I’m just going to have to take a breather (from posting) today and maybe even tomorrow.
There is so much hot news on refugees, as well as the election news that will have an impact on whether we continue to fling open America’s gates to the third world that I have been trying to keep up with that I am woefully behind in answering your mail (both here and mail sent to my post office box). I’ll be working on that today.
But, to lighten my load going forward, here are some things you can do on your own to learn more about the US Refugee Admissions Program and what it means for your town and for our country.
For new readers who need to know and longtime readers who once knew (but maybe have forgotten)!
(Tip for new readers, if you come back here everyday, have patience, you will eventually catch up because I try really hard to link back to previous material.)
~Check our Frequently asked Questions under our banner above. You will find links there for doing research on your own.
~Use our search window by using a few key words (this wordpress search function is really very good). We have almost 8,000 posts archived there so surely you will find some things you need.
~Serious students of the US Refugee Admissions Program should learn how to use the US State Department data base located at the Refugee Processing Center to see who (and how many) have been placed in your city/state. Click here. It takes a little practice, but you can do it.
~I have a facebook page with over 31,000 likes, click here, you might want to follow news there because a friend posts things other than my posts. I post a few of what I think are my best posts.
~A commenter liked my list of Republican traitors to Trump and asked how to further check out one’s own representatives. I recommend checking scores at NumbersUSA and at Conservative Review’sLiberty Scorecard.
~Get a twitter account (even if you only go there to read news). The hottest news anywhere is at twitter if you pick the right people to follow. I tweet news throughout the day on immigration, refugees and the election. Facebook might be equally good, but I have never been much of a facebooker (in case you wonder why I rarely respond there). On twitter, I am @refugeewatcher.
~I follow the Drudge Report on and off all day and you should too. He has been covering a lot of refugee related news. (So thanks for sending me news, but if it is on Drudge, I’ve likely seen it).
~You should regularly follow: Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily, Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart, Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review and Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage Magazine who all write regularly on the refugee issue. Go toBlue Ridge Forumwhere my friend Richard has the best blogroll (for issues that concern us directly here at RRW). It is one-stop shopping for links to all of these writers and more. (My blogroll is out of date).
~Setgoogle alertsfor topics of interest. You might, for example, set one for your state and the word refugees and everyday news (story links) on that topic shows up in your inbox.
~And, one last thing. I am going to post a select few testimonies some of you sent to Senator Sessions last week. The first one is here. Write to me today at refugeewatcher@gmail.com and send me yours’ to review. I will be spending time today at that e-mail account trying to get caught up.
Enough of that…..
Here is some hot refugee-related news….
Tip of the iceberg this morning! These are some of the important stories that I want you to see, but have no time to post (I’m going to add to the list during the day, so please come back later): The Syrian Refugee Resettlement Is Being Done in Secret
I should be doing a lot more constructive things this evening, but just now found myself wondering through the latest batch of Wikileaks releases of John Podesta’s e-mails and came across this juicy nugget. Jake Sullivan, a Hillary insider ‘let’s whack King.’
In May of 2015, the Hillary team is working on a speech or a statement of some sort and apparently sending drafts and ideas back and forth.
I didn’t see earlier e-mails and frankly am too tired to look for them, but an early draft (of whatever they are writing) takes a slap at Congressman Steve King of Iowa, a Congressional stalwart in support of strict immigration control.
Whatever they are writing it is about amnesty and the “dreamer” issue.
Some of the ‘team’ want to “whack” King, but others say, no, why bother because Bush/Rubio will attack him, so let them do it, so we can keep our focus on them. Clearly the Hillary team was aiming its best shots at Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. (LOL! In May of 2015, they didn’t see The Donald coming! Trump announced the following month).
This is a bit of the exchange (here):
Grunwald continues with comments about King’s position on birthright citizenship.
You might want to read through some of these e-mails because even if you find no smoking gun, they really give you an idea about the inner workings of Hillary’s team and the kinds of people she will bring with her to the White House.
If that happens, blame these Republicans!
Last night, after the debate, I wanted to reach through the TV and slap Megyn Kelly silly. She couldn’t let go of Donald Trump’s dirty words and at one point she was soundly put in her place by Laura Ingraham. (Too rushed this morning to look for the clip). Talk show host and Fox news contributor, Laura Ingraham, let Megyn Kelly have it last night! It’s about the issues, stupid!
But, here is the gist of it. Miss Megyn, as we know pure as the driven snow (Ha!), tries to get Ingraham to agree with her about how offended she is about Trump’s language, and Laura will have none of it.
Ingraham said what mattered to her were immigration, trade, and jobs for Americans and that Donald Trump was the only candidate who shared her concerns. (Take that snow white!). There is no getting away from it. The sitting Members of Congress, US Senators and Governors who are opposing Donald Trump are not on our side on immigration.
LOL! Someone recommended this test:
See if they would support the ticket if magically Trump was removed at the top and Senator Jeff Sessions took his place. (Not a chance in hell they would support him either!)
So to repeat my list of the other day and add some others people have sent in, here (below) is the list of Republicans who oppose Donald Trump and by extension oppose limiting immigration, closing our borders, and stemming the tide of questionable refugees from Muslim countries. This is RRW’s enemies list (because only one issue matters to me!).
(This is not an all inclusive list, I believe there are others we haven’t identified. Also, I am not sure Speaker Paul Ryan or Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have made a complete break from Trump yet. Please let me know who I am missing. CNN was flashing their photos on the screen this morning.)
By opposing Trump, these gutless Republicans signal their support of Hillary’s position on open borders and more refugees for your towns:
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) (her face was on CNN’s anti-Trump list this a.m.)
By the way, in 2013 Ingraham was way ahead of most of us and called for a complete MORATORIUMon Muslim immigration to America. Ingraham understands, unlike these RINOs, that Hillary in the White House means America becomes Europe!
If you have additions for my enemies list (or you want to inform me that someone above has come to a better mind after the debate and now supports Trump), let me know later in the day because unfortunately I will soon be dashing to the dentist!
Invasion of Europe news….
German police arrested a Syrian refugee who had been granted asylum (that means they had screened him and approved him) after a two day manhunt late yesterday. So much for vetting Syrians! We do not want to be Europe! Don’t forget! When Hillary was asked who is the world leader she most admires, she answered German Chancellor Angela Merkel who has allowed a million Middle Eastern and African migrants to invade Germany.
In last night’s debate, it is too bad ‘The Donald’ didn’t mention how the US would be following in Mama Merkel’s foot steps if we elect Hillary as Prez. (But then it’s too easy for us to ‘monday morning quarterback.’)
Here is one of many news accounts about the latest Islamic terror plot in Germany, this one at ABC News:
German police arrested early Monday a Syrian man who is suspected of preparing a bomb attack, following a nearly two-day manhunt.
Jaber Albakr, a 22-year-old who had been granted asylum in Germany, was arrested in the eastern city of Leipzig, police in Saxony state said. Leipzig is around 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Chemnitz, where he had evaded authorities on Saturday and where authorities found explosives.
Police were informed that fellow Syrians were holding the suspect at an apartment in Leipzig, and “immediately went there and arrested him,” Saxony police spokesman Tom Bernhardt said.
German media have reported that Albakr is believed to be connected to Islamic extremist groups, but Saxony police have not commented on his possible motive or the bomb plot’s target.
The explosives were destroyed Saturday in a controlled detonation by bomb squad experts in a pit dug outside the five-story apartment building because they were considered too dangerous to transport.
In July, two attacks carried out by asylum seekers and claimed by the Islamic State group, in which multiple people were injured and the assailants were killed, put Germany on edge — along with two other attacks unrelated to Islamic extremism, including a deadly mall shooting in Munich.
Authorities say Albakr came to Germany in the flood of 890,000 migrants who entered the country in 2015 and had been granted asylum.
Again, dear readers, if he was granted asylum he went through a vetting process and was found to be a stellar candidate to become a NEW German!
Trump’s people should run ads showing the horror show going on in Europe and say that Hillary wants to open the floodgates here too!
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
Update October 11:Breitbart picks up the story, here. We have been reporting to you for years that the only way the federal government and its contractors can successfully establish a new or expanded refugee seed community is by keeping their plans secret, within a small group of supporters (and some elected officials!), and getting the program approved before the general public catches on.
It has been my contention for the last nine years that resettlement planning must be done openly, in broad daylight with plenty of opportunity for the public to get all the facts and weigh in on whether they think it is the right thing for their community. If the non-profit groups (the contractors) and the Department of State (DOS) cannot ‘sell’ the program with all the facts laid out in advance, then the program is not suitable for this particular community.
Today, Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart has summarized some of the latest information on communities kept in the dark about what Washington had planned for them. Click herefor that story.
Now the Charleston, WV story!
WV Senators Capito and Manchin haven’t agreed to meet with Charleston resident Brenda Arthur, but did meet with the advocates for Syrian Muslim resettlement in the state Capital. The Congressman for the district is Alex Mooney (R) and his staff also met with those promoting the Syrian plan.
You can visit our previous posts on Charleston here.
West Virginia has only gotten a very small number of refugees ever since this program was established in 1980, but all that could change if Episcopal Migration Ministries joins Catholic Charities and begins to place Syrian and other refugees from the Middle East and Africa in the state capital.
And, frankly, you would never know that it was happening, that the federal legislators had met with a local Interfaith group and gave the go-ahead by attending meetings, being informed and then not saying anything to the general public about the quiet planning process underway. If it weren’t for the dogged research of one citizen activist—Brenda Arthur—no one but a tiny select group of insiders would have a clue about what was coming.
I’ll let Brenda tell you the story (below) as she told it to Senator Jeff Sessions when she sent this testimony last week to the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interestwhich the Senator chairs.
October 1, 2016
The Honorable Jeff Sessions
Senate Judiciary Committee
Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest
U.S. Senate
Washington , D.C. 20510
RE: UN/US Refugee Admissions Program
Dear Senator Sessions :
I am writing out of my deep concern for the invasion of our country which is being sponsored and sanctioned by our own State Department and the UNHCR through the Refugee Admissions program all with our own tax dollars .
The UNHCR is picking our refugees for us and it is clear that our State Department has failed in its mission for the people of the United States . This Refugee Admissions program is not serving the interest of the America people but is serving the interests of lobbyists , globalists , and the 9 major Volags who are and have been feeding at the public trough for decades now . Congress has failed miserably to provide for our interests and seemingly has”rubber stamped” the President’s determination yearly . Please hear us now as we make our plea to save our country .
Third world poverty is being imported into our country en masse . This is being done as part of Obama’s overall plan to fundamentally transform America . The whole immigration system is out of control . West Virginia already faces a budget shortfall for 2018 FY of 290 million dollars , the unemployment rate is 6.5% and above the national average , the assault on our coal industry has cost 700 coal miners their jobs, there is a drug epidemic , and the June flood disaster severely damaged or destroyed 1200 homes. In addition , there are other economic factors that are impacting our state . How does it even remotely make sense to bring foreign nationals to our state at such high tax payer expense when so many of our own people are suffering ? Further , our country is 20 trillion dollars in debt . A sane nation does not do this !
Because we are a small state we have so far escaped some of the invasion devastation other larger states have experienced by their towns being invaded and overrun by hoards of peoples who neither want to assimilate or are assimilating . In fact , it is my understanding that they are encouraged ” not to assimilate but rather to integrate ” . I along with others are trying very hard to fight this invasion and keep this from happening here to our beloved state of West Virginia .
In my research to find out about the workings of the Refugee Resettlement program and the contractors I became aware that this program has been operating very much in secret since its inception in 1980. Once I became aware of this effort to resettle refugees in my state of West Virginia I contacted 7-8 elected officials : 2 town mayors , 3-4 state senators and or delegates , my U.S. Congressman Alex Mooney , U.S.Senator Shelley Moore Capito , and the Governor’s office . Even though refugees had been resettled in West Virginia no one knew anything about it . The Chief of Staff for Governor Tomblin even told me that West Virginia was not scheduled to receive any refugees . I later found out that the Governor had in fact signed a state refugee plan 3-4 months before I made the call to his office . This is not accountable or transparent government .
USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) operating as Catholic Charities of West Virginia is the major contractor in our state placing refugees . EMM ( Episcopal Migration Ministries) has filed with the State Department to also become a contractor here in West Virginia . I never hear the contractors speak of the interests of the people . They always speak of the interests of the refugees. I very much want to see the Episcopal Migration Ministries application to “set up shop ” rejected . I have tried to get word regarding this to my U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito but it seems to fall on deaf ears or it is not being communicated to her .
On August 1 ,2016 I contacted the State Refugee Coordinator here in West Virginia to request a copy of the R&P (Reception & Placement ) Abstract for 2016 and 2017 . I was asked who I was . I replied that I am just a private citizen who wants to know about the refugee resettlement program in West Virginia . The State Refugee Coordinator then told me that they couldn’t give this out to just anybody . I asked her why not when it is a public document and the program is paid for mostly with our tax dollars. She just replied that we have our process and that I would have to make a FOIA request . I did make that request and received the documents on August 9 ,2016 .
In finding out more about how the contractors operate I learned that they are to hold quarterly ” stakeholder ” meetings to track and report on the refugees who have been placed . I found out that they consider entities like the school officials, law enforcement, free clinic providers, potential employers , social service providers ,and others the “stakeholders” —–not the people of the community . We are completely left out while they operate in ” secret” .
It would be in the best interests of the refugees to one day return to their home country . Meanwhile , for every 1 refugee brought here we could provide the necessities of life for 12 refugees there . The Refugee Admissions program also poses a threat to our national security as you know . This fact alone should be sufficient to de-fund this program and put a halt to the refugee admissions ” racket” .
Senator Sessions , the Refugee Act of 1980 ultimately needs to be repealed . Meanwhile , “We the People ” must rely on advocates like you who will operate in our interests —-not the interests of the UN , lobbyists , globalists , or any and all enemies both foreign and domestic who are out to undermine the sovereignty, safety , and security of our beloved and great nation.
Sincerely ,
Brenda K. Arthur
cc: Senator Shelley Moore Capito
Senator Joe Manchin
Congressman Alex Mooney
Arthur would like to have one-on-one meetings with members of the West Virginia delegation to discuss why she thinks the program is not good for West Virginia where the coal industry has been devastated and Americans need jobs. So far they will not meet with her.
But get this, they have already been meeting with the WV Interfaith Ministry and the WV Friends of Syrian Refugees as noted in January 2016 minutes obtained by Arthur. I found it interesting that these advocates for resettling refugees appear to be completely in the bag for Syrians, usually groups like this are pushing refugee resettlement in general and are happy with whatever ethnic groups they acquire. (And apparently the contractors have not informed them that they don’t choose who comes to WV, they will be assigned a smattering of up to 15 different ethnic groups.)
Below is a screen shot from page 2 of the minutes:
So, why are they making themselves scarce when it comes to those in opposition to bringing Syrians to West Virginia?
Incidentally, we do know that 99% of the Syrians entering the US now are Muslims (mostly Sunnis) who are not being thoroughly screened. We heard that in testimony to the Sessions’ subcommittee here.