Headline: 25 reasons to end Somali refugee resettlement now

That is the headline yesterday at LeoHohmann.com!
This is a must-read story and a keeper.  Pass it out to friends and family and the next time you attend a public meeting, where refugee advocates will tell you that refugees aren’t terrorists and criminals, have your proof handy.
Hohmann has compiled an eye-popping list of Somali criminals that surely is the tip of the iceberg because we only learn about new cases when some local media outlet has the guts to report on the nationality of an arrested perp, and if the story breaks out of the local community.
Readers need to know that most Somalis in the US are here through the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program or through the chain migration it has spawned. 
So, although it is a good step that the Prez has increased Homeland Security’s vetting process (here), that won’t solve the problem of the children we raised with our tax dollars becoming criminals and Jihadists.
LeoHohmann.com begins with the recent case of the Mall of America stabber who admitted he was attempting to kill for Allah.

Of all the countries on President Trump’s list of 11 banned from sending refugees, Somalia has by far the worst track record of assimilation.

Mall of America jihadist Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham

That ban expired last week and the U.S. will start accepting refugees again from the 11 high-risk nations, although Trump promises a more “extreme” vetting.

Vetting, however, offers few guarantees that the refugees will become good Americans. Many of the Somalis who have run afoul of the law came here as child refugees, making them impossible to vet.

Recently we learned the Somali refugee who knifed two brothers at the Mall of America was not responding to a confrontation over an attempt to steal clothing – a false narrative put out by Bloomington police last November – but actually carried out an unprovoked act of jihad.

How do we know this? He admitted it in late January with a public statement to the court.

In the prepared statement, Mahad Abdiraham said he went to the Mall of America on Nov. 12 to “answer the call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-Baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State.”

That is all I am snipping! You must click here and see the other astounding cases.

Many of the cases are from Minnesota, so if you are on twitter and want to have some fun, use the hashtag #LittleMogadishu .
If you are looking for something to do on a snow day, have a look at my category labelled ‘crimes’ with over 2,000 posts on the subject of immigrant crime in the US and around the world.
Reminder: Over the next few days I will be traveling, so don’t look for new posts here at RRW (after today) until early next week.  I probably won’t be able to post comments either.

Oklahoma Republican Senator Lankford to headline Leftwing World Relief press event today in DC

I wish I had time to write more about this today, but I have an important post to get to from LeoHohmann.com.
James Lankford Huckabee
New readers, especially readers from Oklahoma, need to know that World Relief is a member of the Religious Left and is one of nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.***
In a recent analysis we learned that they are 73% funded from the federal treasury and here they are doing media events in support of the DACA ‘kids’ and in opposition to a Republican President.

Clearly, either Senator Lankford endorses the idea of federally-funded NGOs staging political events (starring him! and using our money?), or his staff is not well-informed.

This is a screen shot of the opening paragraph of World Relief’s press announcement:
Screenshot (192)_LI
More here.
World Relief also has a letter being published in the WaPo today listing pastors who support their open borders view.  I couldn’t find it quickly, but you might look for it and see if your hometown pastors are involved.
If you live in Oklahoma and don’t want your Republican Senator starring in this event, you should let him know. 

He probably thinks it is a political freebie! 

*** These are the nine federal refugee contractors that could not exist without federal funding.
Why is there no law restricting them from lobbying and otherwise putting on agitprop events while living off the federal dole?
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their budget that is funded involuntarily by you, the taxpayer. Does Senator Lankford support politically active supposed religious ‘charities’ living off of all of us?

FAIR: Refugee resettlement costs taxpayers billions; welfare biggest chunk

I’m happy to see that more national immigration control groups are addressing the costly UN/US Refugee Admissions Program!  Where are you Heritage?

muslim-welfare chart
Graphic (using ORR data) is not FAIR’s or Breitbart’s, but is from a 2015 report by then Senator Sessions Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.

John Binder writing at Breitbart tells the latest story here:

Over a five year period, American taxpayers are billed more than $8 billion for the resettlement of thousands of foreign refugees every year, a new study finds.

In research conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), analysts concluded that annual refugee resettlement costs American taxpayers about $1.8 billion a year, and over five years, about $8.8 billion.

FAIR’s research found that of the $1.8 billion annual cost of resettling refugees in the U.S., about $867 million was spent on welfare.

Continue reading here.
And, go here, for FAIR’s report.
Reminder: Over the next few days I will be traveling, so don’t look for new posts here at RRW (after today) until early next week.  I probably won’t be able to post comments either.

President Trump creates new National Vetting Center for US immigrant wannabes

Reminder: Over the next few days I will be traveling, so don’t look for new posts here at RRW (after today) until early next week.
Thanks to reader Cathy for alerting me to this White House Press Release (here in its entirety):
President Trump Addresses The Nation In His First State Of The Union Address To Joint Session Of  Congress

Today, President Donald J. Trump signed a National Security Presidential Memorandum to establish a National Vetting Center (NVC) to coordinate the efforts of departments and agencies to better identify individuals seeking to enter the country who present a threat to national security, border security, homeland security, or public safety.

The NVC, which will be led by the Department of Homeland Security, will help fulfill the President’s requirement that departments and agencies improve their coordination and use of intelligence and other information in the vetting process.

The Federal Government’s current vetting efforts are ad hoc, which impedes our ability to keep up with today’s threats. The NVC will better coordinate these activities in a central location, enabling officials to further leverage critical intelligence and law enforcement information to identify terrorists, criminals, and other nefarious actors trying to enter and remain within our country. The NVC’s operations will adhere to America’s strong protections for individuals’ privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties. The Administration’s top priority is the safety and security of the public, and the NVC will empower our frontline defenders to better fulfill that obligation.

A good first step, but much more needs to be done!
Come on RCUSA, make my day and oppose coordination of vetting that could keep us safer!