Ronald Reagan was NOT responsible for Refugee Act of 1980; fake news from The Salt Lake Trib

No wonder people can’t trust the big print media anymore.
Don’t mainstream media outlets have some responsibility to fact check letters to the editor or can anyone just make up ‘facts’ from history, that are very easy to check, and just throw them out there for the gullible public?

esar met head shot
I looked for a photo of Eric Goldman, but there are too many political activists with that name, but heck, why not illustrate this story with this refugee convicted murderer from Burma resettled in Utah by Catholic Charities or the International Rescue Committee.

Before I get to the letter from someone named Eric Goldman, let me say that there was a time that I wrote in glowing terms about the reporting from The Salt Lake Tribune and that was when they did super reporting on the horrific rape and murder of Hser Ner Moo, a little Christian Burmese refugee, by a fellow refugee from Burma (a likely Rohingya) named Esar Met.
The Salt Lake Tribune actually sent a reporter to the camps in Thailand to get the full story.  But, that was before the Mormon church had drunk the koolaide on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program and began enthusiastically welcoming refugees of all stripes to Utah.
Click here for all of my posts on this Utah murder case that was never thoroughly reported on a national level, but see what a good job the Trib did in its coverage.
(I think it was never widely reported because Esar Met didn’t fit the media image of a refugee—lovable, grateful and hardworking.)
Now back to my beef today with The Salt Lake Tribune…..
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Facebook on the hunt to remove nationalist Burmese patriot monks from their platform

Burma is a Buddhist country and the Buddhists want to keep it that way.
That is the long and short of the battle between nationalist patriot monks and the Rohingya Muslim minority that has been increasingly aggressive in pushing for what they see as their rights.

monks in Burma
Angry monks fighting for their country and their religion!

Of course, the global Left is on the side of the Rohingya and therefore so is Facebook!
I’ve been following the Rohingya controversy for over ten years and the Rohingya are far from being pure as the driven snow having instigated many of the violent conflicts between the government and themselves which has played out in rural villages, but you would never know that to hear the mainstream media spine.
So now we learn that Facebook is hunting for monks on their platform in order to silence them and keep them from going around the biased media with their side of the story.

Burma (aka Myanmar) is far away. Why should Americans care?

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