Lancaster, PA: Church World Service puts on sob story event, never mentions their federal boodle!

CWS_small2Church World Service, one of the nine major federal resettlement contractors***, paraded ‘refugees’ before the public in a media event designed to put-down the President (and by extension, you, who voted for him!).
This isn’t pick-on-Church-World-Service week, but they seem to be conspicuously out in front leading the Open Borders political activism (along with their friends at HIAS) recently.
See my previous posts, here and here (see if your church is a member of CWS demonstrating with CAIR).
In Lancaster (Amish country) they put on one of many events as part of their first anniversary bash-Trump campaign to gain support for more refugee admissions (for more paying clients for them).
Here is Lancaster Online:

Three years ago, Palestinian writer Emtiaz Zourob said goodbye to her husband and two children and fled Gaza after being warned her life was in danger because of her views.

U.S. authorities granted her asylum and led her to believe her family would be able to join her in Lancaster, where she was resettled.

Palestinian in Lancaster
CWS’s Palestinian poster girl can’t understand how America could have elected “this man.”

Then, with election of Donald Trump as president, Zourob’s hopes for family reunification crashed. [Family reunification=chain migration.—ed]

On Saturday, one year after Trump suspended admittance of people from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Palestinians, Zourob told her story at a Church World Service forum on refugees.

About 60 attended the panel discussion at Lancaster Theological Seminary. Refugees from Congo, Somalia and Sudan also told their stories.

I have a lot of questions about Zourob’s story.  First and foremost she must have gotten in to the US on her own (illegally?) in order to have applied for asylum.  How did she do that? Who paid her way? What is the real story here? And, then if her family is in Egypt (no longer in ‘dangerous’ Gaza) surely she can join them there.
Lancaster Online continues….

Zourob, in an interview, said that in 2016 her husband, son and 10-year-old daughter applied for asylum at the U.S. embassy in Cairo and expected to obtain visas granting them entry. 

Zourob, 37, hoped she would be seeing them soon and told friends in Gaza she liked the United States.

“I told them I feel like I’m home because all the people here, they are very nice with me,” she said. “But after Trump, I’m not sure about this actually, if it’s still my home or not.”

“It’s very difficult to explain, but the American people, they choose this man to lead America,” she said.

Go here for more on CWS’s Lancaster PR campaign.
A Church World Service rep once told me that they get the first refugees planted (no he didn’t use that word) and then follow-up in subsequent years with helping bring in the family.
For additional information see our archive on Lancaster (America’s refugee capital?) by clicking here.

CWS fuck
Do your tax dollars pay for political action by ‘loving’ Christians like this one?

Why is Church World Service really so worked up? 

The answer is that they are paid millions of dollars annually from the federal treasury for their ‘Christian good works’ and Trump is cutting off the money train.
How much exactly are they getting from the Department of State, the Department of Health and Human Services, HUD, Homeland Security, and the Defense Department? You can find out at
First I looked at their federal grants and contracts for FY2008 to FY2018 and this is what I found (screenshot of first page below):
Forget ‘humanitarianism!’ This is about M-O-N-E-Y!
Nearly $450 MILLION since 2008 for Church World Service alone!

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This is just the first page of many pages!

So what did they get (involuntarily) from your wallets in FY2017 (end of Obama and beginning of Trump presidencies.)  Screenshots below are of three pages for FY17:
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Now, see why they are so upset!
Look at USA Spending for the first 3 months of FY18 (Fiscal years begin Oct. 1 of previous year).
For 3 months, only $171,950 in sub-grants!
Yikes! No wonder they are working so hard against this President!
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***Church World Service is just one of the nine (and not one of the largest recipients of your generosity)!  This was so much fun, I think I’ll try to do more of these!
The number in parenthesis is the portion of their budget that you involuntarily pay!

Forget about their pawn Zourob, they cannot survive without federal boodle!