Thanks to Joanne for sending this news a couple of days ago.
In Australia a Rohingya refugee was sentenced to five years in prison for raping a ten year old boy. The convicted Muslim man said it was culturally acceptable to rape children where he came from in Burma (aka Myanmar).
(Gee, could this be one of many reasons the ruling Buddhists want the Rohingya out of their country?)
Here is the story:
A REFUGEE jailed over the sickening rape of a 10-year-old boy told authorities that it was culturally acceptable to sexually assault children in his homeland.

Mufiz Rahaman, 20, slumped forward in the dock at Downing Centre District Court yesterday as he was sentenced to five years in jail, with a non-parole period of three years, after pleading guilty to aggravated sexual assault of the boy in the child’s bed on January 8 last year.
Rahaman, a member of the persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority from Myanmar, told Correctives Services staff compiling his pre-sentence report he “did not believe what he did was a crime and that it was culturally acceptable in Myanmar”.
Agreed facts tendered to the court reveal the boy and his father, also Rohingya, were living with other refugees at a vacant Sydney club in January last year.
While the father was outside the bedroom preparing lunch, Rahaman sneaked into the room and raped the boy.
When the father returned he noticed the door had been closed.
The court papers state: “He could hear the offender’s voice coming from inside the room. He heard the offender say, ‘I’ll give you money to do this.’ He heard the victim say, ‘My Dad will hit me.’ ”
“I am unable to find on the balance of probabilities that the offender has accepted responsibility for his actions,” he said.
Judge Scotting said Rahaman had been assessed as having a moderate to high risk of reoffending.
Rahaman will be eligible for parole in March 2018.
O.K. and now you are saying, well that is in Australia. But, what about America?
They are here by the thousands already!
When Esar Met a Muslim from Burma raped and murdered a Christian Burmese child in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2008 there was defining silence from any media outside of Utah! I had hoped that maybe that horror would alert the American public to the foolish resettlement of the Rohingya.
(We have been writing about Rohingya for all of our 9 years at RRW and have 190 posts in our Rohingya reports category.)
But no, I was shocked in 2013 to see (I was there) Anastasia Brown testify on behalf of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to the US State Department that she wanted more Rohingya admitted to the US. She got her wish. I’ve always wondered what she knew about the Utah murder since I assume (it’s a guess) it was Catholic Charities that resettled Met in Salt Lake.