I haven’t posted a weekly roundup for awhile but I am this week so I can tell you for the umpteenth time to exercise your free speech rights while we have them.

Prompting me to nag you again was the news from Oakland, Iowa I posted here minutes ago.
But, before I get to the nagging part, and since this is a round-up for the week, here are the top three most-read posts of the week (top posts of the last day are in right hand side bar):
Catholic Bishop Dolan says that the USCCB is not after more money when defending DACA kids, I beg to differ
White House could announce refugee ceiling for FY18 this week
Consider the optics Mr. President! Thousands of impoverished people arriving in the US when Americans are homeless
On that second post above, I’m looking for an announcement any hour (or any day). It was expected yesterday. I’m reserving judgement on Trump until I hear what he decides on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
Let the nagging begin….
Come on people, stop being passive news readers! Find a way to become informed (yes, read the news, but do some research too) and then get that information and your opinions out there through social media, letters-to-the-editor or by writing your own blog. Believe me, getting your ideas and information out to others is very satisfying!
Or, if it is comfortable for you, put on local informational meetings like the one in Iowa this week.
If you sit in your house alone reading news and stressing over the future of America, you do no one any good (and you hurt yourself!).
The mainstream media is not going to report on certain issues, so you have to do it.
Honestly, the most important thing we must preserve to save America is our freedom of speech, and the more of you fearlessly exercising it, the harder it will be for those trying to kill those rights.
They will call you a few names! Who cares!
Endnote: You can see my facebook feed in the left hand side bar here at RRW, and my twitter feed is in the right hand side bar. I recommend that you visit RRW from time to time rather than depending on that e-mail notification controlled by wordpress that somehow seems to mysteriously drop people on a regular basis.