I’ve told you about David Milibandin many previous posts. He is the former UK Labor Party Foreign Minister (his brother is known in the UK as “red Ed”) who came over to New York to head up the fabulously wealthy International Rescue Committee where he is sucking down a salary of $591,846 annually.
David Miliband: Have I got a cool gig or what? Living in Manhattan, deciding which third world migrants will be seeded into American towns, hobnobbing with Hillary, schmoozing Soros, smacking down Donald Trump, weighing in on British politics and being handsomely compensated by American taxpayers! Wow!
(The IRC is the wealthiest monetarily of nine federal refugee contractors, although we are told that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops handles a higher volume of refugees each year.)
Btw, if you follow Miliband even tangentially you will see he is still busy mucking around in British politics.
Here is some Lefty website called Death and Taxeson British national Miliband and that meany, Donald Trump:
“It’s not an exaggeration to say the very existence of refugee resettlement as a core aspect of the American story, and America’s role as a global leader in this area, is at stake,” David Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee said.
I’m willing to give up our supposed “global leader” role, aren’t you? (But, wait, didn’t we just hear from Human Rights Watchthat Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon are the global leaders giving protection to refugees?).
Here is erudite reporter Tosten Burks at Death and Taxeson Trump White House aid Stephen Miller (LOL! this was my tip-off about the nature of this ‘magazine’):
During a meeting at the White House on Tuesday, Homeland Security officials proposed a 2018 cap of 40,000, the Times reports. Racist booger Stephen Miller has pushed for an even lower cap of 15,000, sources said. No final decision has been made.
This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here.
They say their economy will flounder as they are having a hard time attracting American workers and apparently few Americans are willing to move to Minnesota.
At least this is all out in the open now—-immigration is not about humanitarianism and “American values,” but it is about importing laborers (including Somalis) that big companies don’t have to pay very well.
Seems to me that as more immigrants and refugees pour into Minnesota it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as Americans leave the state due to the tension and cultural upheaval evident in Minneapolis, Rochester, St. Cloud and other smaller burgs.
Minnesota’s increasing reliance on immigrants to fuel its work force can be seen at a unique neighborhood bus stop in Minneapolis.
A stream of workers, many of them Somali refugees, boards a private coach that will take them to the Amazon fulfillment center in Shakopee.
Amazon also arranges for the bus to shuttle workers back to their Cedar-Riverside neighborhood.
This scene plays out every day just outside the Shaqodoon job center. Last month, about 20 people a day — including those who speak little English — were being hired on the spot for packaging jobs and other tasks. They’re earning about $15 an hour or more, said Mohamud Noor, who runs the center.
“This is real,” said Noor, director of the Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota and a candidate for the Minneapolis City Council. “It’s full-time employment with benefits, and it pays well.”
The state’s industry leaders say immigrants are needed to grow Minnesota’s economy and address a labor shortage. But calls for welcoming more immigrants come as the White House and others offer proposals for more restrictive immigrant policies.
Kevin Paap, president of the Minnesota Farm Bureau, said half of the state’s cows are milked by immigrants, including many who aren’t authorized to be in the United States.
“The consumer will have to recognize that the choice is very simple: You’re going to have to allow us to import our labor in agriculture, or you’re going to have to accept importing our food from other countries,” Paap said. [What a scare tactic—importing food!—ed]
I’m no economist, but there might be some other options: first, stop encouraging every kid to go to college with expectations of a 6-figure salary in a white collar job (and by doing so, keep them away from political indoctrination). And, why not a campaign throughout our school system to enhance the image of those working in blue collar fields (heck, have you tried to get a plumber recently!).
Next, pay wages that Americans will find attractive even if it means higher food prices. The reality is we are supplementing those migrant workers’ wages already through welfare. We pay one way or another!
Slow the flow of immigrants who have no intention of assimilating to Minnesota. Those refugees are causing tension and thus further depleting the available MN work force as Americans escape the state. (Gov. Dayton told native Minnesotans to get out!)
Or, consider this, maybe economies in some locations do not need to keep growing especially if growing means more migrants who need housing, food, schools, roads and Walmarts to accommodate them.
Donald’s test could come today!
You can bet that if Donald Trump comes in with a Fiscal Year 18 determination of more than say 10,000-15,000 truly needy persecuted refugees (announcement today?) then you know Paul Ryan, the Chamber of Commerce and some huge global corporations got to him!
The Open Borders Left is working overtime this week to make sure the public knows that America is mean and being led by the meanest president in history.
Here is Human Rights Watch spewing forth on something you need to counter every time you hear it.
But, before I get to that: In the first part of this excerpt (below), I learned something that makes sense. Apparently the administration is arguing that we need to clean out the asylum backlog before bringing in more permanent refugees.
It is the second half of the long paragraph that includes a major talking point of the leftwing open borders advocates and refugee contractor groups.
They say that Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan are ‘welcoming’ more refugees than we do.
But, you need to know this:
We give permanent residence and ultimately citizenship (VOTING rights) to those admitted to the US as refugees (or approved asylum seekers), while….
Those migrants housed (“hosted”!) in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan have no legal citizenship rights; many can’t even work. They only live there temporarily.
So the next time someone throws out this half truth, please correct him or her (LOL! It could be your US Senator or Congressman trying to spin you!).
The administration has sought to justify the decrease in refugee resettlement by arguing that the United States has a backlog of asylum cases. While Human Rights First has documented the negative impact the backlog has on asylum seekers, the organization notes that even if one combined the number of asylum seekers held up in the backlog and the number of refugees proposed today by the administration, the United States’ overall refugee acceptance per capita would pale in comparison to the numbers of those being hosted in front line states. Turkey hosts 35 refugees per 1,000 individuals, Jordan hosts 89 refugees per 1,000, and Lebanon hosts 173 per 1,000. If the United States were to admit only 50,000 refugees, the rate in the United States would only be less than 1 per 1,000, even when including the asylum office backlog, a dismally small number given the worldwide need.
Here is the truth:
The United States takes more permanent refugees/future citizens than any country in the world!
(2015 numbers because this particular news, where America is shown in a favorable light, is hard to find)
See my post on World Refugee Day for links to this data: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2017/06/20/today-is-the-un-designated-world-refugee-day/
Trump is bad for Muslims….
Nothing new! The US has had a religious test for refugees—Jews and some other groups— since 1990, and Frelick knows it!
Also, Human Rights Watch is reporting this week, that the Trump Administration is bad for Muslim refugee admissions.
They are particularly angry with Trump because they claim he is promoting the idea of a religious test (that might favor persecuted Christians!) for admission to the US (gasp!).
Yet they themselves were more than happy to do that very thing—have a religious test—when it came to admitting thousands of Russian Jews and Russian Muslims to the US for over 2 decades!
Here we have Bill Frelick trying to gloss over that fact by suggesting religion was not how they justified their persecution claim. Give me a break!
Here is Frelick:
Historically, the U.S. admissions program has responded to refugees persecuted because of their religious beliefs — recall Soviet Jews, Iranian Baha’is, and Christian “lost boys” of Sudan — but a refugee’s specific faith was less relevantto a person’s rescue than the seriousness of the threat they were under. [What a crock!—ed]
He can’t intellectually (or legally) justify his criticism of a religious test when he and others have been supporting the Lautenberg Amendment since 1990.
On the morning we are getting news that the President is selling out American workers and sacrificing the safety of US citizens by soft talk on the border wall and DACA, we see this announcement.
First, readers may remember that the Heritage Foundation published a dreadful report, here, on the Refugee program demonstrating a total disconnect from what is happening in communities where refugees are secretly dropped off, and now this….
Here (below) we have a panel of bureaucrats and policy wonks who will discuss a bunch of esoteric BS in the Washington swamp about “reforming” the program. I don’t see one serious critic on the panel and not one person who knows what is happening in communities where the refugees are placed.
This is Larry Bartlett from the US State Department who is responsible for admitting refugees to the US. He is standing in front of a map showing more than a hundred resettlement towns and cities. That map from 2015 has since disappeared from the State Department’s WRAPSNET website.
There are several very very good spokesmen for our point of view in Washington who could get over to the Heritage Foundation in a heartbeat—at FAIR, at the Center for Immigration Studies and at NumbersUSA—why isn’t one serious critic of the program on the panel?
These people will suggest tinkering, or worse!
And, to top it off the program is headlined by Larry Bartlett, pro-refugee bureaucrat extraordinaire. Just two of many posts on Bartlett you should review are here and here.
In the first post Bartlett went to Twin Falls, Idaho and told the audience a whopper—that they don’t place refugees in communities that don’t want them—and he went on to say that was not because of sympathy for the townspeople, but for the refugees (he feared for them, that some local yokels might hurt them!) (go here for more).
And, here, we see Bartlett tell Senator Jeff Sessions that communities are consulted, but failed to mention that citizens everywhere were being blocked from attending the “stakeholder” meetings where plans were being made for the community, while representatives of ethnic groups could attend.
Here then is the Heritage panel lineup scheduled for next Wednesday:
This is a screenshot, so links are not ‘hot.’ Here is the 800 number for them: (800) 546-2843
Readers are always asking what they can do. Here is something you can do….
Call Heritage and tell them to stop the propaganda about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.Or, better still tell them to have a follow-up panel of experts who know what real reform should look like! (Don’t hold your breath!).
Because Heritage touts itself as a “conservative think tank” that tells Congress what to think, it is up to you to tell Heritage what you think!
If you have been frustrated where you live about how the US Refugee Program is working (about the lack of transparency, crimes, the cultural upheaval going on, and the cost to taxpayers of welfare, etc) tell Heritage what you think!
Here is the Heritage Foundation contact page if you prefer to comment on line: http://www.heritage.org/contact
Needless to say, Yahoo News (here) is carrying the federal contractors’ water on the issue of the Presidential determination due any day on how many impoverished third worlders we would admit starting on October first.
I don’t want to go over the whole Yahoo story, and if you saw my post this morning, you got the gist of it. (LOL! You might want to check it out for the comments!).
But, this one paragraph made me so mad, I knew I wouldn’t sleep:
Even after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a time of clear national emergency, President George W. Bush set the year’s cap at 80,000 and only paused the system for two months while the country got back on its feet. [They conveniently leave out the extremely low admission numbers that followed.—ed]
You see how they skew the facts to put Donald Trump in the worst light—he is worse even than that Bush they all hated so much, and that is saying something.
Here are the facts about the numbers after 9/11 (couldn’t reporter Flaherty look them up, or did she simply take the word of the advocates who are paid by the head to resettle refugees!)
Look at this data from the 2007 ORR Annual Report to Congress a chart (p.4) showing CEILINGS (aka CAPS) and numbers actually admitted going back to 1983…..
First, that 2001 ceiling of 80,000 was set by Bill Clinton in September of 2000. The 2001 fiscal year began on October 1, 2000. Bush didn’t take office until January 2001.
Yes, Bush suspended the program for a few months (fear of terrorists among the refugees?). (So the precedent for suspending the program already exists.) Then he did set the ceiling at 70,000 the following year.
But what do you see?
In the two subsequent years Bush admitted only 27,070 and 28,117 respectively.
But, Trump is a monster for admitting over 50,000 this year?
And, for any reporters looking for the truth, here is the table since 2007:
I was too lazy to get the chart through this August. This one is posted here: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2017/07/09/supreme-court-is-giving-permission-for-the-refugee-ceiling-to-be-surpassed-for-first-time/
What do you see? The sainted Obama only bumped up his ceiling in the final year of his presidency and even he had two of his eight years in the 50 thousands.
So how about a little honesty from the media from time to time?