Invasion of Europe news….
The best blog to read on what is happening with the invasion of Europe is Gates of Vienna. Thanks to Diana West (via twitter) for directing me to this postfrom yesterday. In this translation from a German publication, we learn first hand about how a disillusioned refugee aid worker came to his decision to quit. Germany: It is the most extraordinary thing to see—an advanced western society committing suicide.
Here is just a small bit at Gates of Vienna:
Farewell to Hope
In the end, the farewell was much easier than I thought, which is probably due to the exponential climb of my frustration, on all levels.
I have given up on my voluntary work as an assistant to refugees and migrants.
The many thousands of hours during which I tried to supply real help turned out to be utterly useless. Along with me, three other volunteer workers have also quit. There was no single defining incident. I had begun to notice that, for months, my work was senseless. Senseless in that the majority of the people with whom I dealt did not want to integrate.
I am worried that our society will experience a monumental shift to the right because the pot will boil over in the next election.
Continue reading here, I’ve only given you a small snip.
For our complete archive on dear old Deutschland, click here. And,go here, for more on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’
Update: Some hot news! Obama/Hillary refugee plans for Michigan could be pushing voters into the Trump camp! See it hereat Breitbart!
Dumb or evil to (secretly!) introduce more poverty and cultural tension to an economically struggling city? But that is where we are these days with the completely out of control UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
Secret plans!
Readers! Sorry to keep nagging, but you have got to get the planning documents called Reception and Placement Abstracts (R & P Abstracts) from your local resettlement contractor or use your state’s public information law to get them out of your state refugee coordinator (all state coordinators are listed here). I know you probably find it beyond belief that a supposed non-profit ‘religious’ charity is making plans (with the federal government) for your town while you, and sometimes even your elected officials, are completely left in the dark. So the do-gooder Lutherans (and Obama’s State Dept) think that planting a hundred Middle Easterners in Flint starting two weeks from tomorrow is a humanitarian thing to do? Here is what we are learning about troubled Flint, Michigan from Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart:
Breitbart News has learned that a resettlement agency funded by the Obama administration plans to send 100 Iraqi and Syrian refugees to Flint, Michigan, in the fiscal year that begins next month on October 1.
But that plan appears to violate a clause in the federal Refugee Act of 1980 which requires the federal government and director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement to consult with local as well as state governments prior to the placement of any refugees within their boundaries.
“At this point it appears city leaders have not been informed of the details regarding this matter,” a spokesperson for Mayor Karen Weaver and the city of Flint tells Breitbart News.
It’s the same story with the government of Genesee County, in which Flint is located.
“As of this time the Genesee County Board of Commissioners has not been notified of any settlement of 100 refugees from Middle East – South Asia,” Jamie Curtis, Chairman of the Genesee County Board of Commissioners, tells Breitbart News through a spokesperson.
Flint, a city of 100,000, is in the midst of a financial and public health crisis …
According to this FY 2017 abstract submitted to the Department of State by Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, which operates in Michigan as Samaritas, the resettlement agency plans to bring 100 Iraqi and Syrian refugees to Flint Michigan in the twelve month fiscal year that begins in less than three weeks. The document was obtained in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
With all the financial and public health problems the city of Flint, Michigan faces, critics are wondering if it makes any sense to force 100 Syrian and Iraqi refugees upon the citizens of Flint, Michigan.
Continue reading here, there is much more! And, for all of you who live in Michigan all of the R & P Abstracts for the state are made available in links at the end of the article. Have a look at some of those and note how the numbers coming to each town are going up each year. So if they tell you it will be only 50 the first year, know that it could be 150 the next year. Lancaster, PA, where its schools are struggling now, is up to 900 a year because no one ever complained!
Your homework!
Everyone in America (we have thousands who read RRW around the world) call your state coordinator today and first ask (nicely) to receive the R & P Abstracts for your state. (Exempt from homework are you folks in Michigan!) If you get a no, or you get a runaround then next week call your Congressman and two US Senators offices and tell them you are being stonewalled and you want them to get the document for you.
BTW, the state coordinator may act dumb and say he/she doesn’t know what you are talking about. Well, use one of those from Michigan or the one I wrote about from Wisconsin, here, and tell them that is the document you want for your state.
In the meantime, learn how to do state freedom of information requests where you live and get those rolling out next week when it is clear you are going to get no help from the state coordinator or from your Washington representatives. When you have obtained the document, try to interest a local reporter in writing about it, or you write a letter to the editor and tell your fellow citizens how many refugees are coming your way starting in 2 weeks from tomorrow.
Remember they have been getting away with changing America by changing its people by using secrecy to seed American neighborhoods!
Talk to Madeleine today! Won’t that be fun!
As I have been saying, the refugee industry has a masterful media propaganda campaign backing Obama’s last big push to change America by changing its people.
In less than 30 minutes the White House launches its part of the highly orchestrated Refugee Extravaganza leading up to Obama’s United Nations shindig this coming Tuesday. Get in on the action!
If you tweet, use #RefugeesWelcome and #WelcomingWeek
Tell them what you think!
From the White House Press Office (hat tip: James):
This week kicks off National Welcoming Week, during which communities honor the contributions of immigrants and refugees and highlight efforts to build stronger, more prosperous communities that seek to welcome everyone.
Today, the White House is hosting Welcoming Refugees: Honoring Refugee Integration and Refugee Voices. This special event will convene faith-based groups, refugee resettlement organizations, local governments, refugee leaders, and others to lift up innovative refugee integration initiatives and celebrate the outstanding contributions of refugees across the country.
Our county has a rich tradition of welcoming refugees. Over the past 40 years, our nation has resettled over 3.2 million refugees from countries that span the globe.
President Obama believes that we are stronger as a nation when we welcome immigrants and refugees into our communities and harness their skills.
This year, we are proud to announce that we have met our goal of welcoming 10,000 Syrian refugees a month ahead of schedule, and we are well on our way to welcoming 85,000 refugees to our shores in 2016. And in 2017, we will seek to resettle 110,000 refugees, increasing the number of people we receive by almost 60 percent over a two-year period.
Thanks for being part of this vital conversation and for acting to make #RefugeesWelcome.
Cecilia Muñoz
Director of the Domestic Policy Council
The White House @Cecilia44
The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111
This isn’t about anything other than money for them (from you)—for salaries, for offices, for travel, and to pay for their lobbyists who in turn look for more money to promote their political views. Originally the Refugee Act was supposed to be about a public/private partnership, but the contractors now rely almost completely on your money. Here (below) is who is being targeted by the refugee industry today.
You should be calling too! As soon as I see any news about their postcard dump, I’ll post it!
From Refugees Welcome: Visit and investigate their grants and contracts. Amazing!
Take Action TODAY: Tell House and Senate Leadership to Increase Refugee Funding
Here’s a sample of what to say: “As Congress considers Fiscal Year 2017 funding, I urge them to increase funding for the Office of Refugee Resettlement and the Migration and Refugee Assistance account to support refugee assistance overseas and refugee resettlement in the United States, over and above last year’s levels. Resettlement in one of the ways the U.S. can lead by example and leverage international support for refugees. My community welcomes refugees, and I urge Congress to increase funding for refugee protection and resettlement.”
House Appropriations Chair Harold Rogers (R-KY-5): (202) 225-4601 / @RepHalRogers
Missouri: Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO): (202) 224-5721 / @RoyBlunt
Oklahoma: Representative Tom Cole (R-OK-4): (202) 225-6165 / @TomColeOK04
South Carolina: Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC): (202) 224-5972 / @LindseyGrahamSC
Texas: Representative Kay Granger (R-TX-12): (202) 225-5071/ @RepKayGranger
Wisconsin: House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI-1): (202) 225-3031 / @SpeakerRyan
Even if your state is not represented, please call House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell today!
You can also tweet your Senator/Representative: “.@SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE, show that #AmericaWelcomes by supporting increased funds to resettle #refugees! #RefugeesWelcome”
See my tag ‘Where is Congress’ for everything I’ve written in the last two weeks on this funding issue.
Huge companies, many of them multinational corporations, are, according to theInternational Rescue Committee(America’s wealthiest refugee contracting agency), scooping up refugee workers and training them apparently rather than spending the money to train needy African American or other American citizens.
IRC’s propaganda poster. You have got to hand it to them they are masters at marketing and propaganda.
The International Rescue Committeetells us that ‘do-gooderism’ is secondary to making smart business decisions that they say are driving these companies. (Ha! I bet the IRC’s volunteers think this is all about humanitarian zeal!) Americans first! Wouldn’t it be smart to train and hire needy American citizens first especially in cities hard hit by unemployment that leads to hopelessness and crime? Apparently not!
So if it’s simply good business:
Are refugee laborers willing to work more cheaply?
Are refugee laborers subsidized by government programs and therefore tax credits fall to companies who hire them?
Are refugee laborers trapped (they can’t easily go home) or quit the job?
Are refugee laborers more compliant and less willing to complain about working conditions?
Are refugee laborers pawns who are really here to change the demographic make-up of America (apparently supported by the companies Obama has lined up below)?
Marketing expert, Jennifer Patterson is Obama’s program director for his corporate partnership for refugees.
We have previously reported on Chobani Yogurtand Chiptotle, both glowingly describedby the International Rescue Committee (remember they gave George Soros their Freedom award recently) which directs us to Obama’s Partnership for Refugees sure to be on full display at the United Nations next week (at Obama’s shindigon the 20th).
Here is what the IRC says about Hamdi Ulukaya at Chobani (a leader of the Hijra!):
“Other companies have worked on the problem more deliberately. At Chobani—whose Kurdish CEO, Hamdi Ulukaya, has committed the majority of his personal wealth to ending the refugee crisis—the company started hiring refugees soon after it started to grow. Resettled refugees now make up 30% of the company’s employees. This, however, isn’t without political challenges: Chobani has faced criticism and calls for boycotts from conservatives who argue that the company is taking jobs from American-born workers.”
Another company the IRC gives a glowing report about is Starwood Hotels (they need maids and janitors) and according to wikipedia the massive chain may be bought out by Marriott. The Marriotts are long time big supporters of amnesty and more refugee resettlement.
Your communities are being changed forever so that giant corporations can have cheap compliant labor!
In addition to those mentioned above, here (below) are the companies you can expect to see showcased at the UN next week with Obama, Samantha Power and of course Hillary lurking in the background.
(For those of you doing research in your towns and cities, find out which corporations are giving money to your elected officials in Washington and then you will know why your Senators and Members of Congress are reluctant to reform, or cut the funding for the Refugee Admissions Program, while feigning concern for the poor of the world.)