Daniel Pipes lists European leaders who could save Western civilization

He doesn’t exactly put it that way. The title of his piece yesterday is simply:

Who Are Europe’s Most Important Politicians?

President of the Middle East Forum, Daniel Pipes is a historian/author with a primary focus on Islam and migration.

Invasion of Europe news….

First Pipes tells us that he had put his faith in Geert Wilders a few years ago, and although he still admires the Dutch politician, he says Wilders perhaps focused too much on the nature of Islam and not enough on what migration generally was doing to the Netherlands and Europe.

Here are a few snips from Pipes’ piece published in the Washington Times yesterday, here, and at the Middle East Forum here:

After expressing admiration and explaining about Wilders, Pipes says….


orban and merkel
Her foolish actions helped create powerful leaders like Hungarian PM Viktor Orban


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In Washington, it is all about the cap! One report: Trump would consider a cap of 5,000 refugees

You might call it refugee ‘cap wrangling season’ as the players in the refugee resettlement circles in Washington jockey for position for the coming fiscal year.

Trump and Pompeo
Everyone is waiting to see what Sec. of State Pompeo will say.

A lot rides on the ceiling, or cap, the President, by law, sets for the coming fiscal year—how many refugees could be admitted and where they might come from. It is a power assigned to the President by then Senator Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter as they pushed through, and Carter ultimately signed, the Refugee Act of 1980.

Besides the push from the Leftwing Open Borders gang for more diversity for America, and Dems for more voters, a lot of federal money for nine federal resettlement contractors*** is at stake.

I hope not to be talking about it every day (see yesterday’s post), but when I saw this Politico story I figured it included a little nugget that you should know about, namely that the President threw out the number 5,000 in last years ‘cap wrangling season.’

Continue reading “In Washington, it is all about the cap! One report: Trump would consider a cap of 5,000 refugees”