Forget asking nicely, time to use freedom of information laws (Michigan model)

We learned this week that the Obama Administration is setting the table for a huge increase in the number of refugees to be admitted to the US for the new fiscal year which begins October 1, presumably setting things up for a Hillary presidency (and making it harder for a Trump administration to pull those numbers back in January without hate-filled attacks against him when/if he does. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth—waahhh!—with refugee contractors saying they are already in the pipeline).
We also know that the REPUBLICAN Congress has the final word because they can appropriate money for the program or withhold the funding in the next few weeks and months.
However, now that the Presidential determination has been sent to Congress there is no reason a local refugee office or a state refugee coordinator*** should withhold from you the Reception and Placement Abstract which lays out how many the local resettlement contractor is planning for your town.
I know many of you have been asking nicely for those important planning documents and are being rebuffed.
They like to use the excuse that they were in the deliberative stage with their plans for your communities, but that excuse is now gone!  All of those documents were used to prepare the determination that has been delivered to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.
(BTW, you might look at the rosters for both committees and see if your Member of Congress or Senator is on the committee, then get on the phone and call their office and tell them you want the R & P Abstract for ____federal resettlement agency working in your town/city. Put the office to work for you! LOL! I’ll bet your Washington rep has never seen the documents that will ultimately change his or her district forever!)

However, you may just have to go the FOIA route.

The US State Department and supposed ‘religious’ charities are working tirelessly to increase the Muslim population of places like Dearborn, Michigan.

Every state has a Public Information law (it might not be called FOIA where you live, FOIA usually refers to the federal law) managed by your state’s attorney general.  For example, here is Maryland’s
Find the site where you live and then use the request letter template they provide. When using the state FOIAs, response time is pretty quick (usually).
If you have months to wait, then try the federal FOIA on the US State Department or the Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS (but be sure to find the correct request template or they will just kick your letter back).
Michigan as a model….
Concerned citizens in Michigan used their state’s public information law and finally received their planning documents for the resettlement cities in that state.
Here is Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart reporting on what they found:

Breitbart News has obtained the FY 2017 refugee resettlement proposals from the five leading resettlement agencies that operate in Michigan showing they plan to jam down a 40 percent increase in refugees from the “Middle East-South Asia” region, which includes Syria, on residents of Michigan in the fiscal year that begins on October 1.

These plans in Michigan are completely consistent with the nationwide “refugee number determination” the Obama Administration presented to Congress on Tuesday: an increase of the FY 2017 ceiling by 29 percent to 110,000, up from the ceiling of 85,000 that was approved for FY 2016. The actual final number for FY 2016 is likely to reach or exceed the original ceiling number, if the run rate of the last few months continues for the final two weeks of the fiscal year.

In their FY 2016 plans, these five agencies–Lutheran Social Services (which recently changed the name of its Michigan operation to Samaritas), Church World Service, Catholic Charities, HIAS (formerly the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), and Episcopal Migration Ministries— proposed 4,060 refugees overall to be resettled in Michigan, 2,567 from the “Middle East-South Asia” region, which includes Syria. As of September 13, 3,783 total refugees, 1,217 of whom are from Syria, have been resettled in Michigan to date this fiscal year. At the accelerated run rate of the past few months, year end numbers are likely to hit or exceed the FY 2016 plan for 4,000 total refugees in Michigan, of which over 1,300 are Syrian refugees.

The FY 2017 plans, obtained through Freedom of Information Act request made to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services by a local Michigan grassroots group (as were the FY 2016 plans), show that that these five resettlement agencies have proposed a 38 percent increase in overall refugee resettlement, up to 5,606 refugees. This includes a 40 percent increase in refugees from the “Middle East-South Asia” region that includes Syria, to 3,586.

There is much more, continue reading here. Can you believe it! They are sending impoverished third worlders to Flint starting in October!
Also, visit Secure Michigan to get some ideas about what you can do in your state to fight back!
***State refugee coordinators are listed here.

The report to Congress that accompanies the Presidential determination is always useful

Yesterday the Dept. of State delivered Obama’s final ‘determination’ about refugee numbers for the upcoming fiscal year to Congress.  For all of you sleuths out there in ‘pockets of resistance’ the document that goes along with the determination is always a very useful source of information.
For example on page 60 the State Department predicts that Obama’s 10,000 Syrian Muslims by September 30th, 2016 will actually be 13,000.
Also, be sure to go to near the end (p.69) to see how they are estimating a much lower cost than would be expected for 110,000 refugees.  Are they trying to fool the Judiciary Committees in to thinking it is all less costly while the Appropriations Committees know the truth (do they talk to each other?).
Click here to see the full (very useful) document (if you find anything juicy let me know!):

If Islamic terrorists don't scare you, Tuberculosis should!

Michael Patrick Leahy writing at Breitbart reported yesterday on yet another case of active Tuberculosis in the refugee flow to America. I will wager that the vast majority of Americans have no idea that refugees are walking around sometimes for weeks and months with TB (even active TB) interacting with you in schools, stores, and in the workplace.

Are you around refugees/immigrants who cough a lot? Know the warning signs.

Here is the latest from Michigan, yesterday, at Breitbart (hat tip: Drudge):

An Iraqi refugee who arrived in Oakland County, Michigan in June 2015 was diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB) in March of this year, a spokesperson for the Oakland County Health and Human Services Department (OCHD) tells Breitbart News.


News that at least one recently resettled refugee has been diagnosed with active TB in Michigan brings the number of states that have confirmed recently resettled refugees have been diagnosed with active TB to twelve. The other eleven states (with the number of refugees diagnosed with active TB shown in parentheses) include Wisconsin (27), Nebraska (21)Louisiana (21), Vermont (17)Colorado (16), Florida (11), Ohio (11 in one county)Idaho (7), Kentucky (9 in one county)North Dakota (4 in one county), and Indiana (4).

Continue reading here.
This is one more important reason why the House and Senate Judiciary Committees should be holding hearings right now! 
In addition to following the law which requires Congressional hearings before the new fiscal year begins, hearings would begin to lay the ground work for extensive reform of the Refugee Admissions Program in a new administration.
See Leahy’s story this morning on Obama’s proposal for FY 2017—110,000 refugees for your towns next year!—in which I am quoted.
I’ve asked this before but will keep asking it, are volunteers who sign up to help refugees settle-in instructed in how to protect themselves from communicable diseases?
Refugees have a lot of health problems, see our health issues category with 316 previous posts by clicking here.

Horowitz at Conservative Review nails it! Refugee program (our national sovereignty) should be central to this election

conservative-reviewYesterday conservative writer Daniel Horowitz reported on the Obama Administration’s announcement that they are shooting for admitting 110,000 refugees to be placed in your towns starting on October 1.
I’m sure you are shouting at the computer at this very minute—how can he do that he is out of here in only a few short months!  Well, he can if Congress gives him the funding and the pass that every Congress for the last 35 years has given the administration on the subject of refugees.
Before I tell you more of what Daniel Horowitz said, his vitally important point is this one!  Are we going to stand silent and lose our sovereignty, to be overrun as Europe is today? Indeed, do we want to be Europe?***

“It would be a crying shame for conservatives not to harness this very potent issue and make the election a referendum on whether America will become like Europe or not.”

Now here is a bit of what else he said yesterday, but please read the whole thing because he presents some very good ideas for reforming the entire program.


Earlier today, pursuant to the Refugee Act of 1980, which requires the State Department to consult with Congress on the annual level of refugee intake, the Obama administration announced its plans to admit 110,000 refugees in FY 2017 beginning October 1. That is a 25,000 net increase from this current fiscal year level, and a 40,000 net increase from most recent years. It is also 10,000 more than the State Department projected for FY 2017 during last September’s consultation with Congress.

Are the people and their representatives powerless in stopping this forced transformation?

As I wrote in Stolen Sovereignty, Ted Kennedy promised that the 1980 refugee bill would limit the flow of refugees and increase Congressional input in the process. Refugee intake was to be capped at 50,000 a year. But in a sleight of hand that the public would have never approved had it been advertised in a transparent way, the president was granted de facto unilateral authority to increase the flow over and beyond the 50,000 cap beginning in 1983 — in consultation with Congress.

More here.
But, don’t forget, and Horowitz tells us too—Congress holds the power to defund the Refugee Admissions Program right now! 
And, by the way, it isn’t just about the Presidential election in November.  All of your members of Congress are up for election and one third of the US Senate. Find them on the campaign trail and let them know what you think!
***If you need evidence about the death of Europe, see RRW’s complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.

Merkel's mess: German companies not hiring refugees

Invasion of Europe news….
Angela Merkel was telling anyone who would listen that Germany would welcome any Middle Easterners and Africans who could get there.  She wanted to be a humanitarian, but she claimed Germany needed more workers as well.  Looks like she was very very wrong about that.  In fact, this issue of bringing in hundreds of thousands of low-skilled workers (as the US is doing too) is a ticking time bomb!

Merkel, fighting for her political life. You know what struck me so funny, as I sorted through photos of Frau Merkel, is that like Hillary she has some astounding facial expressions. Could she have the same affliction that Hillary has, whatever that is?

What with innovation in the workplace requiring fewer such workers and welfare systems being strained worldwide, what will happen to all these unhappy foreigners who have neither cultural roots nor upward mobility in their new countries.
It continues to escape me why this migration project, pushed by the international Left and supported by leaders like Merkel, is humane in any way! 
From Reuters (hat tip: Joanne):

Germany’s blue-chip companies will have to explain to Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday why they have managed to hire fewer than 100 refugees after around a million arrived in the country last year.

Merkel, fighting for her political life over her open-door policy, has summoned the bosses of some of Germany’s biggest companies to Berlin to account for their lack of action and exchange ideas about how they can do better.

Many of the companies say a lack of German-language skills, the inability of most refugees to prove any qualifications, and uncertainty about their permission to stay in the country mean

A survey by Reuters of the 30 companies in Germany’s DAX stock market index found they could point to just 63 refugee hires in total. Several of the 26 firms who responded said they considered it discriminatory to ask about applicants’ migration history, so they did not know whether they employed refugees or how many.

Of the 63 hires, 50 are employed by Deutsche Post DHL, which said it applied a “pragmatic approach” and deployed the refugees to sort and deliver letters and parcels.

“Given that around 80 percent of asylum seekers are not highly qualified and may not yet have a high level of German proficiency, we have primarily offered jobs that do not require technical skills or a considerable amount of interaction in German,” a spokesman said by email.

What is clear is that early optimism that the wave of migrants could boost economic growth and help ease a skills shortage in Germany – where the working-age population is projected to shrink by 6 million people by 2030 – is evaporating.

More here.
We have very large files on the Invasion of Europe (here) and on Germany (here).