not have the power to reject Syrian refugees, and the International Rescue Committee’s Dallas branch informed the state it would continue aiding Syrian refugees placed in Texas.
Continue here.
Don’t get me wrong, this effort in the courts is important to continue the pressure and to educate the public, but the power to stop the flow of unwanted refugees rests with the REPUBLICAN Congress (with the power of the purse) and in my opinion many of those we sent to Washington to represent us are hiding on this issue (and others too of course)!
I know, I know, you all are so disillusioned with Congress and think they are useless, but it is still very very important for you to know that the Republican Congress is responsible for what is happening to your towns. There is no sense screaming at, or about, Obama, but it is important to point a finger at who really is responsible! One of the many good things Donald Trump said in his fantastic speech on immigration the other night is that legal immigration programs that have gone on for decades will be reviewed in a Trump administration. Folks, this Refugee Admissions Program is 36 years old and has never been seriously reviewed or reformed! It is way past time!