Looks like the latest London Islamic terrorist was a refugee

That is what the Daily Mail is suggesting, here.  Ho hum, so what else is new!

But, what is so funny (not the terror attack), but the fact that Trump must have blurted out prematurely that Scotland Yard knew about this creep weeks before.

Invasion of Europe news….


From The Goldwater.  Headline:

Then here is just a bit of the news:

The stunning turnaround in the British bombing story. The first tweet that President Trump sent out after being informed of the London bombing hinted that British police knew who did it. Trump received criticism from UK politicians for being ‘unhelpful’. We wonder whether anyone will apologize. It would seem that police and British politicians knew all along.

Trump will make his maiden speech to the UN on Tuesday. I wonder what he will say about Islamic terrorism here and in Europe. And, what will he say about our refugee admissions for the coming fiscal year (while we have so many hurricane homeless citizens)?

As said yesterday, police had arrested an 18-year old in the port city of Dover, suspected of plotting and carrying out the attack on the metro of Parsons Green which wounded over 30 people.

In the afternoon, a house in Surrey was raided. A house where an older couple takes in refugee children.

Ms Penelope Jones, 71 years old, and her husband Ronald, 88 years old, have raised 268 foster children in the house over three decades and the last eight of those have been refugees from countries like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Whilst there has been no official confirmation, the British press has puzzled all the pieces together.

The teen who did it seems to be a ‘problematic foster child’ who was arrested two weeks ago already near where the attack took place.

He was a refugee taken in by a foster family who has taken in many children like him in the past.

Continue reading here.

Do you know why we don’t have so many of these terrorist attacks yet? 

It has nothing to do with the BS about how we assimilate them better.

It is because the numbers of potential perps are SO FAR smaller than in the UK, France, Belgium etc…

All of my ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is here.

Addendum:  Did you ever know anyone, maybe in your own family, with that brain/mouth connection?  It goes like this: Whatever is most recently in the brain comes out in mouth within moments.  Just saying!

Two weeks away from new fiscal year, FY17 refugee ceiling surpassed by 2,282 refugees

So why is that significant? Never in the history of the Refugee Act of 1980 has a CEILING been breached. That happened because the US Supreme Court unconstitutionally changed refugee law when it set exceptions to its concurrence that Trump did have the legal right to cap refugee numbers.

As we wait for the Presidential determination for FY18, I thought you might like to see how many refugees we have as of this morning and where they went. We broke through the 50,000 ceiling in July.  2,282 have been added since.

From Wrapsnet:

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Alaska got 68 and the state whining for more refugees, Hawaii, got 3!

Senate Dems want law followed on refugee Presidential determination

Rumors were rampant that President Donald Trump would announce on Friday the Presidential “determination” on how many refugees could be admitted (it is a CEILING number) to the US beginning on October 1 (for FY18).  Nothing happened.

Just looking around this morning I see that mid-week last week Senators Dick Durban and Dianne Feinstein (founding members of the ‘Jihad caucus’ who wanted 65,000 Syrians in addition to the usual 60-70,000 from other regions in Obama’s final full year), sent a letter to Trump asking him when this years’ ‘consultation’ could be expected.

The House and Senate, for the last 10 years (the years I have followed the program), could not have cared less about what the law said were the steps required in the consultation and Presidential determination (I outlined those steps here recently).

LOL! But all that changes now that Trump occupies the White House.

It is maddening to know something about an issue and see the complete disdain by elected officials for the laws they themselves wrote!


So here is the Reuters story about Dick and Dianne getting all uppity about something (the legal process) they didn’t care about during Obama’s years.

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) – Two high-ranking Democrats in the U.S. Senate asked the Trump administration on Wednesday to provide information on any plans to cut refugee admissions to historically low levels, saying Congress had not yet been consulted as required by law.

Dianne Feinstein, Dick Durbin
Suddenly Dick and Dianne are concerned with the steps laid out in the Refugee Act of 1980 for determining each years refugee admission ceiling.

“To date, we have not received a proposed refugee admissions plan for fiscal year 2018 or received any cooperation from your agencies in scheduling the refugee consultation,” Senator Richard Durbin and Senator Dianne Feinstein wrote in a letter seen by Reuters.

The letter was sent on Wednesday to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke, and Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price.

“We request that the proposed refugee admissions report be transmitted to Congress promptly and that we immediately begin the process of scheduling the consultation,” the letter said.

By law, the president is required to consult with members of Congress about the number of refugee admissions before the start of each fiscal year, which is Oct. 1.

Gee, for once we see a mainstream media outlet give some information on the ceiling vs. actual admissions numbers:

Since the U.S. Refugee Act was signed in 1980, the ceiling has never been set below 67,000 and in recent years has hovered around 70,000 to 80,000. The number of refugees actually admitted to the country can fall below the cap, and dropped to its lowest level in the fiscal year after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks with only around 27,000 admitted.  [No one went bonkers on Bush—ed]

Pay attention to the RAISE Act.

The proposed RAISE Act, which the White House has endorsed, calls for lower immigration overall and a statutory limit on the number of refugees offered permanent residency to no more than 50,000.

Reports that the 2018 cap might be set below 50,000 raised alarm bells for Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

More here if you want to read it.

Final thought:  Trump goes to the UN this week.  The federal refugee contractors have been yammering for 75,000 refugees for FY18.  Any number less than that announced this week will surely bring out screaming protesters and media hysteria. IMHO Trump should have announced numbers weeks ago (assuming they will be low!).

As you know, in light of American homelessness from Harvey and Irma, we have been advocating for a suspension of the program or at least a many-months delay in making a Presidential Determination.

RRW weekly roundup for week ending September 15th…

I haven’t posted a weekly roundup for awhile but I am this week so I can tell you for the umpteenth time to exercise your free speech rights while we have them.

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Artwork compliments SPLC

Prompting me to nag you again was the news from Oakland, Iowa I posted here minutes ago.

But, before I get to the nagging part, and since this is a round-up for the week, here are the top three most-read posts of the week (top posts of the last day are in right hand side bar):

Catholic Bishop Dolan says that the USCCB is not after more money when defending DACA kids, I beg to differ

White House could announce refugee ceiling for FY18 this week

Consider the optics Mr. President! Thousands of impoverished people arriving in the US when Americans are homeless

On that second post above, I’m looking for an announcement any hour (or any day). It was expected yesterday.  I’m reserving judgement on Trump until I hear what he decides on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.

Let the nagging begin….

Come on people, stop being passive news readers!  Find a way to become informed (yes, read the news, but do some research too) and then get that information and your opinions out there through social media, letters-to-the-editor or by writing your own blog.  Believe me, getting your ideas and information out to others is very satisfying!

Or, if it is comfortable for you, put on local informational meetings like the one in Iowa this week.

If you sit in your house alone reading news and stressing over the future of America, you do no one any good (and you hurt yourself!).

The mainstream media is not going to report on certain issues, so you have to do it.

Honestly, the most important thing we must preserve to save America is our freedom of speech, and the more of you fearlessly exercising it, the harder it will be for those trying to kill those rights.

They will call you a few names! Who cares!

Endnote: You can see my facebook feed in the left hand side bar here at RRW, and my twitter feed is in the right hand side bar.  I recommend that you visit RRW from time to time rather than depending on that e-mail notification controlled by wordpress that somehow seems to mysteriously drop people on a regular basis.

Dems join CAIR to silence speech in Iowa small town

This didn’t happen in Berkeley, CA or St. Louis, MO but in a small Iowa town’s community center.

I’m just going to give you the opening paragraphs of the story, but everyone of you concerned about the future of  our country should read the jaw-dropping account of a public meeting where Democrat protesters and Council on American Islamic Relations representatives teamed up to disrupt a presentation organized by a former Muslim, a convert to Christianity.

This is America?

From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:

While all eyes were on the University of California, Berkeley, Thursday night to see if radical leftists could control their anger over the mere presence of a conservative speaker on campus, it was a gathering in a tiny Iowa town that attracted the attention of one of the left’s key allies – the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

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Hurst, running for local elected office, was the leader (along with CAIR) of the infiltrators who disrupted the meeting requiring police presence so that speakers could continue. “He posted on Facebook suggestions that Guandolo, Christian and Gaubatz did not qualify for free speech rights under the First Amendment.”

CAIR, which was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a massive terror-financing trial held in 2008, crashed a meeting in Oakland, Iowa – population 1,500 in rural Pottawattamie County.

Why such concern for what’s going on in a place so far off the beaten path?

Actually, it’s not unusual, not in post-Trump America.

CAIR has made it a top priority in the wake of President Trump’s surprising election victory to show up, challenge and cause confusion wherever the truth about Islam is being taught, say experts on the organization. CAIR is worried that a nation under the spell of Barack Obama for eight years may start to wake up to some startling facts and discover that Islam has become the government-favored religion, the only religion Americans are not allowed to criticize.

Miriam Amer, CAIR Iowa, was reportedly in attendance. https://twitter.com/mzmea611/

This is all part of CAIR’s nationwide campaign against “Islamophobia” which coincides with the United Nations’ anti-Islamophobia campaign being carried out on a global scale. Cities such as Boston, Minneapolis, San Fransisco and Nashville have all taken up the cause of defending Islam against verbal attacks increasing referred to as “hate crimes.”

The speakers who had CAIR worked up into a tizzy were John Guandolo and Chris Gaubatz, partners in Understanding the Threat…..

Click here and read about what happened in Oakland, Iowa, a bigger deal then Berkeley where we have come to expect massive intimidation efforts to silence speech.

When is the last time you heard about Dems/Muslims holding public meetings crashed by people trying to silence their speech?  That’s right, you haven’t!

And, one more thing, if you have people like Hurst running for public office where you live, you better get out and oppose them!