I served up some red meat for the Right Wing Watchershere at World Net Daily with my comments about the Rohingya ‘crisis’ in Burma. You can read the Watchers yourself!
RWW’s Miranda Blue, one of my biggest fans! @bluemir https://twitter.com/bluemir
How dare I (and others) challenge the Left Wing meme that the Rohingya are the helpless victims, pure as the driven snow, in the decades-old violent conflict between these two great religions of peace!
Watch for it!
The Syrian Muslim refugees were yesterday’s downtrodden, but the Left has moved on to the new flavor of the year—-the Rohingya—who we should support with millions of taxpayer dollars, or better still move to your neighborhoods ASAP.
For ambitious readers, I have over 200 posts on the Rohingya conflict archived here over TEN years. See for yourself what’s been happening there.
Oh, and see my other mentions at Right Wing Watch, here. Miss Miranda sure didn’t like me telling Americans to have more babies!
This post is filed, not just in Rohingya Reports, but in my category ‘Laugh of the day!’ here.
In Trump’s new mixed bag, most of the eight countries are not significantly represented in the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).
Editor: By the way, I assume you saw that the Supreme Court has cancelled arguments on the previous travel ban, here. I don’t know yet what that means for the refugee portion of the case.
Other than Somalia, Syria and Iran we don’t see many refugees from the other five countries. And, you should know, for Iran, that the vast majority of those we admit as refugees are Christians and other religious minorities.
As I remarked the other day, we do admit very large numbers of questionable refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq, Burma (Rohingya Muslims) and some additional African countries who will not be getting the extra scrutiny.
I checked Wrapsnet just now to see how many refugees we have admitted between FY07 and FY17 from the 8 ‘travel ban’ countries. But, don’t forget that many others from these countries get in to the US through other legal programs as well as illegally.
Refugees admitted FY07-FY17 (to date). Here is what I found:
Chad (182)
Iran (38,236 but only 405 of those are Muslims while over 20,000 are Christians)
Libya (12)
N. Korea (203)
Syria (21,110)
Yemen (146)
Somalia (67,158)
Venezuela (13)
The new vetting rules may have a large impact on Somalis entering the US….
Check out here where all those Somalis have been planted. Minnesota tops the list with 8,529. But that doesn’t tell the whole Minnesota story as Somalis resettled elsewhere move in large numbers as what the USRAP calls “secondary migrants” to MN.
Alaska welcomed 294, but Hawaii (the state that loves diversity) welcomed zero!
White House Prepares To Announce Huge Cut In Refugee Admissions
Just because Obama set a ceiling of an unrealistically high 110,000 for one of his 8 years (which was not realized), we are supposed to be thrilled about 45,000!
***Update*** Do not fall for the media spin that Trump is cutting numbers in half. I just checked admission numbers for 15 full years following 9/11 and the average admission number is 57,938. I repeat: 45,000 is not a significant drop! Go here for all the numbers.
If the Daily Caller has its facts straight (and this isn’t a head-fake!), Trump’s State Department is proposing a ceiling of 45,000 refugees for FY18 which will do nothing to bring about needed reform.
If true, Trump has been fooled!
It will slow the flow some, and maybe a contractor CEO or two will have to take a pay cut (from their $200,000-500,000 a year salaries); low level staffers will get the boot; and some new resettlement sites might be put on hold—big deal.
Without any reform initiative from the White House, when Trump is no longer in office they will simply boost numbers to make up for lost time.
45,000 is NOT a significant reduction!
Even the sainted Obama had two years when he admitted between 50,000 and 60,000. George Bush had two years between 20,000 and 30,000!
The Daily Caller cites Axiosthat is reporting that Secretary of State Tillerson will go to the Hill on Wednesday to “consult” about their 45,000 refugee cap—a number which is making the career bureaucrats angry, we are told. (Of course, they want a much higher number.)
Axiossays Stephen Miller in the White House wanted 20,000.
We maintained that in light of Harvey, Irma and Maria (American refugees!) the program should have been suspended.
45,000 will not win Trump any brownie points with the Open Borders left, the resettlement contractors, and Chamber of Commerce types, so he should have gone the whole way, suspended the program and told Congress to reform it.
Mark my words….
As soon as Trump is no longer in office, the Dems and the RINO establishment will up the number above 100,000 to make up for lost time and a window of opportunity to review the program will have been lost.
Throughout 2016 we reported on some of the proposed new “welcoming” communities that the Obama team was quietly targeting as new resettlement sites.
When you look through the guide, you will see that many ‘stakeholders’ in your community were engaged in planning for refugees even while you, the taxpayer, was kept in the dark
One of those was Pittsfield, Mass (here and here).
Today we have news that since the number of paying clients (aka refugees) was declining under Trump, some of those sites are being cancelled. One is Pittsfield. See Feds drop plan for Pittsfield,here.
And, recently we reported that the new Episcopal church office in Charleston, WV was also cancelled.
But, I did see that, although the Rutland, Vermont pro-refugee-welcoming mayor lost his election bid, the arrogant contractor USCRI has applied for 100Syrians and Iraqis again for FY18 (they likely won’t get them, but it makes for a media opportunity to bash Trump when they don’t).
For new readers, (assuming the DOS is keeping it up to date), go hereto see the available resettlement sites. They can resettle within 100 miles of each location.
For all of you trying to stay on top of the issue—-which towns are targeted AND WHY!—here is the Dept. of State’s New Site Guide introduced by none-other than Laurence Bartlett.
Note that it is undated, but I believe it was prepared in anticipation of an expansion of the program toward the end of the Obama Administration (an expansion that obviously didn’t happen).
Bartlett was the headliner at the recent Heritage Foundation event: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2017/09/14/is-the-heritage-foundation-selling-you-out-on-unus-refugee-admissions-policy/
One of the things in the document is the list of items that the local contracting agency must have available for its new clients—right down to the towels and kitchen utensils. So, if you get word that your local contractor isn’t meeting its contractual obligations, raise a red flag!
And, take note of the fact that in about 90 days the resettlement agency contractor is done with them, and they are in your town or city’s care.
For new readers, here are the nine major contractors which receive compensation on a per-head basis for each refugee they place in your town:
You’ve seen the news I’m sure, but this headline at Reuters caught my attention:
Incensed over refugees, east Germans punish easterner Merkel
Hereis the story. Germany headed down the tubes IMHO (emphasis below is mine):
BERLIN (Reuters) – For weeks, Chancellor Angela Merkel endured taunts and whistles whenever she ventured out on the campaign trail in her home region of eastern Germany.
What did she win? In four more years will Germany even be recognizable?
And on Sunday, it was voters in the east, incensed by her decision to allow hundreds of thousands of refugees into the country, that helped send her conservatives to their worst result since 1949 and vaulted a far-right party into the German parliament.
They want Germany for Germans! What a novel idea!
Preliminary results showed the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD)winning 22.9 percent of the vote in the former communist east, well above their national result of roughly 13 percent. The AfD performed especially well with east German men, 26 percent of whom backed the party.
Merkel did secure a fourth term on Sunday, but she limped to the finish line and must now cobble together an unwieldy coalition with two other parties — the business friendly Free Democrats (FDP) and environmentalist Greens — that have diametrically opposed views on many of the big issues.
The result suggested that pollsters may have underestimated the lingering impact of the refugee crisis in the election and the outsized influence it would have in the east, where voters continue to behave very differently than their brethren in the west 28 years after the fall of the Wall. [Those eastern Europeans haven’t been sufficiently brain-washed with political correctness, or do they understand what occupation feels like!—ed]