Pew Research is trying to figure out attitudes in Europe about immigration I suspect to gauge the political mood of the electorate.
Pew on the hunt for Europe’s nationalists…..
I was amused to see that the survey did not ask questions in Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic etc. where they might have found large numbers of respondents blow up the survey with high scores. Including those countries (with huge contrasting pro-nationalism scores) surely also would have encouraged more bravery in Western Europe. Pew wouldn’t want that!
Because I have to move on, I’m just going to give you the bare bones news here, but please look at the survey questions. Glaringly missing, I thought, were any questions along the lines of:
I am not willing to support the welfare needs (housing, healthcare etc) of an ever-increasing number of migrants.
Although there were questions about attitudes about certain lazy workers, there were no questions along the lines of the cost of welfare for a never-ending flow of impoverished third worlders to Europe.
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